The Asian Cultural Council (ACC)  membuka kesempatan bagi seniman dan pekerja 
seni Asia untuk melakukan  penelitian, belajar, dan menciptakan karya seni, 
khususnya seni pertunjukan dan  seni rupa (visual arts) di Amerika. Kegiatan 
tersebut berlangsung pada tahun  2008. Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan 
aplikasi ke ACC paling lambat 15  Januari 2008. Informasi lebih lengkap 
silahkan membaca berita di bawah  ini.

 Information for  Applicants
 2008 Fellowships and  Grants
 The Asian Cultural Council (ACC) is  a foundation supporting cultural exchange 
in the visual and performing arts  between the countries of Asia and the United 
States.   Applications are now being accepted for 2008.
 The primary emphasis of the ACC’s  grant program is to provide individual 
fellowships to artists, scholars, and  specialists from Asia seeking to 
undertake research, study, and creative work in  the United States.  Individual 
fellowships are also made  to Americans pursing similar activities in Asia.  A 
smaller number of  fellowship awards are made to Asian artists, scholars, and 
specialist for  regional exchange activities in other Asian countries.
 The ACC also makes grants to arts  organizations and educational institutions 
for projects that involve the  participation of arts and cultural specialists 
from the United States  or Asia.  
 Further information about the ACC’s  grant programs is available at
 Individuals or cultural  institutions wishing to apply to the ACC for grant 
support in 2008 should send a  brief, one-page  description of proposed plans 
or projects, written in English,  by January 15, 2008  to:
 Asian Cultural  Council
 6 West 48th  Street, 12th  Floor
 New York,  NY 10036
 Telephone:  212-843-0403
 Fax:  212-843-0343
 If the proposed activity falls  within the Council’s guidelines, application 
materials requesting more detailed  information will be provided by the ACC.  
Most 2008 grants will be awarded by  the Council’s Board of Trustees at their 
meeting in  June.


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