A coin has two sides. 
Just like a movie has many interpretations, not only two.
I plan to watch JUNO with my students this Monday. I have watched this movie 
with another class before, around a month ago, and I think this movie is quite 
‘safe’ to be watched by teenagers: there is no vulgar scene, although the story 
is about a sixteen-year old teenager who gets pregnant outside the wedlock. I 
opine that the script writer as well as the producer of this movie wanted to 
give an alternative to teenagers how to face unwanted pregnancy; and to parents 
a kind of suggestion how about to stand together with the pregnant kid, to be 
supportive with the kid’s choice, instead of just blaming her without showing 
any comforting response, without realizing that sometimes female teenagers get 
pregnant not merely due to their own mistakes—such as accusation to have low 
moral because having sex out of a wedlock—but can also be engendered by the 
parents who don’t give enough attention, or too much controlling.

Saved!, Juno, Gilmore Girls

In this article, I want to compare three movies that have similar cases: 
SAVED!, JUNO, and one serial GILMORE GIRLS. They all have the similar topic: a 
sixteen-year-old girl who got pregnant outside the wedlock. Nevertheless, the 
cause of the pregnancy is different. The way to handle the case is different 
SAVED! was produced in 2003/2004. This movie has very strong Christian 
teachings as the background. Mary, the leading character, got pregnant because 
she wanted to “save” his boyfriend who admitted that he was a gay in a 
telling-secret-under-the-water game. Feeling shocked, and with her head crashed 
something hard when she was about to go out of the pool, Mary saw a vision of 
Jesus coming to her, telling her that she was chosen to ‘save’ Dean (from being 
sinfully homosexual). Being able to make Dean enjoy their lovemaking, Mary 
thought she was successful to “cure” his ‘psychological/mental disease’. 
Therefore, she was very disappointed when knowing that Dean’s parents still 
sent him to Mercy House, a kind of rehabilitation to ‘solve’ any kinds of 
problems; such as addiction to drugs, homosexuality, until girls getting 
pregnant outside the wedlock. She felt cheated by Jesus’ vision coming to her.
JUNO was produced in 2007. The cause of Juno to get pregnant was merely she was 
curious to know what sex was like. ‘Playing’ something she didn’t know with one 
good friend, Paulie Bleeker rewarded her unwanted pregnancy.
GILMORE GIRLS was produced in 2004/2005. Lorelai Gilmore got pregnant when she 
was 16 years old merely because she wanted to rebel her controlling parents, 
especially her mother, who never gave her freedom to be herself. She always 
felt strangled in her parents’ luxurious house. Meanwhile, her teenage 
boyfriend, Chris, did that to get rid of his parents’ obligation to continue 
his study at Yale because he didn’t feel sure to be able to do that.
The solution to face the unwanted pregnancy is different. Mary, at SAVED! kept 
it secret, trying to hide her pregnancy She even did not tell Dean about it, 
not to her mother either. With help of her two schoolmates, Cassandra and 
Roland, she tried her best to hide her swollen belly under some special 
clothes. In another word, it can be concluded that Mary decided to keep her 
baby, although at the very beginning she was thinking of abortion.
At Gilmore Girls—as people can easily guess, because this serial focuses on the 
very intimate, best-friend-like relation between the mother and 
daughter—Lorelai decided to keep her baby too, but by leaving her parents’ home 
and doing her best to survive, as well as raising her daughter. She refused 
Chris’ offer to marry him because she thought both of them were not ready yet 
to live together in a marriage, moreover she knew very well that Chris was not 
psychologically and financially mature yet. This would just make the marriage 
not work well that possibly would just ruin the relationship of three of 
them—Lorelai, Chris, and Rory, their daughter, especially Rory’s mental 
At JUNO, a bit similar to SAVED!, Juno was thinking of terminating her 
pregnancy too. However, then, she got a very brilliant idea, to find a couple 
of husband and wife who wanted to have a baby very much. She got one. The 
difference from SAVED was that Juno didn’t try to hide her pregnancy from her 
parents as well as her schoolmates. Bleeker, the father of the baby-to-be knew 
too the result of their ‘playing game’.
None of the three movies gave solution to marry the sixteen-year-old girl with 
the boy with whom they had sex, or with any other guy who was willing to “save” 
the good name of the family, a typical solution that usually happens in 

Solution in Saved!, Juno, Gilmore Girls

SAVED! The failure of Mary to ‘cure’ Dean to me means that the producer as well 
as the script writer wants to tell the viewers that some people indeed were 
born to be homosexual, not because of the influence of wrong socialization. 
Before Dean told Mary about his secret—being a gay—he was involved in a 
Christian community, dedicated his life following Jesus’ steps. Any celestial 
religion will consider homosexuals sinful therefore they must be ‘saved’. In 
fact, Dean eventually had to give in his innate call.
Mary—who was involved in the same Christian community as Dean—was excited to be 
‘chosen’ to help cure her boyfriend with the Jesus vision inside the pool. 
However, after she ‘sacrificed’ by having sex with Dean, Dean was still a gay. 
Furthermore, she seemed to be ‘punished’ by God to have sex outside the wedlock 
with the unwanted pregnancy. This ‘accident’ made her lose her strong belief 
that people would always find solution in religious teachings blindly, without 
using their common sense. Eventually, her mother accepted the fact that Mary 
got a baby; she did not need to send Mary to Mercy House because Mary was not a 
problematic teenager only because she was pregnant outside the wedlock. Mary 
needed the support of her mother to live her life much more strongly than to be 
sent to that kind of rehabilitation center which in fact did not really help 
the ‘victims’.
JUNO. Juno had decided to give away her baby to a couple when she told her 
parents about her pregnancy. Feeling shocked, but trying to hide it, the 
parents showed a strong support to Juno’s decision. The father—worried if Juno 
would be cheated because she was just a kid—accompanied Juno when meeting the 
couple who would adopt her baby. The mother protected Juno’s mental condition 
when people accused her a problematic teenager with her unwanted pregnancy. 
Juno expected that she would continue her life ‘normally’ (read  just like any 
other teenagers who didn’t get similar accidents) after she delivered her baby.
GILMORE GIRLS. Lorelai decided to run away from home, to deliver her baby, and 
to raise her using her own way—having intimate relationship with the baby, open 
communication, without ‘you’ve-got-to-listen-to-me-coz-I’m-your-mother’ trait 
toward Rory, a way to raise up a baby Lorelai believed would work much better 
than just controlling. By doing so, she believed that Rory would not end up 
getting unwanted pregnancy at a very young age. 


Especially the two movies above—Saved! and Juno—some people around me opined 
that the movies even encouraged teenagers to ‘play’ with sex because when they 
accidentally got pregnant, their parents would even support them and didn’t 
punish them anything, not even to scold them. (This reminded me of one article 
in a local newspaper stating that in the movie of BERBAGI SUAMI—LOVE FOR SHARE 
in English—Nia Dinata wanted to encourage men to be polygamous.) 
I have never invited my students to watch SAVED! so that I don’t get any input 
yet from my teenage students. However, in JUNO, my teenage students could see 
the complicated things Juno had to undergo, the insecurity a teenage girl had 
to face in their daily life when getting unwanted pregnancy. This obviously 
will NOT encourage them to get similar problem, moreover if their parents 
punish them for embarrassing their ‘good name’ by getting pregnant outside the 


A movie indeed can be interpreted from different points of views. When showing 
a movie about teenagers’ life, we as parents/teachers are supposed to accompany 
the teenagers and then have a live and open discussion to come up to a 
beneficial interpretation for both sides.
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Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.   (Sir James 
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