reading your answers below, i was appaled but actually not surprise of your 
it's a horrific fact how far ppl could go in the name of certain belief. even 
its belief system is out of logic,causing the mind incapable to function 
intellectually,  so out of touch with universal humanity, lost the capability 
of compassion, tolerance and to reason with its self, in another word 
 it's useless to have a logical discussion if logic,and reason are not the 
basic. your answers below has spoken for itself. 
and also i think u seems to understand the mind of this kinda ppl thats why you 
agree to his conduct even more you defended it. 
the reason that you aggresively beyond all logic and humanity, agree with this 
kinda person and defend him, is because you share the same ideology and belief 
system with this person, your belief system and ideology allow and justify this 
kinda action, and it's hurt your belief system and ideology when some ppl 
condemn this kinda psychopathic action.
for you, it's not about the child, it's about your ideology and belief system 
that has been questioned or at stake so you have to defend it by you defended 
the syech. 
on the contrary, for me is about the child's life , as universally humanity 
speaking and logically thinking, not the ideology and belief system because i 
dont have the same ideology and belief system like yours or the syech. 
thats why further discussion will reach a dead-end. 
hopefully there're no many ppl like you or this syech, even though i doubt it 

--- On Sun, 10/26/08, Yustam Bilakonga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Yustam Bilakonga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bls: [ppiindia] Re: INDONESIA SORGA PARA PEDOPHILE (was Fwd: Syech 
Puji Nikahi Bocah 11 Tahun)
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 9:57 AM

ok i make the answering one by one, hope you will get the points . . .

1. do you seriously believe that this
syech married this little girl or this innocent child based on love?
and this innocent young ones actually love him and
understand about

* * * Yes, I seriously believe that
this syech is really love those little girl, so why he wants to marry her. He
would protect her by marriage. Of course the girl is innocent, she just needs
protection and love, that would change from his parent to the one who
married her. You see that why us always
love our parents, because from the childhood we got love from them. So if an
old man love a girl from his young age, of course the girl will turn it by 
him in all of her soul. Basically we, as
a human need protection, with the protection we have to pay it back with love
and care too. So it is different with
that man and women who get engaged in a matured one, beside love, there is
other aim that why they want to get engaged, some thing like sex, possessions 
so on, so their love is not pure, and then why the love ram, and divorce 
occurred... you can see a phenomena of young teenage that fall in love from 
their secondary school that would make their marriage strong, they believe each 

2. How about her basic right as a human being?

* * * I think the basic right of a young girl is protection,
as we get protection from our parent or state. So that old man must protect the 
girl from anything that will make her in supper. That old man is a syech that
understood what the need of a young girl. First time he married that young
girl, his act is as a parent not as an husband.

3. what do you think about an old man marrying and then engaging sex
with an innocent child (lets say 7 or 11 year old little girl)?what
your heart and mind tell you abt that?

* * I though in your mind that marriage is all abt sex,
marriage is caring, loving, protection etc . . . Some one in love of course he
will not think first abt sex, but others then sex. Don’t be naïf about marriage
and sex. 

4. could you visualize in your head this innocent child on her first
sexual act with this syech ? dont you think she probably screaming for
her mommy oor her daddy when he forced himselves to her.

* * * I couldn’t visualize in my mind, that an old man who love her beloved one
to make her screaming and hurting. That old man have a wife that older than
those young girls.
Ones more, don’t you think all about marriage just for
having sex. Marriage is loving, caring,
protection etc. 

*** I hope you catch the points.

Now what is your comment abt love, marriage and sex. 

____________ _________ _________ __
Dari: carla annamarie kneefel <carla_annamarie17@>
Terkirim: Sabtu, 25 Oktober, 2008 20:58:44
Topik: Re: [ppiindia] Re: INDONESIA SORGA PARA PEDOPHILE (was Fwd: Syech Puji 
Nikahi Bocah 11 Tahun)

ok, then i could you kindly answer my previous questions, because it seems you 
are not answering let me help you out by refreshing:

1. do you seriously believe that this
syech married this little girl or this innocent child based on love?

and this innocent young ones actually love him and understand about

2. How about her basic right as a human being?

3. what do you think about an old man marrying and then engaging sex
with an innocent child (lets say 7 or 11 year old little girl)?what
your heart and mind tell you abt that?

