bismi-lLah wa-lhamdu li-lLah wa-shshalatu wa-ssalamu 'ala rasuli-lLah
wa 'ala alihi wa ashhabihi wa ma-wwalah, amma ba'd, assalamu 'alaikum
wa rahmatu-lLahi wa barakatuH.

tuk mereka2 yang suka pake kohl.
hatiiii2 dech, ya hati2 azza dech mereka2 yang suka pake kohl, ituuu
tuch yang tuk celak mata.
baca dibawah!

wa bi-lLahi-ttaufiq wa-lhidayah, subhanaka-lLahumma wa bihamdiKa
asyhadu alla Ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruKa wa atubu ilaiK. 
wassalamu 'alaikum

Warning Against Using Kohl, Kajal, & Surma

Health and Behaviour



Press Release # 027-07 Thursday, April 26, 2007

Products called "Kohl," "Kajal," and "Surma" Can Damage the Brain and
Nervous System

NEW YORK CITY – April 26, 2007 – The New York City Health
Department today warned New Yorkers that certain imported eye cosmetics
contain high levels of lead and should not be used. These
cosmetics—called kohl, kajal, and surma—are imported from
Asia, Africa and the Middle East and can be purchased at neighborhood
stores throughout New York City .

In recent months, the Health Department has investigated five lead
poisoning cases among children and pregnant women who used these
products. They can cause lead poisoning when accidentally ingested.
Children are at special risk because they may put hands in their mouths
after touching these cosmetics on their faces. Lead is a toxic metal
that damages the brain, nervous system, kidneys and reproductive
system. Lead poisoning can also cause problems in pregnancy and can
lead to learning and behavior problems in young children.

The Health Department recently tested different kohl, kajal, and surma
products purchased from stores in New York City . Most of the sampled
products had lead concentrations exceeding the federal recommended
limit of 10 parts per million (ppm) for lead in certain cosmetic
additives. The following products were found to contain excessive
levels of lead:
Hashmi Surma Special
Made in Pakistan , 47% lead (468,708 ppm) 
"Pure Kohl from the Waters of ZamZam"
Manufacturer information not listed, 36% lead (362,419 ppm) 
Hashmi Kohl Aswad
Made in Pakistan , contains 27% lead (272,353 ppm) 
Hashmi Kajal
Made in Pakistan , contains 4% lead (41,298 ppm)

These products come in many varieties, any of which may contain lead.
It is not possible to tell the difference between safe and dangerous
brands because lead is not listed as an ingredient on the label. These
products are banned by the FDA and have been imported illegally. They
should all be considered unsafe.

"We urge New Yorkers not to use any products that contain lead," said
Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas R. Frieden. "Lead is poisonous and can
cause serious health problems, especially for children and pregnant
women. If you are using these products, stop using them immediately and
call a doctor to request a blood lead test."

The sale of toxic personal products is prohibited under New York City
Health Code. The Health Department is working with distributors and
storeowners to remove these products from their shelves.

The Health Department has ordered distributors and storeowners selling
kohl, kajal, or surma products to:
Immediately stop selling the products. 
Remove them from shelves and inventory stockrooms. 
Package and return the products to the distributors. 
Dispose of products as required by law. 
Post a warning sign advising customers to stop using these products.

The Health Department advises people who may have obtained and used
these products to:
Immediately stop using these products. 
Call a physician to request a blood-lead test. 
Keep products away from children.

Call 212-POISONS (212-764-7667) for additional information on imported
eye cosmetics that contain lead or to report locations where these
products are sold. More information is also available at: gov/html/ doh/html/ lead/lead- import-eyecos. shtml.

Andrew Tucker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sara Markt ([EMAIL PROTECTED] gov/html/ doh/html/ lead/lead- import-eyecos. shtml
Kohl, Kajal and Surma Products Containing Lead

Information about imported kohl, kajal and surma products found to
contain high levels of lead
What are kohl, kajal and surma? 
Why is lead dangerous? 
How does lead from kohl, kajal or surma get into the body? 
Which types of kohl, kajal and surma contain lead? 
How can I know if my kohl, kajal or surma contains lead? 
What should I do if I have used kohl, kajal or surma?
What are kohl, kajal and surma?

Kohl, kajal and surma are eye cosmetics imported from Asia, Africa and
the Middle East . Some of these products contain lead. Some people
using these products have suffered lead poisoning.
Why is lead dangerous?

Lead is a poisonous metal that can damage the brain, nervous system,
reproductive system, kidneys and other parts of the body. Children and
pregnant women who use products containing lead are especially at risk.
How does lead from kohl, kajal or surma get into the body?

When a person uses these products, some of the kohl, kajal or surma can
get onto the hands. The user may then ingest the lead through
hand-to-mouth contact. Some lead may also be absorbed through the eyes.
Which types of kohl, kajal and surma contain lead?

There are many varieties and manufacturers of kohl, kajal and surma.
Any of them can contain lead. Recently, the New York City Health
Department found the following products to be contaminated:
Hashmi Surma Special, made in Pakistan 
Hashmi Kajal, made in Pakistan 
Hashmi Kohl Aswad, made in Pakistan 
"Pure Kohl From the Waters of ZamZam" 
How can I know if my kohl, kajal or surma contains lead?

It is difficult for users of these products to tell the difference
between safe and dangerous brands. A product may contain high levels of
lead even if lead is not listed as an ingredient on the label.
What should I do if I have used kohl, kajal or surma?
Immediately stop using these products. 
Call a physician to request a blood test for lead. 
Keep products away from children. 
Call 311 or 212 POISONS (212-764-7667) for more information about lead
in kohl, kajal or surma. Interpretation services are available. 
Copyright 2007 The City of New York

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