Sebagai pembaca setia Harian MEDIA INDONESIA, saya selalu menyimak
berbagai artikel yang tersaji. Salah satu rubrik yang saya sukai adalah
ON THIS DAY. Saya selalu pesan kepada asisten saya untuk mengkliping rubrik 
tersebut. Kini sudah terkumpul beberapa bundel, termasuk catatan sejarah di 
  Pada MEDIA INDONESIA edisi 6 Oktober 2006 lalu termuat kisah Imam Husein AS.  
Namun sayangnya, penggunaan Tahun Hijriah tidak dibarengi dengan pencantuman  
Tahun Masehi, sehingga pembaca musti menghitung-hitung kira-kira pada tahun 
berapa kejadiannya.
Misal 9 Sya'ban tahun keempat Hijriah. Setelah dihitung, tanggal itu 
sama dengan 6 Oktober 583. Bagaimana dengan tahun 50 Hijriah? Setelah 
mengeluarkan kalkulator  baru ketemu bahwa itu terjadi pada tahun 629. 
  Mohon pengasuh MEDIA INDONESIA dapat lebih memberikan kenyamanan kepada para 
pembacanya dengan memberikan sajian yang lengkap. Saya yang beragama Islam saja 
cukup bingung, apalagi yang non-Islam. 
  Para pembaca awam tentu juga bertanya-tanya: Siapa sesungguhnya Yazid 
bin Muawiyah? Saat itu dia penguasa negeri mana? Apakah dia Islam atau 
bukan? Kalau dia Islam, kenapa sesama saudara Muslim kok saling 
berperang? Apa yang diperebutkan? Pengaruh dan kekuasaan?
  Setelah googling kanan kiri, baru ketahuan bahwa Muawiyah (Muawia) 
adalah gubernur Syria. Lalu dimana letak Padang Karbala? Itu juga tak
dijelaskan oleh MEDIA INDONESIA. Setelah lengkap mencari data kanan kiri, baru 
tersimpulkan bahwa keberadaan Ali, Hasan, dan Husein terkait erat dengan 
perpecahan Islam menjadi dua kubu, Sunni dan Shiah.
Yang menarik adalah keterlibatan Aisyah (Aayesha) dalam perseteruan dahsyat 
tersebut. Sebagai catatan, Aisyah adalah istri muda Nabi Muhammad SAW yang 
dinikahi pada usia 12 tahun. Ia ikut perang dan ia juga menolak mayat Hazrat 
Hasan dikuburkan di samping makam Nabi Muhammad. Menurutku, itu sungguh sifat 
yang tidak mulia. Orang yang sudah mati kok masih saja dibenci.
  Terakhir, MEDIA INDONESIA menulis: "Hari kelahiran Imam Husain di Iran 
diperingati sebagai Hari Pasukan Garda Revolusi". Pembaca awam pasti 
akan mengira bahwa Imam Husain lahir di Iran, padahal bukan, walau disebut 
"hari kelahiran". Dari artikel yang saya baca dari sumber lain, Husain lahir di 
Madinah. Mungkin kalimat yang lebih tepat adalah sbb: 
"Di Iran, hari kelahiran Imam Husain diperingati sebagai Hari Pasukan 
Garda Revolusi"
  Setelah beratus-ratus tahun berlalu, permusuhan dua kubu dalam tubuh Islam
itu kembali berulang. Kini Irak berdarah-darah, dan bisa merembet ke wilayah 
lain, misal Iran. 
  Kalau zaman dulu pedang lawan pedang, kini bom dibalas bom. Sepertinya 
perang sesama umat Islam bakal terus berlangsung hingga tibanya hari kiamat 
nanti.  Yang jelas, tak ada yang kalah dan yang menang. Semuanya merugi. 
  Berikut artikel lengkapnya: 
  Imam Husain AS lahir bertepatan pada 9 Sya'ban tahun keempat Hijriah (6 
Oktober 583). Masa-masa indah kehidupan Imam Husain dirasakan saat 
ia hidup bersama kakeknya, Muhammad SAW. Imam Husain tumbuh besar 
dalam sebuah keluarga yang dipenuhi dengan kesempurnaan dan keutamaan 
akhlak. Keberadaan kedua orang tuanya, yaitu Imam Ali AS dan Sayyidah 
Fathimah AS yang merupakan dua manusia utama hasil didikan 
Rasulullah, telah membuat Imam Husain juga menjadi manusia yang 
dipenuhi dengan keutamaan dan makrifat akan hakikat ilahiah. 
  Selama hidupnya, saat Islam dihadapkan kepada bahaya, Imam Husain selalu
tampil sebagai pembela. Setelah saudaranya, Imam Hasan AS, gugur pada 
tahun 50 Hijriah, Imam Husain memegang tampuk kepemimpinan atas umat 
Islam. Pada tahun 61 Hijriah, Imam Husain pun mengikuti jejak kakaknya 
dalam memperjuangkan agama Islam. 
