
Pembacaaan karya-karya Amol Titus
Darkness at Bamiyan dan Reflections on the Human

Jumat, 1 Desember, 2006 @ 7pm 

di (ak.’sa.ra)
Jl. Kemang Raya no. 8B
Jakarta Selatan
021- 7199 283

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Titus will share literary insights from his critically
acclaimed book Darkness at Bamiyan that was presented
at the 2006 Ubud Writers Festival. The book, written
in the form of an epic length poetic dialogue between
the famous Buddhist statues of Bamiyan Afghanistan
(destroyed in March 2001) explores certain facets of
the human condition such as uncertainty, materialism,
ritualism, dogma, guilt, anger and separation. It is a
tale of companionship, communication, hope, despair
and eventually tragedy.

Reviewing the work, Trisha Sertori of The Jakarta Post
(‘Destruction births resurrection’ dated 29 October
2006) has written “epic poetry is one of the
foundations of great literature worldwide.  It is a
very difficult genre demanding great focus and surety
of touch, skill possessed by Amol Titus.” Another
reader, a senior journalist William Powell from
Cambridge in England, has remarked “ you may in some
sense have saved them for posteritu just as Percy
Bysshe Shelley did with the great Theban monolith he
called Ozymandias.  Bamiyan has a prophetic
Milton-like quality which is very welcome in today’s

Forming an evocative backdrop to the event will be a
series of black and white ink sketches that were
prepared by the author.  He regards sketching as a
complementary art form that allows him to communicate
through another dimension. The sketches, not for
commercial sale, are only occasionally displayed as
backdrops to his readings/ festival participations and
this is a rare opportunity to view the collection that
will be displayed in the bookstore from December ….

Indian born Amol Titus has a formal degree in English
Literature from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, and he
is a past recipient of the Jawaharlal Nehru
scholarship for post graduate studies. Apart from
Darkness at Bamiyan his other works include A Summit
at Jungfraujoch and Modern Traumas.  He is currently
finalaing a novel set in Sri Lanka and a collection of
poetry on Indonesia and India.  He is also a columnist
for The Jakarta Post and Tempo.  He has combined his
passion for writing with a career in management and
resides in Indonesia since 1998. His website
www.amoltitus.com provides more information on his
creative endeavors.

Amol Titus’ titles are available in (ak.’sa.ra) Kemang

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