carla, lebih absurd lagi mengatakan obama tidak layak menjadi
presiden karena dia cuma seorang "junior" senator yang tidak

ha-ha-ha, he is an alected senator. enggak ada perbedaan
wewenang atau kewajiban antara senator yang sudah lama maupun
yang baru bertugas.

sudah lama amerika tak punya pemimpin yang bisa menyatukan
rakyat yang berbeda-beda. obama dianggap punya kemampuan itu.

sudah lama amerika tak punya presiden yang bisa menulis pidatonya
sendiri. obama adalah seorang orator dan penulis pidato yang jenius.

di amerika, seorang pedagang minyak atau bekas aktor hollywood saja
bisa menjadi presiden. mengapa seorang ahli hukum yang tangguh
lulusan harvard, pernah menjadi jaksa dan senator, dianggap tak cukup
punya kualifikasi untuk menjadi presiden?

lebih dari segalanya, saya percaya sejak dari keluarga obama punya
kemampuan memimpin amerika dan sekaligus menjadi pemimpin dunia
yang beragam, karena dia punya nenek muslimah berkulit hitam yang
masih hidup dan tinggal di tepi danau victoria di kenya. dia punya saudara
tiri perempuan berdarah indonesia. dia punya keluarga kulit putih dan indian
dari pihak ibu. dia punya ipar seorang cina warga negara kanada.

apa lagi yang kurang dari obama?

sementara mccain dan huckabee rajin berkotbah di gereja, sambil
pada saat yang sama meniupkan perang dimana-mana dan membunuhi
wanita dan anak-anak di irak. mereka juga menewaskan 4.000 serdadu
amerika sendiri dalam 5 tahun perang di irak. jumlah itu bahkan lebih
besar dari korban tewas selama 10 tahun perang vietnam.

maka sudah sepantasnya obama mendapat suara lebih banyak ketimbang
mccain dalam polling yang dilakukan berbagai lembaga independen di

ngomong-ngomong apa yang anda maksud dengan mainstream media?
di amerika, mainstream media adalah cnn, fox news, dll yang semuanya
embedded media yang berbaris rapi di belakang bush dan partai republik.

At 05:27 PM 4/2/2008 -0700, you wrote:
>pak Nug,
>it's good obama has a mother that also love indonesia, but it's absurd and 
>irrelevant to related it whether he is capable or not to be the next US 
>fyi, obama is inexperiences, he is only junior senator that served couple 
>of years in senate office, what is his track record? and what is his 
>accomplishment so far? not single american can tell what obama 
>accomplishment...they only said obama is fresh and promising hope and 
>change,  all candidates (either rep or dems) re senior senator with lots 
>of track record and accomplishments to be mentioned abt.
>obama's slogan is hope and change, but those only words consists of 
>platitudes, not real premise of detailed plan and policy roadmaps.., i 
>watched his speech several times.., he is a good orator, excellence 
>communicator and have a pesona that drawn people to him, but lately the 
>more he talks the more i found him the same politician who sells words and 
>promise.., just another clown of politician who think he is eligible bcs 
>he's got harvard degree.  he's not a real deal. he repeteadly lied during 
>his speeches and interviews many times and the mainstream media ignored 
>it.  listen to his speeches and his interviews then compared to the facts 
>(if u have time..:) diggin from 2003 until 2008 from his books, speeches 
>and interviews then compared to the facts) u will be amazed that how this 
>guy could running for president and won popular votes for dems party.
>the only question is how deaf an ear or how blind an eye to get people 
>turn a frog into a prince.
>it appears the junior senator obama is is not "a fresh face" as media 
>sycopants like to describe him, he just another in along line of dems 
>snake oil salesman.
>Someone who lies habitually about objective facts,  is not someone that 
>most of american would trust to be in the Oval office.
>The truth about Obama is there in plain view. It is there for all of us, 
>and especially the media, to see. But there are "none so blind as those 
>who will not see, none so deaf as those who will not hear." And none so 
>stupid as those who consciously avoid the truth because they want to keep 
>on reporting Obama's lies. there's a big question why mainstream media 
>ignored the facts that obama is repeteadly lie because they have vested 
>interest on his survival.
>If there is a Democratic Party slugfest for the presidential nomination 
>due to Obama, the media will make hundreds of millions of dollars in extra 
>advertising as Obama raise huge amounts of money and spend it on ads. If 
>Obama implodes, media stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in 
>advertising. I am not suggesting that reporters covering the election are 
>controlled by management. But reporters can't be oblivious to the fact 
>that newspapers and television organizations are shrinking, and hundreds 
>of millions of dollars in political advertising will extend the life of 
>these organizations into 2009. You be the judge if there is a subconscious 
>conflict of interest.
>Both Obama and the mainstream media owe the American people an explanation 
>and an apology. But don't hold your breath. Obama's too busy making up new 
>lies to even know what the truth is any more.
>Obama is not part of any "Joshua Generation." He has been "joshin'" to 
>american people all along, and they keep taking it. He may be a Kool-Aid 
>salesman. But american people keep buying and keep drinking.
>handsome, young, charming and media darling..seems too hollywood for me..
>america needs a president not a fraud and fake actor.

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