Ternyata ada juga kasus serupa,
kali ini menyangkut sampel medis
pasien Indonesia yang menderita
penyakit sangat langka, diduga
akibat serangan Papilloma Virus
yang sampai ybs. disebut sebagai
'manusia pohon kemarin'.

Ceritanya, salah satu dokter
yang menangani kasus ini ternyata
didatangkan dari Amerika: dr.
Anthony Gaspari. Menurut berita
di bawah ini, dokter tersebut
juga telah mengambil dan membawa
sampel medis pasien tsb. dan
dibawanya pulang ke amarika,
menurut Ibu Menkesm tanpa
se-izin pemerintah RI.

Hanya di sini bisa timbul juga
pertanyaan: Mestinya si dokter
amerika tsb. datang ke sini
atas undangan pemerintah (Depkes),
dan bukannya 'mak bejundhul'
tiba-tiba datang. Jadi sewaktu
mengundang mestinya apa yang
menjadi misi si dokter tsb.
datang ke Indonesia sudah
ditentukan/disepakati, termasuk
soal ada/tidaknya rencana membawa
sampel tsb. ke Amerika.

Kalau sebelumnya tidak ada pembicaraan
mengenai itu, memang mestinya secara
etika di dokter wajib meminta izin
dulu, kalau itu memang inisiatif dia.

( tapi sekali lagi mengapa soal sampel
ini tidak di-antisipasi sebelumnya,
untuk sebuah kasus medis yang sangat
khusus/langka seperti ini? )

Berita di koran The Telegraph bisa
dibaca di bawah ini.

---( ihsan hm )---------------------


Row over 'tree man' virus samples

By Felix Lowe and agencies

Last Updated: 2:39am GMT 29/11/2007

An Indonesian fisherman who developed tree-like
growths on his hands and feet is at the centre
of an international medical spat after his country's
health minister criticised doctors trying to treat

Indonesia's health minister, Siti Fadilah Supari,
lambasted the US doctor currently treating the
35-year-old man, who has the rare affliction
caused by the Human Papilloma Virus.

Mrs Supari is angry that Dr Anthony Gaspari has
taken blood and tissue samples out of the country
to the United States in a bid to diagnose the

She claims such samples could be used in the future
to make vaccines that the poor could not afford.

Developing nations such as Indonesia risk
exploitation unless they maintain control
over their virus strains, Mrs Supari said.

But her comments have now offended Dr Gaspari,
an American dermatologist at the University
of Maryland, who maintains that, while he took
the samples without permission, his sole motivation
was getting treatment for the man.

Known simply as Dede, the man, who lives in a
village south of the capital Jakarta, has massive
root-like warts growing from his arms and legs
which have gone untreated for years.

"We did take samples, and the reason we did was
to render a diagnosis. We did it for humanitarian
reasons, to help the patient," Dr Gaspari said,
stressing his willingness to put in writing that
the samples were not for commercial use.

Mrs Supari, who has famously refused to share bird
flu samples with international scientists, made
her comments on Sunday after returning from a World
Health Organisation (WHO) conference in Geneva.

"We are offended because the samples were taken
from Dede without our permission," she told reporters
at the hospital where the man was being treated.
"If they are taken abroad, they could become
lucrative commodities."

The intergovernmental conference was aimed at
rebuilding a global system for sharing viruses.
Indonesia is the nation the worst hit by bird flu,
with a total of 91 human deaths recorded.

Mrs Supari has, however, steadfastly refused to
share samples of the deadly H5N1 strain of the
disease until she receives assurances they will
not be used to make expensive pandemic vaccines.

For its part, WHO wants to make sure the virus
has not mutated to a form that spreads more
easily between people.

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