Kim Jong-il's death 'just months away'

Kim Jong-il as seen on North Korean state television last Wednesday. Photo: 

Julian Ryall, Tokyo
July 12, 2009 
KIM Jong-il is seriously ill and likely to be dead before the end of the year, 
according to a source within the North Korean leader's family.

The latest speculation over the health of the reclusive Mr Kim has been 
triggered by his appearance on state television last Wednesday to mark the 15th 
anniversary of the death of Kim Il-sung, his father and the man revered as the 
founder of North Korea.

He looked gaunt, his hair has thinned dramatically and he walked with a limp. 
It is believed that 67-year-old Kim suffered a serious stroke in August last 
year and that his recovery has been delayed by long-standing diabetes and heart 

"He does not have all that much longer to live and my sources say the doctors' 
diagnosis is that he will die before the end of the year," Professor Toshimitsu 
Shigemura, an expert on North Korean affairs at Waseda University in Tokyo, 

"He is still being treated for the main problem, which is complications arising 
from his diabetes, and it had been expected he could die as soon as this 
summer," he said, citing personal sources within Mr Kim's extended family.

Similar reports on Mr Kim's health have been reported in the United States, 
with an official saying the Government estimates he has a year to live.

Professor Shigemura said he had essentially lost the ability to decide policy, 
and that was being carried out by a collective leadership made up of the 
Politburo, the party and the military.

There were no signs of a power struggle to become Mr Kim's successor, he said, 
although there are suggestions that Kim Jong-un, his son and widely considered 
as being groomed to take over as heir, may not now get the post.

According to another Waseda University source, China has refused to support Kim 
Jong-un's bid for power and is instead calling for Kim's younger half-brother, 
Kim Hyong, to take over.

North Korea's unofficial spokesman in Japan has denied that the "Dear Leader" 
is unwell.


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