satu lagi proyek Komunitas Utan Kayu (KUK) bekerjasama dengan lembaga 
Amerika Serikat, sekali ini tentang identitas "Sastra Islam" 
khususnya di Indonesia! apa yang diketahui umum di Indonesia tentang 
"Islam" versi KUK, seperti Jaringan Islam Liberalnya itu, tentu 
membuat proyek "representasi identitas" ini jadi sangat mencurigakan! 
apa ada hubungannya dengan akan jatuhnya kekuasaan anti-Islam George 
W Bush sehingga KUK perlu mengadakan revisi strategi? siapakah 
sebenarnya John McGlynn dari Lontar yang sok tahu tentang Sastra 
Indonesia ini? kenapa dia harus menjadi "country editor" bagi Sastra 
Indonesia seolah-olah Sastra Indonesia itu tidak punya orang yang 
benar-benar mampu dan tahu tentang isu yang berkaitan dengan "Sastra 
Islami" di Indonesia, kalau memang penerbitan antologi tsb netral 
dari politik sastra TUKulis?
melihat "track record" KUK baik di dalam dan terutama di luar 
Indonesia dalam hal representasi "Islam Indonesia" bukankah proyek 
aneh ini sangat pantas dicurigai maksud dan tujuannya dan kalau perlu 
ditolak secara nasional oleh para sastrawan Indonesia terutama yang 
menganut agama Islam? perhatikan poin ke 4 dari kriteria pemilihan 
sastrawan/pengarang di bawah. ternyata Muslim tidaknya agama seorang 
sastrawan/pengarang itu TIDAK jadi patokan untuk pemilihan 
karyanya!!! bukankah ini sebuah oksimoron, kontradiktif dengan judul 
antologi yang memakai istilah "Islam/Muslim" dalam judulnya itu!!!

-saut situmorang

Modern Literature from the Muslim World Sep 9, '08

Announcing the publication of and seeking submissions for:
Words Without Borders: An Anthology of Modern Literature from the 
Muslim World


In 2009 Norton Publishers, in association with the literary journal 
"Words Without Borders" (WWB), will release Words Without Borders: An 
Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World. This book will 
feature translations of important literary contributions of the 
twentieth century in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Dari, and 
Urdu. This volume, with an estimated length of 400 pages, is intended 
to provide students and general readers with an accessible 
introduction to a rich and varied literary tradition that is all too 
unfamiliar to most Americans. The aim is to help move the American 
consciousness of the Muslim world away from the terrorists and 
fanatics, and thus open a window into the lives of that portion of 
the Muslim world. Organized by language/region, the book will present 
samples of the major literary writing forms that have come to 
dominate modern literature: short story, free verse lyrics, plays, 
novel excerpts, and memoirs.

WWB has invited Reza Aslan, author of No God But God: The Origins, 
Evolution, and Future of Islam, (Random House Trade, Jan 2006) to be 
guest editor of the anthology. He will be aided by a team of five sub-
editors specializing in the literatures of specific languages and 
regions. I, John McGlynn, have been asked to serve as country editor 
for the section on Indonesia.

Opinion Survey
In the process of gathering together materials for the above 
publication, I would like to learn from Indonesian authors, literary 
critics, and other interested parties which authors they think would 
best represent Indonesia. If you fall into one of those categories 
and would like to weigh in on this matter, I hope you will take the 
time to fill in the questionnaire found below and return it to me.

In weighing your choice of authors, there are a number of things of 
which you should be aware:
1. Given the limited amount of space/pages that will be allotted for 
the Indonesia section—approximately 100—it is unlikely that more than 
10-12 authors can be included, comprising, perhaps, 7 prose writers 
(with short stories, essays, or excerpts from novels of 10-12 pages 
each in length) and 3-5 poets, each with 3-5 poems. An excerpt from a 
play or two would also be considered.
2. Because the volume editor (Reza Aslan) is using the end of the 
Ottoman Empire as the starting date for works to be included in the 
volume, country editors will not be able to consider works that were 
written or published prior to 1950.
3. If possible, the country editor would like to include works 
spanning the last half of the 20th century period with samples of 
work from each decade. The country editor would also like to include 
both male and female authors.
4. Thus far, the volume editor has set no restriction on the religion 
of the authors—i.e., that they must be Muslim. Therefore, please do 
not use religion as a factor when making your choices.

Titles of works chosen for selection in the anthology may have been 
published in translation previously. Both authors and translators 
will be paid an honorarium of US$100 per 1000 words for up to 1500 

1. What is your name, position, and mailing address?

2. What Indonesian authors of short fiction do you think should be 
represented in An Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim 
World? Please list up to ten authors and specific titles for each 

3. What Indonesian poets do you think should be represented in An 
Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Please list up 
to five poets. (You need not cite specific titles of poems.)

4. What other authors do you think should represent Indonesia in An 
Anthology of Modern Literature from the Muslim World? Name up to 
three. Your choice may include dramatists, essayists, and writers of 

After you have filled out this questionnaire, please return it to 
John McGlynn by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by post to Jl. 
Danau Laut Tawar No. 53, Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210. All persons who 
complete the questionnaire and return it to John will receive a 
voucher for the purchase of books from the Lontar Foundation.

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