“Feminism is western lifestyle. Therefore, as eastern people, we are not to 
follow it because it is not our culture. It can be added too that feminism is 
against Islamic teachings. Consequently, as eastern Muslim, we are forbidden to 
give green light to feminism to “intrude” our way of life.”

How often have you read such a statement? Or probably, how often have you 
stated such a doubt about feminism?
To counter such a doubt (I just got such an accusation at my blog at in this writing, first of all I’d like to 
cite the definition of culture I took from “World Book 2005” (the digital 

“Culture is a term used by social scientists for a way of life. … People are 
not born with any knowledge of a culture. They generally learn a culture by 
growing up in a particular society. … Therefore, one of its characteristics is 
that culture is acquired through learning, not through biological inheritance. 
Children take on the culture in which they are raised through enculturation.“

Hundred thousands years ago, our ancestors moved from one place to another 
place. They could move from the east to the west, or on the way around, from 
the west to the east. They would bring their habits (read => culture) wherever 
they would go. When the era of ‘nomad’ ended (this started especially after 
women invented agriculture), they would develop their culture in their 
respective place, based on their way of thinking. Different places absolutely 
would create different ‘culture’. 
Meanwhile, gender bias has been on men’s minds since immemorial time. The 
“invention” of some celestial religions would strengthen it since those 
religions were “invented” by men. Therefore, no matter whether one culture was 
developed in the east or in the west, apparently those cultures had one 
similarity, the marginalization of women. 
Perhaps you still remember the glory of Islamic nations with their ‘cultures’ 
many centuries ago. Muslim scientists invented many things. However, the fight 
among three Abrahamic faiths (to win “the prize” as the most righteous 
religion) made those nations left behind. I assume that it was due to the 
unnecessary fight. Therefore, when the western nations progressed with their 
sciences, way of thinking, advanced inventions, etc, the eastern nations were 
even in the dark age. 
Related to that, it is very understandable when women in the west started to 
question why they were marginalized first while women in the east were still 
‘dumb’. However, to say that feminism ideology is ‘western’ and that it is not 
appropriate for the eastern women, with reason that it is not our culture is 
very shallow. 
Started with the first women summit in Seneca Falls in 1848, American women 
(read  western women) began struggling for equality. The printing 
machine and publishing companies obviously were more developed there rather 
than, in Indonesia let’s say, in that era. Although those women were attacked 
by the cult of true womanhood (where one of its tenet was that women were not 
allowed to write because writing was men’s sphere), they still produced 
writings to protest. 
In Indonesia, around the same era, very few women got their chance to get 
education. It is understandable then if they could not pour out their protest 
in a form of writings. However, we have one very good example of it, R.A. 
Kartini with her letters to her Dutch friends. She protested why she could not 
continue her study to a higher level. She also questioned why her fellow women 
citizens were not allowed to get education at all. I believe many other women 
also questioned similar things, only their protests were not recorded 
It is also underestimating to say that women in the east are not supposed to 
follow the struggle for equality. In other words, it can be said that those 
women cannot perceive the unequal treatment they get from the society, using 
‘culture’ as the tool. (e.g. by saying “feminism ideology is just not eastern 
At the beginning of its ‘birth’, we know that feminism was proposed by white, 
middle class women so that it did not really represent the whole women in all 
nations. Therefore, to accommodate this lack, more kinds of feminisms appeared, 
where one of them is multicultural feminism. Their emergence apparently has 
made feminism ideology something down to earth, something very common in 
women’s lives for women living in the developing countries. 
Culture is often used as a scapegoat to refuse a new thing. It is ‘abused’ in a 
form that human being is not a free creature to use their awareness to value 
something. As I have cited above, culture is acquired through learning. There 
is no wrong when someone has different way of thinking, or different value as 
long as they do not harm the society. They have different ways to view culture 
through their learning, using their common sense, and not just passively follow 
what the crowd considers as ‘culture’. 
To end this writing, whether feminism ideology is western or eastern ‘culture’, 
it is no longer important. The more important thing is that using our common 
sense and awareness to view a piece of culture is appropriate for our lives or 
not. Afterwards, respect other people’s values in the hope that they will 
respect our values too. 
PT56 13.35 210108

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open. 
  (Sir James Dewar)
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