By Gola Gong

Translated by Diday Tea!

When I was a child, I dreamed to be a pilot. In fact, My parents were
teachers. So, adagium that "like father like son" or "fruits  fell will
not be fell down far from the tree"' was broken here.That was only
myths.In the eleventh age, because my right brain was too active
resulting from often read and watched the film, I must give my left
hands unwillingly was amputated by the elbow (1974). At that time I
jumped from the tree; imagined that I was a sky diver, but without any

            When I got matur,e my dream changed. Even "the fruit fell
much more far away from the tree".In 1988 I chose the profession of a
writer (the reporter, the writer, the writer of TV script), because not
make it a problem about my body disablement. Since then my profession
had improved to the speaker in being a lecturer in writing (fiction and

          My teenage self dreamed of becoming Rabindranath Tagore with
Santi Niketan.I sat under the tree, read out poetry and prose to
children.Or Ki Hajar Dewantoro with the Taman Siswa (Student's Garden);
ing ngarso sung tulodho ing madyo mangun karso tut wuri handayani (a
proverb ofJavanese language.The teacher was the leader who gave the good
model. Also active, creative, constructive, and productive.He prepared
followed the pupil from behind while leading him.The concept of his
education acknowledged is acknowledge the child's right for independence
to grow and develop in accordance with the talent and his nature. In the
development of the child's contemporary psychology, Howard Gadrner
popularized the compound intelligence term (multiple intelligences),
where each kids could having more than one intelligence and the talent.

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