Untuk di Indonesia, siapa saja yang (sudah) dibayar, ayo acungkan tangan?
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Farid Gaban
Date: Jan 4, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: ExxonMobil Menyuap 140 Lembaga "Think-Tank"?

Group: ExxonMobil paid to mislead public

Wed Jan 3, 2:15 PM ET

ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between
1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by
discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned
Scientists asserted Wednesday.

The report by the science-based nonprofit advocacy group mirrors
similar claims by Britain's leading scientific academy. Last
September, The Royal Society wrote the oil company asking it to halt
support for groups that "misrepresented the science of climate change."

ExxonMobil did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the
scientific advocacy group's report.

Many scientists say accumulating carbon dioxide and other
heat-trapping gases from tailpipes and smokestacks are warming the
atmosphere like a greenhouse, melting Arctic sea ice, alpine glaciers
and disturbing the lives of animals and plants.

ExxonMobil lists on its Web site nearly $133 million in 2005
contributions globally, including $6.8 million for "public information
and policy research" distributed to more than 140 think-tanks,
universities, foundations, associations and other groups. Some of
those have publicly disputed the link between greenhouse gas emissions
and global warming.

But in September, the company said in response to the Royal Society
that it funded groups which research "significant policy issues and
promote informed discussion on issues of direct relevance to the
company." It said the groups do not speak for the company.

Alden Meyer, the Union of Concerned Scientists' strategy and policy
director, said in a teleconference that ExxonMobil based its tactics
on those of tobacco companies, spreading uncertainty by
misrepresenting peer-reviewed scientific studies or cherry-picking facts.

Dr. James McCarthy, a professor at Harvard University, said the
company has sought to "create the illusion of a vigorous debate" about
global warming.


On the Net:

Union of Concerned Scientists: http://www.ucsusa.org

ExxonMobil: http://www.exxonmobil.com/corporate

Copyright (c) 2007 The Associated Press.

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