Questions for Robert

Joseph E. Stiglitz

Paul Wolfowitz’s resignation from the World Bank solved
one problem, but brought another to light. When Wolfowitz’s name was first
mentioned as a candidate to lead the world’s premier development bank, the idea
that the architect of America’s
failure in Iraq
would be so rewarded was met by incredulity. But President George W. Bush had,
from the beginning of his administration, sought to undermine multilateral
institutions and agreements. Wolfowitz’s nomination seemed to be part of that

Should Bush, a lame duck president with little support at
home and less abroad, now be allowed to appoint the next World Bank president?
Bush has already demonstrated his lack of judgment. Why give him another

The arguments against the “old boy” system – by which the
United States appoints the head of the World Bank and Europe the head of the
IMF – are especially compelling today How effective can the Bank be in
promoting good governance and fighting corruption if its president is chosen in
a process that demonstrates flaws in its own governance? How credible will an
anti-corruption message be when delivered by an appointee of what is considered
one of the most corrupt and incompetent administrations in US

Interestingly, as several heads of US Congressional
committees have pointed out, it is in America’s interest for the Bank to be led
by the most qualified person, selected in an open and transparent process,
regardless of nationality, gender, or race. This requires a change in how its
president is chosen, and, at Congressional hearings on the World Bank – the
first in 13 years – I, like everyone who testified, called for this key reform.

Presidential appointments to senior posts in America’s
government are subject to open hearings. Regardless of whether the old boy
system is preserved – but especially if it is – the Bank’s Board should
likewise conduct open hearings on Bush’s nominee to succeed Wolfowitz. Here are
some of the questions – with some hints at right and wrong answers – that it
should ask any proposed candidate for the Bank’s presidency, including Bush’s
nominee, Robert Zoellick: 

Do you believe that the president of the World Bank should
put the interests of developing countries first? Will you press for Europe
and America to
eliminate their agricultural subsidies? Will you advocate a development round
that emphasizes liberalization of labor markets more than capital markets,
elimination of non-tariff barriers that keep developing countries’ goods out of
advanced industrial countries, and abolition of so-called “escalating tariffs,”
which impede development? Will you be open to research even when that research
shows that policies of the advanced industrial countries may, at least in some
circumstances, not be in the interests of developing countries? 

During James Wolfensohn’s presidency of the Bank, there
was a change in philosophy. We encouraged research-based policies, even when
that research was critical of policies being pushed by certain advanced
industrial countries and by some in the Bank. When our research showed that
certain policies (like agricultural subsidies) were hurting developing
countries, we publicized the findings, helping to redefine the debate. 

Will you support the initiative of developing countries to
have a development-oriented intellectual property regime? 

What separates developing countries from developed
countries is not only the gap in resources, but also a gap in knowledge. The
Bank should be viewed, in part, as a Knowledge Bank, and it should advocate
reforms that enhance developing countries’ access to knowledge. Access to
generic medicines is essential if developing countries, with their limited
budgets, are to improve the health of the poor. TRIPs, the intellectual
property provisions of the Uruguay
round, were designed to reduce access to generic medicines – and they
succeeded. But as bad as TRIPs are, the bilateral trade agreements that Bush
has been pushing are worse. Any candidate claiming to represent the interests
of developing countries must distance himself from these policies. 

Will you work to redefine the criteria by which countries
get access to funds? 

Today, money goes to countries that are neither most in
need nor can most effectively use it. Complying with current orthodoxies – for
example, on privatization and liberalization – can earn you points on “good
governance,” and thus increase aid allocations—even when they reduce true aid

Do you think countries that are corrupt should be cut off
from funding? If so, will do you so in a consistent way? If not, how should the
Bank respond? Will you support a comprehensive anti-corruption agenda,
including closing down secret bank accounts? 

One of the flaws of Wolfowitz’s anti-corruption agenda
that expansion or continuation of aid for countries favored by the Bush
administration, like Iraq or Pakistan, was pushed, regardless of how corrupt
they were, while there was little tolerance elsewhere. Problems with Uzbekistan
were overlooked – until it fell out of favor with the US.

Likewise, the Bush administration opposed the OECD
initiative to restrict bank secrecy – until it realized that secret bank
accounts help finance terrorists. Since then, it has shown that it can close
secret bank accounts, but has chosen to do so only for terrorists. 

Do you think the World Bank should do more to encourage
countries to adopt core labor standards? 

Not only has the Bank not been active in promoting these
globally agreed standards, there is a concern that the Bank discourages
collective bargaining and protections for workers when it talks about “flexible
labor markets” and conditions that are conducive to private investment. 

