Several months ago I read a short writing in one blog belonging to a youngster 
(I forgot how young, but I suppose he was still in college for his bachelor’s 
degree). He complained when one day in one cyber café he heard two users 
speaking English, and both of them were Indonesians. The blogger considered 
that they JUST wanted to show off their capability in English! What was wrong 
with our own national language—Bahasa Indonesia? Why didn’t they just use it 
instead? He asked himself.
(I am really sorry I forgot to quote the site address. )
Last August 9 2007, Suara Merdeka published one article entitled “Alat 
Pemersatu Kurang Laku”; page 6 different from the one I quoted above but 
similar. The writer said that the phenomenon of people using foreign terms, 
such as bus way, three in one, etc showed that Indonesian people do not love 
their own language. 
I love writing in English. Perhaps because I am an English teacher and I am 
accustomed to thinking in English when the first time I made a blog, I used 
English as the media. Moreover my blog where I got lots of warm comments from 
people all over the world was at an English website ( This made 
me write in English more and more. I started writing in Bahasa even when I made 
friend with an Indonesian guy living in New Zealand. This best friend whom I 
call ‘Abang’ said that he was somewhat tired to speak English all the time 
there so he enjoyed speaking Bahasa when communicating with me and some other 
mailing list friends who live all around the world. My other mailing list 
friends also said the same thing—they would prefer to speak Bahasa to each 
other rather than to use English because they wanted to maintain their 
capability in Bahasa. Instead of using English (to show off who is the best to 
use this international language after living abroad for years, for
 instance), they chose the national language to communicate!
So, in this small scope, I absolutely don’t agree with the narrow-minded 
opinion that when people speak foreign language—English for example—it means 
the speaker doesn’t love the national language. I want to speak English with my 
daughter—especially in public so that people will not know what we are talking 
about, and not just to show off—but she refused to respond in English, perhaps 
because she is not used to it, or because she felt uncomfortable to people 
around that perhaps would judge us as arrogant. Meanwhile, I just want her to 
practice her capability in listening and speaking with me (besides to speak 
secretly in public). Anything wrong with this learning process? Learning does 
not always take place in classrooms, does it?
In a bigger scope, such as the use of Bahasa for titles of books, especially 
for literature—read it as novels, dramas, or poems, including movies—I am of 
opinion that in literature, people are free to express their being artistic and 
creative in using any language. In literature, the choice of one word—in any 
language—can mean a lot. If the word is changed into another word, the creator 
probably will think that the ‘sense’ is different. For the name of some 
television programs, or the name of some buildings/malls/offices, I somewhat 
agree that they had better use Bahasa. Should the government made a regulation 
about this? I don’t really agree with this though. To me this is not really 
crucial, compared to the government’s responsibility to provide job vacancies 
for the citizens so that they don’t need to go abroad to be migrant workers 
only to “let themselves killed by the irresponsible and cruel employers”; or to 
alleviate the poverty; or to decrease the prices of
 everything; or many other things: including paying attention to some insane 
mayors or regents of some cities/regencies in Indonesia that tend to make crazy 
regulations (such as checking female students’ virginity!!!)
In this globalization era, we all must realize that mastering one international 
language—in many cases English is considered to be the lingua franca. To master 
an international language, people must practice it again and again anywhere and 
anytime, including in public places, with whoever they speak. Will it decrease 
our love to our own national language? I don’t agree with it. Will it make 
Bahasa not be used as the national lingua franca among ethnic groups in 
Indonesia? I don’t agree with it either. The Javanese absolutely need Bahasa to 
communicate with the Sundanese or Balinese or any other ethnic groups in 
Indonesia when they don’t understand Boso Jowo (Javanese language). Even in 
some areas where there are many tribes like in Papua where each ethnic has 
respective local language and the people don’t understand each other, they need 
Bahasa to communicate with each other. 
We will always need Bahasa to communicate with our fellow citizens from 
different ethnic groups who have different local language. Meanwhile, speaking 
English—or any other foreign language—will not easily reduce our love to our 
own national language. 
PT56 21.49 190807

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  (Sir James Dewar)
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