Tempo - No. 15/VIII/December 11-17, 2007


Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd: Living in the past is idealistic

A FRONT of religious scholars at Al-Azhar University, Egypt, have
branded this well-known Islamic thinker as an apostate. The government
was asked to intervene: Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd was ordered to repent
or-if he refused-face the death penalty. An appeals court also ordered
that he be divorced from his wife, Dr Ebtehal Yunis. Cairo University,
where he has taught since 1972, was also pressured to dismiss this
professor of Arabic literature and hermeneutics, because of concerns
that he would poison the students' minds with his deviant thinking.

Abu Zayd went into exile in Holland in 1995. In July 2002, the
Roosevelt Institute awarded him the Medal for Freedom of Worship, in
recognition of his thinking, which was considered courageous and
liberated, as well as for his appreciation towards the traditions of
Christian philosophy, modernism, and European humanism.

He was welcomed in Indonesia three weeks­ ago by being banned from
appearing and speaking at the Islamic University of Malang, in East
Java. What upset­ Abu Zayd most was that the ban was con­veyed through
a text message from an official of the Religious Affairs Department,
upon his arrival in Indonesia. "This is really impolite. I am going to
make an issue of it, because they have wasted my time," said Abu Zayd,
a lecturer at the universities of Utrecht and Leiden.

Abu Zayd is known for using the hermeneutic method, namely
interpreting the Qur'an from a linguistic approach, which is usually
used for interpreting the Bible by analyzing the condition of the
composer. As a result, some people feel Abu Zayd has positioned
Muhammad as an author, whereas the vast majority of the Muslim
community considers the Qur'an to be divine revelation.

Before flying back to Holland at the end of last month, the
64-year-old from Tantra met with Tempo reporters Yudono and M. Nafi
for a 40-minute interview at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Jakarta. Excerpts:

A number of Muslim leaders in Indonesia charge you as being an agent
of orientalists and liberal thinkers.

This accusation of being an agent of orientalists is very stupid
and slanderous. But I feel everyone would be proud of being a liberal
[thinker]. I always fight for freedom of thought, freedom of opinion,
and all other freedoms.

But there is a lot of opposition here towards the hermeneutic concept
you developed.

Are the hadith of the Prophet (recorded statements and actions of
Muhammad) opposed to hermeneutics? Hermeneutics in Arabic is ta'wil.
Ta'wil is a method which is very Islamic for the understanding of the
Qur'an. Whether you are Sunni, Shia, or whatever, you need to
interpret the Qur'an. Hermeneutics is a theory for interpreting the
Qur'an. So, whoever declares hermeneutics haram (forbidden), they are
mistaken, they do not understand hermeneutics. They do not know the
history of the translating of the Qur'an.

Isn't hermeneutics only relevant as an aid for translating the Bible?

Tell such a person that ta'wil is used to translate the Qur'an,
and hermeneutics is ta'wil. They are unable to differentiate between
ta'wil and the Bible. I studied ta'wil, which has no connection to
orientalism. Ta'wil does not borrow anything from the Bible. Ta'wil is
a classic concept, while hermeneutics is a concept of modern
philosophy. There is nothing wrong with intellectual Muslims taking
something from modern philosophy. There are still many people who
close their eyes and minds, and live as if they were still in the dark

Maybe this is because the Qur'an is revelation from Allah, which makes
such an excessively daring ta'wil interpretation unnecessary.

Should we ask God to interpret it for us? The Qur'an is a
revelation from Allah for mankind, and God expects us to understand
it. How can we understand it? That depends on the man's knowledge. It
is not possible to ask God to come to me, or to have the Angel Gabriel
teach me. Indeed the Qur'an is from God for man, and man must
understand the Qur'an. Man can only understand the Qur'an based on
their knowledge, but they try to increase their knowledge. You will
not understand what God means if you do not have knowledge.

The ahlussunnah (Sunni Muslim) group interprets the Qur'an in
connection with the era of the Messenger (Muhammad), which means that
they do not support innovation in the field of the interpretation of
the religious texts.

The concept of the ahlussunnah is an ideological concept which
must be changed. There is no one person or group which claims the
Sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad) as their personal property.
This is very important. Groups which claim to be exclusively
ahlussunnah are usually the most conservative and radical. They want
to shape public life like the time of the Prophet. This is utopian and
cannot possibly take place. This is only a delusion of the sick. They
limit religious interpretation in order to strengthen hegemony over power.

What makes your interpretation of the Qur'an so important?

Of course, God has a separate standard, and we cannot do
everything. But God wants us to understand what He says, and He
understands our capacity. That is why He speaks to us. If people do
not understand what He means, they can interpret it based on their
capacities as human beings. It has nothing to do with being
conservative or fundamentalist. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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