Palestinians Commemorate Nakba

Date : 15/5/2009   Time : 15:40

RAMALLAH, May 15, 2009 (WAFA)- Palestinians all over the world commemorated, 
today and yesterday, the 61st anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba 
(Catastrophe), through demonstrations and various activities carried out inside 
the Palestinian Territory and out.


President Mahmoud Abbas had said, yesterday, in a televised speech, that ending 
the Israeli occupation of Arab and Palestinian territories, the establishment 
of an independent state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, solving the 
refugee's issue according to the Arab Peace Initiative adopted in Beirut in 
2002, will be the minimum required to lift the historical injustice against our 
Palestinian people.


The President, added that Israel has tried to force Palestinians to give up, 
and to erase their national identity, but, 'we are here to stay, holding on to 
our rights, determined to get rid of the occupation.'


The President renewed his demand to Israel to commit to the international will, 
and to immediately stop working with their policy that would only lead to the 
continuation and escalation of violence. He stated, 'the time has come fro 
Israel to respond to the call of comprehensive just peace, and to accomplish 
the historical reconciliation between two peoples living on this tormented holy 


He affirmed that bringing back Palestinian unity, and ending this state of 
division on Gaza is the first thing we are looking forward to accomplish during 
the Palestinian national dialogue. 


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