  Pada tahun itu, beliau bersama 72 anggota keluarga dan sahabatnya, bertempur 
melawan ribuan pasukan  Yazid bin Muawiyah di Padang Karbala. Imam Husein 
menolak untuk menyerah kepada penguasa. Dia dan anggota khalifahnya akhirnya 
Kisah tragis gugurnya Imam Husein di Karbala menjadi drama tragedi 
paling pahit dalam sejarah umat manusia. Akan tetapi, kisah ini justru 
menjadi sumber semangat bagi perjuangan melawan kezaliman. Hari 
kelahiran Imam Husain di Iran diperingati sebagai hari Pasukan Garda 
  Media Indonesia - ON THIS TIME -
  Catatan dari saya:
  Untuk lebih memahami artikel pendek dari MEDIA INDONESIA tersebut di atas,
berikut saya sajikan informasi pendukung dari berbagai sumber:
  IMAM ALI AS = Hazrat Aly
Hazrat Aly was born in Mecca in 599 A.D. in the Hashimite family of 
the Arabs. His father was Abu Talib and mother was Fatima bint Asad. 
Hazrat Aly remained in the care of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. He 
married the Prophet's daughter Fatima by whom were born Hazrat Hasan 
and Hazrat Husayn.
  At the time of Hijrah, Hazrat Aly helped the Prophet by remaining 
behind in Mecca in his place. In Medina, he was made the Prophet's 
partner and brother in the new Muslim fraternity (brotherhood). 
Hazrat Aly was a brave young warrior, standard bearer of the Muslim 
army. He fought in almost all the battles of the Prophet.
  The Prophet made his last pilgrimage, Hijjatul-Widdai, in 10 A.H. 
After making his last Hajj, on his way back to Medina, the Prophet 
received the Message of God regarding the declaration of Hazrat Aly as 
his successor and Imam-e-Mubin. The Prophet at once gathered all his 
followers at a place called Ghadeer al-Khumm. Then he declared Hazrat 
Aly as his successor at the same place on 18th of Zul Hijjah, which 
is celebrated by the Shia as the Idd Ghadeer al-Khumm.
  At the time of the Prophet's death in 11th Hijrah, Hazrat Aly 
performed all his funeral ceremonies, while Hazrat Abu Bakr was 
chosen Caliph at a place called Saqifa bani Saida. It is said that 
before the Prophet died, he wanted to make a will but was prevented 
from doing so by Hazrat Umar.
  Hazrat Abu Bakr always consulted Hazrat Aly and received his advice 
regarding the wars. At the time of his death, Hazrat Abu Bakr 
appointed Hazrat Umar as his successor. Hazrat Umar continued to 
consult Hazrat Aly and paid him due respect. Hazrat Aly was one of 
the six members of the Shura (council) appointed by Hazrat Umar at 
the time of his death. However, he was not selected and the Caliphate 
went to Hazrat Uthman. Hazrat Uthman proved to be a very weak ruler, 
partial to his family - the Umayyads, and was killed. Hazrat Aly was 
now recognized as Caliph in Medina in Hijrah 35.
  The Battle of Jamel
  On being recognized as Caliph, Hazrat Aly had to face the opposition 
of Talha, Zubair and Aayesha (the Prophet's wife). There was a battle 
near Basra called the battle of Jamel (camel). In this battle, Hazrat 
Aly won; Talha and Zubair were killed and Aayesha was sent back to 
Mecca in retirement.
  The Battle of Siffin
  Muawia was the governor of Syria and Hazrat Aly wanted to depose him 
from his position. Muawia now raised the banner of revenge for Hazrat 
Uthman. A battle was fought between them at Siffin. When Muawia saw 
that Hazrat Aly's army was about to win, he ordered the raising of 
Qurans on the spears and appealing for arbitration (peace). Hazrat 
Aly was opposed to this but had to accept it on the insistence of a 
section of his army. These very same people, later on, opposed Hazrat 
Aly for accepting the arbitration. They withdrew from his camp and 
were known as the 'Khawarij' for that reason.
  The Battle of Naherwan
  The arbitration was later held at a place called 'Adhruh'. This led 
to confusion and the arbitration court withdrew without any decision. 
In the meantime, the Khawarij became so troublesome to Hazrat Aly that 
he had to proceed against them and defeat them at the battle of 
  Death of Hazrat Aly
  Now Muawia and Hazrat Aly were face to face preparing for a final 
showdown. Muawia was stronger because he had the support of his 
strong Syrian army. They were all well paid and fresh for battle as 
they had done very little fighting in the past. Muawia had almost a 
year of peace to prepare himself. On the other hand, Hazrat Aly's 
army was weak because it consisted of different groups. They were 
opposed to each other and all of them tired after the battles of 
Jamel, Siffin and Naherwan. In spite of this, Hazrat Aly succeeded in 
gathering an army of 40,000 men; but before he could proceed against 
Muawia, who had now declared himself as Caliph, he was killed in the 
mosque of Kufa on 15th of Ramadhan, 40 A.H. (661 A.D.), by a Kharajite 
called Ibn Muljim.
