PA: Iran and Syria trying to replace PLO

Jan. 29, 2009
Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST 
The Palestinian Authority on Thursday accused Iran and Syria of encouraging 
Hamas and other radical groups to establish a new leadership that would 
challenge the PLO's claim to be the "sole and legitimate" representative of the 

The PA is an organ of the PLO. 

The PA fears that the potential new leadership, which would be headed by Hamas 
chief Khaled Mashaal, would be recognized by several Islamic governments that 
are unhappy with President Mahmoud Abbas. 

The PA is also worried because the idea of replacing the PLO is being backed by 
prominent Arab political analysts, newspaper editors and even veteran Fatah 
leader Farouk Kaddoumi. 

Abbas, who met with US Middle East envoy George Mitchel in Ramallah, warned 
that any attempt to create an alternative leadership to the PLO would 
"consolidate divisions" among the Palestinians. 

Mashaal on Wednesday surprised the PA by announcing that the current 
circumstances require the Palestinians to start thinking about the creation of 
a new leadership that would represent all Palestinians. 

The PLO was no longer the legitimate representative of the Palestinians 
"because of its role in deepening divisions among the Palestinians," he said. 

His declaration has won the backing of all the Damascus-based Palestinian 
groups, including Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine-General Command headed by Ahmed Jibril. 

Mashaal's statement has been interpreted by PA and Fatah officials in the West 
Bank as "the most serious challenge to the PLO since its founding." 

During the meeting in Ramallah, Abbas told Mitchell he was very worried about 
the role of Iran and Syria in the Fatah-Hamas conflict. Abbas said that he was 
keen on achieving "national unity" with Hamas and the other Palestinian groups. 

Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat said Abbas also briefed Mitchell about Israel's 
settlement construction and its policy of "creating new facts on the ground" in 
the West Bank. 

Ahmed Abdel Rahman, a senior Fatah official closely associated with Abbas, 
accused the Iranians and Syrians of meddling in Palestinian affairs. "This is 
cheap meddling in our affairs," he said. "They are inciting some sick people 
like Khaled Mashaal to reject national reconciliation and to go ahead with 
their plans to form an alternative leadership. But these attempts are doomed to 

Another PA official said the Iranians and Syrians were now openly "conspiring" 
to undermine the PA leadership. 

"They are seeking to take advantage of the increased sympathy for Hamas on the 
Arab street following the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip," the 
official said. "We see this as a declaration of war on the legitimate 
representatives of the Palestinians." 

Hussein a-Sheikh, a senior Fatah operative in the West Bank, called for 
organizing protests against Mashaal's comments. 

"This is an Iranian-Syrian plot against the PLO," he said. "We will do our 
utmost to thwart it." 

Another senior Fatah official, Ziad Abu Ein, said Damascus and Teheran were 
seeking to "destroy" the Palestinian cause and to solidify divisions among the 

The PA believes that Qatar is also behind the call to establish a new 
Palestinian leadership. A PA official said the Qatari-owned Al-Jazeera network 
had long served as a platform for Mashaal and Hamas. He also claimed that the 
station had been "inciting" against Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas by depicting them 
as traitors. 

A Fatah leaflet distributed in Nablus on Thursday lashed out at former MK Azmi 
Bishara for supporting the idea, alleging he fled Israel because of his 
involvement in financial corruption. The leaflet condemned all those who 
support Hamas as "mercenaries" working for Iran, Syria and Qatar. 

Three previous attempts to establish an alternative leadership to the PLO 
failed - largely because of the refusal of the majority of Arab and Islamic 
countries to recognize the new bodies. 

The first attempt occurred in 1976, when then-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein 
encouraged a group of Palestinian officials to form the Palestinian Rejection 

The second attempt was in 1983, when dissident Fatah officers Abu Musa Maragha 
and Abu Khaled al-Amleh, backed by Syria, established the Palestinian Salvation 
Front. The third attempt took place a few years ago when Hamas and other 
Damascus-based Palestinian groups established the Front of the Ten Palestinian 

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