Saturday January 31, 2009
Bishop who denied Holocaust apologizes to pope

VATICAN CITY (AP) - A bishop recently rehabilitated by Pope Benedict XVI has 
expressed regret to the pontiff for the "distress and problems" he caused by 
denying the Holocaust.

In a letter to the Vatican, Bishop Richard Williamson, who recently denied in a 
TV interview that 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust, called his 
remarks "imprudent."

The letter was posted Friday on Williamson's personal blog and addressed to 
Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who has been dealing with the rehabilitation 
of Williamson and other renegade bishops who had been excommunicated.

The Holocaust denial had outraged Jewish groups and many others. It was not 
immediately clear if Williamson's letter, which contained no apology for the 
content of his remarks, would ease that anger.

"Amidst this tremendous media storm stirred up by imprudent remarks of mine on 
Swedish television, I beg of you to accept, only as is properly respectful, my 
sincere regrets for having caused to yourself and to the Holy Father so much 
unnecessary distress and problems," Williamson wrote.

Papal spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said he had "nothing to say about 
this letter. Everyone can evaluate it as they see fit."

Lombardi said he didn't know if the pope or the cardinal had seen it.

The bishop in the letter also offered the pope his "sincere personal thanks" 
for lifting the excommunication.

The Vatican had imposed the Church's most severe discipline, excommunication, 
on Williamson and three other bishops 20 years ago because they had been 
elevated to bishop's rank by a renegade, ultraconservative prelate, the late 
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

In his letter on the blog, Williamson promised to "offer a Mass" for Benedict 
and Castrillon Hoyos.

Earlier Friday, Israel's ambassador to the Holy See, Mordechay Lewy, said the 
Jewish state has good relations with the Vatican, despite the flap over 
Williamson's comments.

The four rehabilitated bishops belong to the ultraconservative Society of St. 
Pius X, which Lefebvre founded because he rejected the modernizing reforms of 
the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.

On Wednesday, Benedict expressed what he called his unquestioned solidarity 
with Jews and issued a stern warning against any denial of the full horrors of 
the Nazi genocide.

In a letter dated Thursday, some 50 Catholic members of the U.S. Congress wrote 
to Benedict to express their "deep concerns" over the pope's decision to 
reinstate Williamson while the bishop was denying that the Holocaust occurred.

"We do not question your reasons for revoking the excommunication of Bishop 
Williamson or your right to do so, but we fail to understand why the revocation 
was not accompanied by an emphatic public rejection of his denial of the 
Holocaust," the letter said.

The bishop's remarks about the Holocaust "echo those of neo-Nazis, Islamist 
extremists, racists and others who choose hatred and violence over peaceful 
co-existence among peoples of all races and ethnicities," the lawmakers said, 
adding that they welcomed Benedict's expression of solidarity with the Jewish 

Benedict visited Washington during a pilgrimage to the United States last 

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