'Saudis would let IAF jets fly over kingdom on Iran mission'

Jul. 5, 2009 Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST 
Mossad head Meir Dagan assured Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that Saudi 
Arabia would allow IAF jets to fly over the kingdom during any future raid on 
Iran's nuclear facilities, The Sunday Times reported. 

According to a report in the British paper, Dagan held talks with Saudi 
officials earlier this year on the topic. The Israeli media has already carried 
unconfirmed reports that high-ranking officials, including former prime 
minister Ehud Olmert, held meetings with Saudi officials, but the kingdom has 
denied the reports. 

"The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through their 
airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in the common interests of both 
Israel and Saudi Arabia," a diplomatic source was quoted in the Times as 

While Israel has no formal diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, an Israeli 
source confirmed that the Mossad had "working relations" with the Saudis. 

Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, who recently visited 
the Gulf, said it was "entirely logical" for the Israelis to use Saudi 

Bolton, who has talked to a number of Arab leaders, added: "None of them would 
say anything about it publicly, but they would certainly acquiesce in an 
overflight if the Israelis didn't trumpet it as a big success." 

Arab states would publicly condemn a raid when they spoke at the UN, but would 
be privately relieved to see the threat of an Iranian bomb removed, Bolton 

Referring to the attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility in 2007 that 
Israel is rumored to have launched, Bolton added: "To this day, the Israelis 
haven't admitted the specifics but there's one less nuclear facility in Syria . 
. ." 

A former head of research in Israeli intelligence told the Times that "the 
Saudis are very concerned about an Iranian nuclear bomb, even more than the 

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