4. could you visualize in your head this innocent child on her first
sexual act with this syech ? dont you think she probably screaming for
her mommy oor her daddy when he forced himselves to her.

still waiting for your answer


--- On Fri, 10/24/08, yustamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: yustamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: [ppiindia] Re: INDONESIA SORGA PARA PEDOPHILE (was Fwd: Syech Puji 
Nikahi Bocah 11 Tahun)
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 9:46 PM

**** I think so, that this syech love those little girls, so why he
wish to marry them. Yeah, of couse he understand what he would like to
do with those girls, he knows well that they are still a girl with
their dolls. I think many people under estimate about this syech, that
this syech is sex maniac, or something that you want to say to him
with a bad pet name. I think that you come first to figure this syech
with a bad image.

he he he … I don't understand what in your mine about married, all
people is trapped that to marry a women just for having sex. The
first you want to marry some one, I think there should be what we say
falling in love, this is difference with some one who want to have sex
without marry. Falling in love means to protect or to grasp her from
any body that who want to hurt her. He will put his soul for someone
that he loves so. I hope you understand about this. 

you went to the deep meaning of pidophile, as if the syech is a
pidophile, if you have got his track record of pidophile action, of
course you say him as pidophile, but if you just listen someone
talking without any evident, this is mean that you have violated the
right of syech. All the theory that you explain, i think nothing is
matched with the syech, bcs as the syech said that he want to marry
those girl to make them as his successor for the bisnis he have
builded and successed, so he doesn't marry those girl for sex as you
think in your mind.

yeah I think, in this modern era, no one of the parent who want to let
his girl in a young age to marry with an old people, so do I, but I
just want to see the syech in a positive way. I agree with you that
parent should protect their children, but, does the syech protect 
those girls after he married them ?



