terimakasih atas tanggapan pak Danardono dan mbak
Listy. Mencoba menjawab pertanyaan pak Danardono,
mengenai 'profil', peran atau 'misi' yang kiranya
akan dibawakan oleh tokoh seperti Dr. Murad Hofmann 
(MH) ini:

* saya pertama (dan terakhir) mendengarkan ceramah
  beliau di aula KBRI Bonn - atas undangan mahasiswa
  muslim indonesia - di tahun 1998. Sayang, waktu
  itu mungkin karena belum begitu 'mengenal' beliau,
  dan belum begitu paham bhs. jerman, saya enggak
  banyak nangkep isinya :)

* saya juga baru pernah membaca 1 buku beliau dari
  sekian banyak buku beliau lainnya sehingga belum
  merasa bisa "nangkep" profil pemikirnnya.

* tapi setelah membaca resensi buku MH yang terbaru(?):
  "Islam-2000" yang ditulis oleh salah seorang pembacanya
  saya coba-2 me"raba" profil pemikiran beliau.

  ( a) Sebagian 'daftar-peran' yg. ditulis pak Danardono
       saya kira (tentu saja) benar, yaitu harapan bahwa
       MH akan bisa menjadi semacam "jembatan" antara
       Islam dan Barat. Mungkin ya semacam * Tariq Ramadan *
       tapi ber-etnik eropa "pribumi".

       Di dalam buku tersebut MH nampaknya secara eksplisit
       menyebutkan (salah satu misinya): mengajak Ummat Islam
       "melakukan perbaikan ke dalam" agar bisa membuktikan
       bahwa thesis Samuel Huntington: mengenai clash between
       civilizations ( barat >< islam ) itu salah.

       Tetapi menjadi "penengah" seperti ini ya tentu saja
       ada peluang positif tapi juga ada resiko ("negatif")

        => peluang positifnya, ybs mungkin bisa "mempertemukan"
           atau setidak-2 nya mengurangi jurang/kesalahpahaman
           yang memisahkan kedua belah pihak yang dicoba di"tengahi"

        => resiko negatifnya, ybs. bisa jadi malah "dimusuhi"
           oleh kedua belah pihak - setidak-2 nya oleh elemen-2
           "keras" yang biasanya ada di kedua belah pihak yang

               -> Oleh pihak barat yang "fanatik" dengan pandangan
                  hidupnya, orang seperti Murad Hofman dan Tarik
                  Ramadan bisa dicap sebagai "fundamentalist" yang
                  punya "agenda" hendak "meng islamkan" eropa :)
                  dan memang tuduhan semacam ini sudah dialami
                  oleh kedua beliau di atas ... :)

               -> oleh pihak muslim "garis keras", orang seperti
                  Murad Hofmann dan Tarik Ramadan dipandang "masih
                  terlalu akomodatif" dengan nilai-2 barat, kurang
                  "tegas" mengungkapkan "the true identity" of

                  Komentar semacam itu yang mengritik Tarik Ramadan
                  pernah saya dengar sendiri dari seorang imigran
                  Muslim di Eropa. Untuk pak Murad, entah ya, apakah
                  juga akan ada kritik serupa (?).

     (b)  Yang penting saya garis bawahi adalah bahwa orang-2
          seperti Tarik Ramadan akan bersikap kritis ke kedua
          belah pihak: kritik terhadap 'peradaban barat/eropa'
          saat ini, tetapi juga kritik terhadap berbagai
          kelemahan yang ada pada ummat islam.

     (c)  Baru kali ini saya memperhatikan: Salah satu "agenda"
          Murad Hofmann, nampaknya adalah mempromosikan sistem
          ekonomi yang islami yang dia yakin akan bisa memperbaiki
          kekurangan yang ada pada sistem ekonomi kapitalis barat.

          komentar saya: 
          kalau Hofmann bermaksud mengritik sistem
          ekonomi kapitalis, saya rasa kritik tsb. lebih layak 
          di alamatkan ke Amerika dan bukan ke Eropa yang umumnya
          ( secara ke "dalam" ) masih berusaha menerapkan
          sistem "sosialis"

          ( meskipun makin lama terasa semakin "berat" - a.l. akibat
            berubahnya struktur demografi masyarakat eropa - gimana
            mo menerapkan sistem "welfare state" kalo penduduknya 
            di dominasi manusia usia "jompo" - karena penduduk
            "pribumi"nya ogah punya anak?  :)  ).

     (d)  Ada satu hal kecil yang bagi saya terasa mengganjal:
          Menurut resensi buku tsb. Salah satu kelemahan ummat
          islam yang di identifikasi oleh Murad Hofmann adalah
          "takut dengan teknologi": Weleh, dari mana pak Murad
          bisa punya penilaian semacam itu?

          Saya melihat satu-2 nya "jenis teknologi" yang
          dianggap "kontroversial" atau "beresiko" akan
          "compromising" thd. nilai-2 ke islaman adalah
          teknologi komunikasi dan informasi ( misalnya
          tayangan "porno" lewat satellite-TV atau internet ).
          Tapi toh faktanya 10 tahun terakhir ini jumlah
          stasiun TV dan situs-2 internet di dunia muslim 
          juga terus bertambah.
     (e)  Last but not least, nambahin info mengenai "CV"
          pak Murad Hofmann: ternyata beliau mendapat gelar
          Doktor dari Universitas Munich (1957), lalu setelah
          itu masih menyempatkan sekolah lagi di Harvard USA,
          dan mendapat gelar Master di bidang American Law di 
          tahun 1960.


