mungkin karena prihatin melihat bagaimana 
Inggris, di bandingkan negara-2 lain di
Eropa mempunyai kasus alkoholisme di 
kalangan remaja yang paling serius,

juga adanya trend perilaku remaja
Inggris yang makin cenderung menjadi
generasi "junkies", menurut sebuah Poll,
sebagian besar peserta Poll (74%)
menyetujui 'penerapan perda-syariat'
yang melarang orang meminum minuman
beralkohol di jalan-jalan ...

----( IM )-------------------------


Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research

Britons Clearly Back Public Drinking Ban

August 24, 2007

Angus Reid Global Monitor) - The vast majority of 
people in Britain are in favour of a public drinking 
prohibition, according to a poll by ICM Research 
published in the Daily Mail. 74 per cent of respondents 
think there should be an outright ban on anyone drinking 
alcohol in the streets.

In addition, 59 per cent of respondents think supermarkets 
should not be prevented from selling alcohol at discounted 


On Aug. 12, 47-year-old Garry Newlove died in Cheshire 
County after confronting four teenagers under the 
influence of alcohol outside his house. The four young 
men were charged with murder following the episode.

Peter Fahy, Chief Constable of Cheshire and the leading 
investigator in the case, has called for the government 
to raise the legal drinking age in Britain from 18 to 21, 
for alcohol to be banned in most public places, for an 
increase in the price of beer and spirits, and for tougher 
controls on the sale of alcoholic beverages. 

Fahy declared: "There are schemes whereby youth workers 
and other people offer support to parents who may have a 
problem with a youngster who's drinking. But we find a lot 
of parents will not take up that offer. (...) If people are 
not willing to take up that offer, then there is some form 
of sanction which actually makes them come and take up that 

A licensing law—which came into effect in England and Wales 
in November 2005—allows pubs to remain open for longer periods, 
even up to 24 hours a day. Brown has vowed to review the 
legislation, and issue a report by the end of 2007.

Polling Data
Do you think that there should or should not be an outright 
ban on anyone drinking alcohol in the streets?

** Should ****** 74%
** Should not ** 25%
** Not sure **** 1%


Source: ICM Research / Daily Mail

Methodology: Telephone interviews with 
1,004 British adults, conducted from 
Aug. 17 to Aug. 19, 2007. 
No margin of error was provided.

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