--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], carla annamarie kneefel
<carla_annamarie17@ ...> wrote:
> so Yustam, tell me something, do you seriously believe that this
syech married this little girl or this innocent child based on love?
and this innocent young ones actually love him and understand about
marriage? this 11 yeard old child is a child, she should be out there
playing with her friends, she still a minor. she should not even been
thinking or even engaging sex with anyone esp someone with the same
age or older than her granpa. 
> could you visualize in your head this innocent child on her first
sexual act with this syech, dont you think she probably screaming for
her mommy oor her daddy when he forced himselves to her.
> how about her basic human right as a human being? dont she has a
voice, a right, or dignity? grown up suppose to protect children. 
> abuse means violation of basic right. this child basic right has
been violated. her innocent has been slaugthered.
> pedophile comes in many forms, some are child pornography, for some
are go to places that offered children for sex, but some are more
religious one, bcs this pedophile justified their action based on
religion. actually they all just the same, different clothes but the
same person. still a beast in different clothes.
> A common attitude among people is that child molesters are
heartless, selfish, uncaring individuals looking to attack and harm
children for the joy of it. However, research indicates that this is
not always the case. According to Gilgun (1995) child molesters often
believe that they are expressing love to their victims. They believe
that their victims enjoy the attention and care they receive and that
what they are doing to the child is acceptable. In addition, child
molesters often believe that they are expressing a romantic love and
that their victims are returning this love. They believe that the
sexual feelings are mutual. 
> Gilgun (1995) found that many child molesters display evidence of
fragmented thoughts. The research indicates that while child molesters
believe that they are expressing great love and caring for their
victims and fail to see anything wrong with their actions.
> just wanna make it simple for you, an old man wanna marry or married
a 7, 8 , or 11 year old child, what do you think about that? do you
believe that he acted based on love and respect of the child? and the
child also returning his love and have an understanding about
marriage? what do you think about an old man marrying and engaging sex
with an innocent child (lets say 7 or 11 year old little girl)?what
your heart and mind tell you abt that?
> whether people want to justify this psychopathic behaviour, the fact
is the child is the victim here. 
> so if many people try to justify or just stood silent and ignorance
(they dont condemn nor support it). just picture this, what if it
happen to your family, your little girl, your little niece, and
granddaugther? what if some well-known respectable and religious syech
came to you wanna marry your little girl, so in whatever reason you
agree, would you able to look into your child eyes and saying to her
that it's ok. so Yustam could you kindly answer my questions above?
> parents should protect their children, father should be the one who
protect his innocent children with his own life. if not. they should
not be called a father.
> waiting for your answer.
> Carla
> --- On Thu, 10/23/08, yustamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> From: yustamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Subject: [ppiindia] Re: INDONESIA SORGA PARA PEDOPHILE (was Fwd:
Syech Puji Nikahi Bocah 11 Tahun)
> Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 9:11 PM
> *** Terus terang ibu bambang ini tidak paham arti pedophile, menurut
> wikipedia pidophile sbb, The term pedophile is commonly used to
> describe all child sexual abuse offenders. Padahal sang syech tidak
> melakukan abuse terhadap anak tersebut. Perlu sekali ibu belajar
> tentang pedophile sebelum menuduh seseorang.
> apalagi membawa-bawa orang asing ke indonesia yang seakan-akan banyak
> menikahi wanita islam karena seks. Yang kita tahu di bali banyak
> warga Australia yang pedophile dan di jakarta ada robot gedhek yang
> melakukan abuse terhadap anak-anak laki-laki, ini adalah kejahatan.
> jadi ibu harus membedakan bahwa pedophile itu berhubungan dengan abuse. 
> anehnya lagi ibu ini menolak ruu pornograpphy padahal pedophile itu
> berhubungan dengan seks, di mana seks itu berhubungan dengan yang
> porno-porno, anak-anak kecil yang telanjang saja bisa membuat seorang
> pedophile untuk melakukan kejahatan, apalagi kalo orang dewasa yang
> memperlihatkan kepornoan, maka seorang bukan pedophile pun akan
> teransang dan melakukan ABUSE. jadi SADAR-lah bu Bambang . . .
> salam
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Ibu Bambang" <ibu.bambang@ ...>
> >
> > Terus terang Ibu miris sekali dengan pemberitaan di bawah ini.
> > Bagaimana tidak, negara yang kita cintai ini bisa menjadi sasaran kaum
> > pedophile
> > dari manca negara.
> > 
> > Khan syarat nya gampang sekali (asal tahu):
> > 
> > - Convert Agama ke Islam (rubah nama - rubah penampilan yg Islami
> - kalau
> > perlu pakai baju koko putih, kopiah putih, jidat di hitamkan)
> > - Cari gadis belia calon mempelai/korban (Usia 7 tahun kalau perlu)
> > - Nikahi secara Siri atau Mut'ah (keuntungan nikah Mut'ah - bisa
> di cerai
> > kapan pun)
> > - Bisa ambil 4 Istri/Korban sekaligus
> > 
> > Gimana nih DPR - Pejabat Negara ------ Apakah *RUU Porno mu bisa
> melindungi
> > anak gadis belia* di negara kita dari kasus-kasus seperti ini ?????
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> > 
> > Syech Puji Nikahi Bocah 11 Tahun
> > *"Saya Akan Nikahi Lagi yang 9 dan 7 Tahun"
> > *Amril Amarullah
> > VIVAnews.Com - Diprotes banyak kalangan, niat Kiai Pujiono Cahyo
> Widianto
> > atau lebih dikenal sebagai Syech Puji menikahi anak dibawah umur
> bakal jalan
> > terus.
> > Setelah menikahi bocah 11 tahun, kiai nyentrik ini malah punya rencana
> > menikahi bocah lain yang usianya lebih muda yakni 9 tahun.
> > 
> > Bagi Syech Puji, pernikahan ini adalah bagian dari rencananya untuk
> memiliki
> > empat istri. Hebatnya, istri pertama sang syech berperan aktif dalam
> mencari
> > bini muda untuk sang suami. "Asal Anda tahu, jusru istri saya yang
> > mencarikan calon-calon istri saya itu," katanya kepada Amril
> Amarullah dari
> > VIVAnews. Berikut petikannya:
> > 
> > *Setelah ini ada niat menikahi gadis di bawah umur lagi?*
> > 
> > Iya target aku punya empat istri, setelah aku menikahi istri kedua
> ini, akan
> > saya nikahi dua lagi. Bahkan umurnya lebih muda, umurnya 9 tahun dan 7
> > tahun. Bahkan bila perlu kita nikahi sekaligus.
> > 
> > *Apakah tidak khawatir akan menjadi persoalan nantinya?*
> > 
> > Siapa yang mempersoalkan, toh Agama tidak melarang. Yang dilarang
> syariat
> > itu, memiliki istri lebih dari empat. Yang saya targetkan itukan empat
> > istri, tidak lebih.
> > 
> > *Anda menikah lagi. Isteri anda tidak mempersoalkan? *
> > 
> > Tidak ada masalah
> > 
> > *Pernikahan anda dengan anak di bawah umur, bagaimana isteri anda
> menanggapi
> > ini ?*
> > 
> > Saya katakan, tidak mempersoalkan
> > 
> > *Sebelumnya sempat cemburu ?*
> > 
> > Isteri saya menyetujuinya tidak ada tekanan, dan asal anda tahu,
> > istri justru dia yang mencarikan calon-calon istri saya itu.
> > 
> > *Anda tidak khawatir dianggap melanggar hukum bila menikahi wanita
> secara
> > sekaligus seperti yang anda niatkan itu, apalagi di bawah umur?*
> > 
> > Aku tidak tahu. Sudah dulu yah terimakasih.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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