  Hazrat Aly is regarded as the 1st Imam by all the Shias and as the 4th 
Caliph by all Muslims. Imamat has come down from the line of Hazrat 
Aly as Spiritual Leadership as opposed to the temporal leadership of 
the Caliphate, although certain Imams like Hazrat Aly and the Fatimids 
have been Imams as well as Caliphs at the same time.
  Hazrat Aly was not only known for his bravery and courage and for his 
close relationship with the Prophet, but also for his vast learning 
and knowledge, and for his strength of character.
  Ismailis - The Shia of Aly
  "Originally, after the death of the Prophet, the Muslims were united 
and there was no question of Shia and Sunni until after the murder of 
Khalifa Uthman. Then the world of Islam was divided into two branches 
which in Arabic means two Shias, namely two sections, one was known 
as the Shia of Hazrat Aly, the other as the Shia of Muawia. These two 
remained until such time as Imam Hasan made his peace with Muawia 
when Muawia became the undisputed Caliph and the Shias of Muawia 
became the great central stream of Islam and the majority (Sunnis). 
While the Shias of Hazrat Aly remained as the other section (Shias). 
To that section of Hazrat Aly the Ismailis belong.
  "They take the view that as Hazrat Aly having himself cooperated with 
the first three Khaliphs, it is not now for us to judge the first 
three Khaliphs, but to respect their memory as Hazrat Aly himself did 
all his life according to historians even in Persia.
  "We believe that the Imamat belongs to the House of Prophet, but that 
for reasons best known to himself, Hazrat Aly did not raise the 
question during the lifetime of the first three Khaliphs and that is 
good enough for us not to raise the question which he did not raise 
  "In this way, though Shias of Aly, we can sincerely join in the 
prayer that Allah may in His great mercy forgive the sins of all 
  - Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah - Memoirs of Aga Khan, 1950
  Hazrat Hasan
  Early Life
Hazrat Hasan was born in Medina on 15th Ramadhan, 3 Hijra. He was a 
great favourite of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, whom 
he resembled very much. He was a handsome man with artistic tastes 
and a quiet temperament. He had eight sons and seven daughters. He 
was kind, generous and hospitable.
  The Caliphate
  Hazrat Hasan succeeded to the Caliphate on his father, Hazrat Aly's 
death on 17th Ramadhan, 40 A.H. (661 A.D.), at the age of 36. On his 
succession to Caliphate, Muawia challenged him and led an army against 
him. The main part of Hazrat Hasan's 40,000 troops under his personal 
command, was stationed in Medina, where a part of Muawia's army met 
him. Hazrat Hasan's commander Qays bin Saad and his uncle Ibne Abbas 
led an army of 12,000 men against Muawia's main forces at Maskin.
  Muawia bribed lbne Abbas and won him over but failed to attempt Qays 
bin Saad. Mughira bin Shaba was sent by Muawia to Hazrat Hasan for 
negotiations. He spread the rumour that Hazrat Hasan had agreed to 
surrender. Some of Hazrat Hasan's men got excited by this rumour and 
attempted to kill him.
  Hazrat Hasan being betrayed by his uncle and disgusted with the 
attitude and the disunity among his own men, decided to surrender. 
An agreement was confirmed between Muawia and Hazrat Hasan on the 
condition that Muawia should not be succeeded by his son Yazid.
  Death of Hazrat Hasan
  For nine years more, Hazrat Hasan lived a quiet life of retirement at 
Medina. After repeated attempts of Muawia to get Hazrat Hasan 
poisoned, he finally succeeded. Hazrat Hasan was poisoned by his wife 
Asama who was offered marriage to Yazid by Muawia, but when the deed 
was done, Muawia did not fulfil his promise.
  Aayesha refused Hazrat Hasan to be buried near the tomb of the 
Prophet; therefore, he was buried near the tomb of his mother, Hazrat 
Fatima. Hazrat Hasan died in Medina in 50 A.H., at the age of 47.
  Mowlana Husayn 2nd Imam - (40 A.H. - 61 A.H.)
  Early Life
  Hazrat Imam Husayn was born at Medina in 4 A.H. He was born one year 
after the birth of Hazrat Hasan, though it is also maintained that he 
was born together with Hazrat Hasan. He was born pre-mature. When 
Hazrat Aly died, he was about 35 years old and he was 45 years old 
when Hazrat Hasan died.
