Palestinian CPI Decrease by 0.21% in April 2009

Date : 14/5/2009   Time : 15:30

RAMALLAH, May 14, 2009 (WAFA)- The Overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the 
Palestinian Territory decreased by 0.21% in April 2009, compared with March 
2009, and increased by 1.74% compared with April 2008, the Palestinian Central 
Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) reported.


Analysis of consumer price developments for February indicates declines in the 
major expenditure groups. The highest decrease was in the housing sector (- 
0.76%) and the lowest was in furniture and household goods (- 0.17%).

At the same time, there were increases in other major expenditure groups. The 
highest increase was in transportation (+ 1.19%) and the lowest was in 
communications (+ 0.02%).


Palestinian Territory regions experienced different overall CPI developments; 
the West Bank excluding Jerusalem: - 0.68%, the Gaza Strip: - 0.05%, and 
Jerusalem + 0.03%.


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