*Japan launches satellite to monitor greenhouse gases*

*TOKYO*, January 23 (RIA Novosti) - *Japan* successfully launched on Friday
a satellite that will monitor greenhouse gases as part of global efforts to
understand climate change, Japan's space agency said.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said that the Greenhouse Gases
Observing Satellite "Ibuki" (GOSAT) blasted off at 12:54 p.m. local time
(03:54 GMT) from the Tanegashima Space Center on board an H-IIA carrier
rocket. The satellite separated from the rocket 16 minutes after liftoff.

Ibuki is the first satellite to gather information on the density of carbon
dioxide and methane at 56,000 locations on Earth's surface, including over

The JAXA said on its website that Ibuki "is a collaborative project by JAXA,
the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and the Ministry of
the Environment (MOE) to provide the world's first satellite to observe
global greenhouse gasses from space."

"Data acquired by Ibuki will be utilized to learn the 'current' status of
the Earth concerning global warming and to contribute to a better future for
all mankind," the agency added.

The overwhelming consensus of climate change experts, environmental groups
and organizations is that the climate change is caused by greenhouse gas
emissions due to human activity, which is causing significant damage to the
Earth, although a minority argues that the possible impact has not yet been

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