Men join in the fight against polygamy
Hans David Tampubolon ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Mon, 11/02/2009 10:30 
AM  |  Headlines 

Pro-polygamy groups are now not only facing protest from angry housewives and 
women's rights activists; a new group of men calling themselves the Men's 
Coalition against Polygamy (Kolmi) has also joined the struggle.

Kolmi spokesman Abdul Hamim Fauzie said via a statement in Jakarta on Sunday 
that the coalition considered the practice of polygamous marriage degrading, 
not only to women, but to men as well.

"Facts show that polygamy leads to nothing but domestic violence, 
discrimination and the abuse of human rights," he said.

"However, polygamists often argue that polygamy is necessary to avoid 
infidelity and love affairs. They also claim that polygamy is a part of their 
religious beliefs. Men use these arguments to justify their polygamous 
practices," he added.

"They need to know that not all men agree with and support polygamy. For us, 
the practice only degrades men's values and dignity. 

"The practice labels men as aggressive, egotistical, wild, unfaithful, and 
worst of all as being unable 
to control their libidos," he said further.

The coalition also said that it regretted a number of discriminative articles 
in the current marriage law.

"The law legalizes men to have more than one legal wife when their spouses are 
seriously ill or sexually incapable. 

"This is very unfair, especially to women, because the law only accommodates 
the needs of men," Abdul said.

Meanwhile, Muslim scholar Siti Musdah Mulia said that people practicing 
polygamous marriages who quoted verses from the Koran to justify their behavior 
were misinterpreting the message.

"Those people must not quote the Koran by verse.

They need to read the whole context and understand its real essence before 
saying the Koran endorses polygamy," she said.

Musdah said the Koran actually says that Islam aimed to eradicate polygamous 
practices, not to endorse them.

"Islam considers polygamy an unjust practice that originated in the dark ages. 
Therefore, Islam sought to eradicate such practices, but due to the severe 
reaction it caused, it took some time to fully eradicate the practice from the 
culture at that time," she said.

"Overall, the Koran says that Islam aims to ensure justice among human beings 
and in the way they develop relationships from the smallest scale. Justice here 
means guaranteeing that no one will feel they are being treated unfairly or are 
being hurt," she added.

Musdah said that she was not surprised to see that a number of men decided to 
bond together and fight against polygamy.

"Actually, anti-polygamy figures in the past were mostly prominent male 
clerics. The Prophet Muhammad himself was very angry when one of his 
son-in-laws planned to engage in polygamy," she said.

Recently, controversy has sparked  following an official launch of a polygamy 
club, dubbed the Global Ikhwan, in Bandung.

The club, originating from Malaysia, cites the noble aim of helping single 
mothers, reformed prostitutes and aging single women find spouses.

As soon as the club was established, condemnation poured in, especially from 
housewives and women's activists.

Ironically, the club is chaired by a woman named, Hatijah Binti Am, who has 
insisted the club could introduce people to the beautiful side of polygamy.

Previously, a number of polygamy scandals have reduced the popularity of public 
figures engaged in the practise.

Comments (1)  |   Post comment 

Tami Koestomo - Mon, 11/02/2009 - 5:02pm

Tami Koestomo The Muslim scholar Siti Musdah Mulia is absolutely right. It's a 
real pity this sagacious and obviously very intelligent and warm-hearted Muslim 
lady hasn't become the top leader in the MUI yet. Somehow the picture that 
comes strongly to mind upon reading this article is the first wife of Muslim 
cleric Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym) bravely trying to bite back scalding tears 
as she publicly announces her approval of her husband taking a second wife - 
and, recently, seeing the tears of her elderly Father as he states that his 
son-in-law hasn't visited him in 2 years. Tami Koestomo, Bogor. 

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