      Isi resensi buku "Islam 2000" saya cantumkan di bawah

      --------( IM )------------------------------


Islam for the New Millennium

Former German Diplomat Murad Hofmann suggests 
amendments in Muslim attitudes to avert the 
Huntingtonian prophesies


"Islam 2000"
Murad Hofmann
Amana Publications 
Beltsville, Maryland, USA 
Price not stated, Pages 72 
Reviewed by Maqbool Ahmed Siraj

Former German diplomat Murad Hoffman's "Islam 2000" 
must be read by all those who had felt incensed after 
reading Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilization. 
Having served as Germany's ambassador in Algeria 
and Morocco, the author has come up with this book 
in response to dual challenges of averting conflict 
between the West and Islam on one hand, and presenting 
Islam to a West that has grown sterile of any ideology, 
on the other. 

The Western civilization has lost its ideological 
moorings. Current concept of Jesus Christ being 
`son of God' prevents the regeneration of Europe 
as the Christian world has grown convinced during 
the last 200 years that divinity of Jesus is 
untenable. This largely explains the agnosticism 
and atheism. 

Sense of victory in the West in the wake of the 
collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union proved 
short-lived. Wars and ethnic cleansing in the heart 
of Europe, exploitation of environment by trans-
nationals and excessive consumerism made the objective 
of the West-propelled Liberalization obvious. Faith 
in God has been replaced by faith in `progress'. 

So an average Westerner expects all the people to 
wear jeans, drink colas, smoke Marlboros, eat 
hamburgers, watch CNN and be proforma members of 
some Christian church. But Muslim worldview is 
that people should live as believers, not merely 
citizens, technology to be devoid of its dehumanizing 
aspects, and subservience to one God not to beauty, 
power, sex, technology and NASDAQ. 

The West is not bothered as long as the individuals 
in the West adopt faiths of folkloristic value such 
as Buddhism or Shintoism, anything other than Islam. 
In fact, Islam is the only religion that cannot count 
on benign neglect or sincere toleration. Some of the 
reasons why Islam has been associated with intolerance, 
are the creation of the Muslims alone. 

Events in Libya or Iran or invasion of Kuwait are a 
few among them. Moreover, Islam is nowhere seen fully 
in practice and the Islamic economy model is nowhere 
in operation. And thirdly because the West largely 
remains unaware of the contributions of Islam to 
science and arts in as much as, "To be ignorant about 
Islam and its culture, in Europe or the United States, 
is not yet considered a lack of education. 

In order to defuse the explosive situation between two 
sides of the Mediterranean, Hoffman urges Muslims to 
initiate reforms aimed at removing illiteracy and fear 
of technology. 

In order to defuse the explosive situation between two 
sides of the Mediterranean, Hoffman urges Muslims to 
initiate reforms aimed at removing illiteracy and fear 
of technology, (technopobia to be precise) from among 
Muslims. Some of the observations are significant. 

Memorizing the holy Quran during the early years of 
Islam was beneficial because this was the only means 
for Islam to survive intact in the age of brutal 
suppression. But this has its drawbacks. Invariably 
everywhere, Muslim pupils try to learn their lessons 
by-heart. This smothers capacity to analyse. It was 
Muslim Spain that gave to the world its first windmills. 

But today if the water toilets do not function, one 
has to understand that he is in a Muslim country. 
The author dismisses the so-called efforts of Islamization 
of Knowledge as misguided. He instead urges effort to create 
scientists who are true Muslims. 

Western perception of women in Islam being suppressed 
is often reinforced by how Muslim interpreters chose 
to interpret the Quranic verse Ar-Raijalu Qawwamuna 
Alan Nisa (generally translated as `Men are placed 
above women' in the Muslim world, while German diplomat 
Leopold Muhammad Asad renders it as `Men shall take 
full care of women'). 

The Quran and the Sunnah do not prescribe once and 
for all, any specific form of state or method of election. 
A Muslim parliamentary democracy will neither be theocratic 
nor secular, but rather an ideological, state, with the 
Quran as its supreme law. Pleading for riba to be treated 
as `usury' and not `interest', he says, the verses regarding 
the abolition of riba are flaunted as magic wand for 
Islamizing the economy. 

The abolition of riba can happen only in an economy that 
is already Islamized. At any rate, all non-Muslim states 
also honour some supreme statute which at least in part, 
is not subject to possible revision. So on the question of 
state and government, the Muslims should not hide or fumble, 
but when challenged on the question of democracy, republicanism 
or separation of power, they should assure their challengers 
that none of these concepts is, by nature, foreign or inimical 
to Islam. 

He also advises that Muslims should squarely admit that the 
Islamic economy will not be, cannot be and does not want 
to be as profitable, or as competitive as the Western economy, 
because Islam does not treat man as an economic animal and 
is not merely for maximization of profits, optimization of 
production and minimization of costs, the capitalist mantras. 

The Muslim world suffers from monumental public relations 
deficit. Undeniably, quite a lot of Islamic literature is 
shipped to the Western countries from Muslim sources. Alas, 
most of this material is ineffective because of low quality 
of paper, faulty English and incredible amounts of printing 
mistakes. This kind of dawah effort suffers even more by its 
approach: Usually it preaches to the converted. 

But in order to carry out all these prescriptions, the 
Muslim world is called upon to avoid confusing religion 
and the civilization of Islam, fundamental and marginal 
aspects, tradition and taqlid, sound and fabricated hadiths, 
shariah and fiqh and the Quran and the sunnah. 

Steeped in the Western rationalism, Murad Hoffman's 
prescriptions need to be read with utmost attention 
by all in the Muslim world and appreciated for its 
candour, depth of insight and sympathy that this 
neo-Muslim has developed for Islam. 


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