Dalam sebuah acara kampanye di Detroit Kamis
kemarin (18 Juni 2008), 2 orang wanits Muslim
Amerika yang ikut menghadiri kampanye tersebut
telah di cegah untuk duduk di belakang podium
Obama oleh "Satgas" nya Obama, karena mereka
mengenakan jilbab.

Obama kemudian meminta maaf kepada mereka
atas kejadian tersebut dan menyatakan bahwa
setiap sikap yang deskriminatif, termasuk
yang berlatarbelakang agama itu bertentangan
dengan kebijakannya.

---( ihsan hm )-----------------------------------

Obama apologizes to Muslim women barred from seats

Thu Jun 19, 9:36 PM ET

CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential 
candidate Barack Obama apologized on Thursday to 
two Muslim women who were barred from sitting behind 
the podium where Obama was speaking because they 
were wearing Islamic headscarves.

At a campaign rally in Detroit on Monday, Shimaa 
Abdelfadeel and Hebba Aref were prevented by volunteers 
from taking seats behind Obama that would have been 
in view of television cameras, apparently because of 
their headscarves.

"I reached out to Ms. Aref and Ms. Abdelfadeel this 
afternoon," Obama said in a statement. "I spoke with 
Ms. Abdelfadeel, and expressed my deepest apologies 
for the incident that occurred with volunteers at 
the event in Detroit."

Obama said the volunteers' actions were "unacceptable 
and in no way reflect any policy of my campaign."

"I take deepest offense to and will continue to fight 
against discrimination against people of any religious 
group or background," he said.

Obama Abdelfadeel had accepted his apology and he 
hoped that Aref would as well.

The Detroit Free Press reported that Obama had left 
a phone message for Aref.

Obama, who is a Christian, has faced false rumors 
that he is a Muslim.

His personal apology followed an earlier apology made 
to the women by his campaign staff.

(Reporting by Caren Bohan; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

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