The old boy system of choosing the head of the World Bank
must go. It has done enough damage. But if the advanced industrial countries
that control the Bank refuse to stand by their principles, at least they should
give a nod to greater transparency. The world should know what it is getting.
Open hearings would be a step in the right direction. 

** Joseph Stiglitz is a
Nobel laureate in economics. His latest book is Making Globalization Work. 

Copyright: Project
Syndicate, 2007.

Zoellick to the Rescue?

Kenneth Rogoff

Will newly anointed World Bank President Robert Zoellick
be able to get the organization back on its feet after the catastrophic failed
presidency of Paul Wolfowitz? Although hardly a megawatt star of the Bob Rubin
category, he certainly brings some positive attributes to the job. 

First, as a key player in bringing China
into the World Trade Organization, Zoellick is a proven internationalist in an
American administration where internationalists have sometimes seemed like an
endangered species. Second, he is a firm believer in the power of markets and
free trade, which have clearly done far more to alleviate poverty over the past
half-century than any aid program. Third, he seems to have been a consistent
behind-the-scenes supporter of the Bank, whereas many of his Bush
administration colleagues would be just as happy to see it shut down and its 
headquarters turned into private condominiums and offices. So presumably he has
a constructive vision for the Bank’s future. 

But Zoellick is not without his weaknesses. First and
foremost, his appointment extends the embarrassingly outmoded practice of
always installing an American in the job. With the Bank tirelessly preaching
the merits of good governance, its failure to adopt democratic principles
undercuts its own legitimacy. The claim that the World Bank needs an American
president to ensure that the US
keeps donating money is ridiculous. The annual cost of the US
contribution to the World Bank, even taking into account off-the-books loan
guarantees, is relatively minor. Any number of developing countries, from China
to India to Brazil,
could easily step up if the US
foolishly stepped down. 

Zoellick’s background as a lawyer hardly makes him perfect
for the job, either. The World Bank presidency is not about negotiating
treaties, as Zoellick did when he was US Trade Representative. The Bank’s most
important role in development today is as a “knowledge bank” that helps
aggregate, distill, and disseminate best practices from around the world. In
this respect, the Bank’s technical assistance to governments is very similar to
what private consultants offer to companies. 

Moreover, many of the World Bank president’s most
important decisions involve economics in an essential way. Wrong economic
decisions, such as in the 1970’s, when Robert McNamara pushed grandiose, but
environmentally devastating, infrastructure projects, have haunted the Bank for

The biggest question mark, though, is whether Zoellick
will be able to hit the ground running and implement desperately needed
reforms. Reform number one, of course, is to ensure that the next World Bank
President is not an American. Rodrigo de Rato, Zoellick’s counterpart at the
European-dominated International Monetary Fund, has already suggested that his
successor should be chosen in a more inclusive process. The World Bank should
be ashamed that its president has not yet offered a similar proposal. 

Second, Zoellick should ask why the Bank spends only 2.5%
of its budget on the “knowledge bank” research function that it trumpets so
proudly in its external relations materials, while it spends three times that
amount on maintaining its executive board. 

Third, Zoellick should use his formidable negotiating
skills to cajole rich countries into greatly increasing the grant component of
World Bank aid. The idea that a big government-guaranteed global bank is needed
to fill holes in private capital markets is laughable nowadays. True, the
Bank’s poorest clients have little access to private capital markets. By and
large, however, the poorest countries need grants, not loans that they still
won’t be able to pay in 20 years. 

As the Bank switches from loans to grants, it can use some
of its massive retained earnings to endow its “knowledge bank” function and
related technical advice. But all this knowledge shouldn’t be free. A lot of
technical advice falls on deaf ears, with countries listening only long enough
to get their hands on Bank money. Instead of merely pushing its agenda, the
Bank should start charging for its technical advice on a graduated scale so
that more of its engagements are client-driven. 

Last but not least, the Bank needs to play a much bigger
role in environmental issues and, in general, in promoting good international
citizenship by both rich and poor countries. (Some of us have been proposing
this for almost two decades.) 

Of course, Zoellick could just attempt to fill the role
symbolically and do little or nothing, as some of his predecessors have done.
Or, less likely, he could embrace some megalomaniacal and over-reaching vision
of government intervention, as others have tried. In any case, let’s wish him
luck. The world needs the World Bank a lot more than it needs another

** Kenneth Rogoff is
Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University, and was
formerly chief economist at the IMF. 

Copyright: Project
Syndicate, 2007.


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