  Opposition to Muawia
  Imam Husayn kept his peace with Muawia and did not claim Caliphate 
according to the agreement between Muawia and Hazrat Hasan. Only in 
the last year of his life, when Muawia began to prepare for the 
succession of his son Yazid, that Imam Husayn showed opposition to 
Muawia. One fact remains clear and certain that on the death of 
Muawia, in 60 A.H., Imam Husayn did not pay his allegiance to Yazid 
and began preparing for a showdown with him, particularly because of 
the insistence and support of the provinces. Opposition to Yazid was 
due to the fact that Yazid was not considered capable of bearing the 
responsibility of the Muslim Empire due to his bad character.
  Invitation from Kufa
  The most insistent invitation to Imam Husayn came from Kufa and he 
decided to go there. Imam Husayn was very keen on going to Kufa, 
although it was an open country, whose people were divided in their 
support, and where a very able and a cruel governor of Yazid, namely 
Ibne Ziyad was in charge. However, it was the shortest cut to success, 
or failure, and Imam Husayn courageously decided to risk it.
  Muslim bin Aqil
  Imam Husayn first sent his cousin, Muslim bin Aqil, to prospect the 
situation there and to report to him whether he should go to Kufa or 
not. It is also mentioned that certain agents of Kufa's governor had 
pretended to be followers of Imam Husayn and had insisted on inviting
him to Kufa. Therefore, as a cautious step, Muslim bin Aqil's visit 
was the most proper thing. Muslim bin Aqil gathered many supporters 
and remained in hiding, moving from place to place. The governor knew 
of this but did not touch him purposely, because he wanted Imam Husayn 
to come to Kufa where he could trap him. As soon as Muslim bin Aqil 
wrote to Imam Husayn to come immediately, the governor took action 
against him. He got him arrested and tortured him to death.
  Journey to Kufa
  Relying on the report sent to him, Imam Husayn started his journey to 
Kufa. As he expected his army to be recruited in Kufa, he took with 
him only his family members and friends who volunteered to go with 
him. On his way, he met a few messengers of the governor of Kufa, who 
pretended to be the followers of Muslim bin Aqil, and they urged him 
to proceed to Kufa.
  The Tragedy of Karbala
  Imam Husayn reached the plain of Karbala, a little distance away from 
the River Euphrates, on the other side of which lay Kufa. There he saw 
the army of Yazid under Umar bin Saad, who prevented Imam Husayn's 
men from approaching water, as well as from going back to Medina. Imam 
Husayn's camp remained under seige for a long period of time, 
therefore, many of his men died of thirst. Even the sons of Imam 
Husayn, whom he tried to take to the river for drinking water, were 
wounded by arrows from the enemy, and died in Imam Husayn's arms.
  Many of Imam Husayn's relatives died in actual fighting. During this 
battle, the standard bearer of the Imam, his half brother, Hazrat 
Abbas, showed such heroism before he died, that to this day, he is 
the inspiring hero of all Shia soldiers. His tomb in Karbala is next 
to that of Imam Husayn, an important shrine for the pilgrimage.
  Imam Husayn died on the 10th Muharram 61 A.H. 87 people died with him; 
among them were his eldest son and sons of Hazrat Hasan. The brothers 
of Imam Husayn who were killed in this battle were all sons of Hazrat 
Aly, but not of Fatima. There were 33 strokes of the lance and 34 
blows of the sword on his body. Umar bin Saad ordered his horsemen to 
trample Imam Husayn's body underneath their horses' feet because he 
had lost 88 men in the conflict.
  The man who gave Imam Husayn the fatal blow was an Arab, known as 
Shimar. It was this man who cut off Imam's head and took it to the 
governor of Kufa. The body of Imam Husayn was buried in Karbala where 
today there is an important shrine, and it is the centre of pilgrimage 
for all Shias. After Mecca and Medina, Najaf and Karbala are considered 
to be the most sacred places by the Muslims.
  As for Imam Husayn's head, it was taken to the governor, who sent it 
to Yazid at Damascus. Yazid struck it on the mouth and said, "We have 
taken the lives of those who were dear to us but who became 
rebellious and unjust." Abu Barza al Aslami, who was sitting near 
Yazid, protested by saying, "Withdraw your hand, for, have I not seen 
the mouth of the Prophet on this mouth, in a kiss?"
  The survivors of Imam Husayn's family were brought before Yazid. Yazid 
had already become unpopular for the brutal killing of Imam Husayn. 
Therefore, he did not want to anger the people more by killing these 
survivors, so he sent them back to Medina.
  Thus ended the life and career of Imam Husayn, the Martyr (Shaheed) of 
Karbala. He died and sacrificed his family so that his followers and 
the Muslim nation may be saved from the Ummayyad rulers. Imam Husayn 
was 55 years old when he died.

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