Russia's Sintez Group to develop copper deposits in Namibia 

MOSCOW, December 25 (RIA Novosti) - Sintez Group [RTS: SINT] said on Tuesday it 
had acquired an 85% stake in a Namibian private sector company holding four 
licenses to prospect for copper, rare and precious metals in northwest Namibia. 

The prospecting licenses to survey an area of about 2,900 square km (1,119 
square miles) have been issued for a three-year period and could be extended 
for a further four years. Under Namibian legislation, the company will receive 
priority for mining licenses, provided that mineral resources are discovered, 
Sintez said. 

Sintez expects to launch its prospecting and survey project in the African 
country in the first quarter of 2008 and is currently drafting a program for 
it, the group said. 

Sintez Group, which carries out projects in the electric power sector, 
geological prospecting, oil and gas production, oil refining and sales, the 
repair of wells and provides transport services, has already accumulated 
experience of working in the African country. 

Since 2006, Sintezneftegaz-Namibia Ltd. incorporated in Sintez Group has been 
prospecting for hydrocarbons in the north of Namibia's shelf and expects to 
start drilling the first survey well in the Kunene area in the first quarter of 

In November, Sintez Group also acquired five prospecting licenses to search for 
alluvial diamonds on the Namibian shelf.

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