
Mutilated Farm Animals Most Likely Victims of UFO Experiments


Several waves of cattle mutilation were reported in the end of the 20th 
century. A mysterious "predator" opened animal carcasses cutting out their 
internal organs. The predator was unstoppable and dead cattle were found even 
in zoos. 

The most mutilations occurred in 1975 - 1976, the worst of them found in the 
US. There were thousands of victims. In Colorado alone three cows on average 
were mutilated on a daily basis. Governor Richard Lamm then stated that the 
mutilations were "one of the greatest outrages in the history of western cattle 
industry." Once, buffaloes were mutilated in Cheyenne Mountain that at the time 
hosted a US Air Force Defense Station. The predators were not stopped by 
thousands of soldiers patrolling the area. Bloodless animal carcasses remained 
the challenge that the Americans could not stand up to. 

In 2009, cattle mutilators came back. On March 8, a dead cow was found near the 
Purgatoire River by Mike Duran, a cattle rancher. 

"She's an older cow so I thought she may have died. . I spotted her near the 
(Purgatoire) river bottom and went and looked at her. She was on her side and 
it looked a little odd. When I took a closer look I saw that her udders had 
been removed," Duran said. It appeared as if the utters were cut off with a 
laser. There was no blood on or around the carcass and the incisions were 
perfectly round. 

Two weeks later, Jim Garren, a rancher from Walsenburg, Colorado, also found a 
dead cow with its udders cut off. 

"We searched and searched and we could not find blood on the ground or on the 
cow. I just can't understand how anyone could surgically remove a part from an 
animal and not spill some blood," he said. 

Absence of blood is one of the characteristics of an invisible forces' attack. 
After opening carcasses, veterinarians find out that there is not a single drop 
of blood in them. It is very difficult to bleed out an animal because when 
arteries are cut open, veins close and hold the blood back. The blood can be 
removed by pumping salt solution through arteries, but it is difficult to do in 
a field. 

Rancher Tom Miller found one of his calves dead near a feed tub where cows 
congregate to eat twice daily. 

"It's the strangest thing I've ever seen. I cut the hide and the legs just fell 
off. All the bones were broken," Miller said. 

This happens when a mutilated animal is thrown down from above. There were a 
number of cases when ranchers found carcasses in the trees, hanging off power 
lines, or other places where a cow cannot get on its own. Traces of animals in 
the snow or mud would suddenly disappear as if the animals were lifted in the 
air. Coyotes and vultures would not touch the carcasses. 

Miller said about 10 years ago he found another one of his cows mutilated. That 
cow had its ears, tongue, eyes and reproductive organs removed. 

"I really don't know what it is. I think maybe it was a UFO. According to the 
circumstances, that is what it seems like," Miller said. 

On March 17, the night Miller lost his calf, a dark triangular craft was 
reported flying over Colorado Springs. UFO investigators think it is not just a 

Argentinian epicenter 

Most mutilation cases occurred in Argentina last summer near the city of 
Puelches, in Southwestern La Pampa. Farmers reported seeing UFOs flying around 
the farms and then finding mutilated cattle. 

On June 30, another mutilated animal was found on the farm. It was a cow with 
incisions on one of its jaws, and was also missing one ear and inner ear, an 
eye, and had had all of its anal structure removed. 

The cow's owner said he was in the backyard accompanied by his son when the 
night "was suddenly turned to day" as a very large, bright object hovered over 
one of the cattle pens. 

Terrified, both farmers entered the house and watched the UFO through a window. 
None of the farm animals were injured on that occasion, but cattle mutilations 
began soon. 

Alejandro Napuri, a veterinarian, commented on a notorious case that occurred 
in a Buenos Aires province: ". there wasn't a single drop of blood at the site. 
Its tongue had been ripped out and the bone was exposed. This isn't an easy 
thing to achieve. The incisions observed have nothing to do with any mouse or 
predator," the vet explained. 

In June, several more mutilated animals were found near Puelches . A local 
rancher said that she saw strange lights flying around several nights in a row. 
A rancher from Embajador Martini, Province of La Pampa, observed panic in his 
herd when a UFO object "shaped like two soup-bowls joined at their edges" flew 
over the animals. 

Intergalactic slaughterhouse 

Thirty years ago the link between UFOs and cattle mutilation became more 
obvious. Imprints of flying saucers, circles of burnt grass and increased 
radiation were found next to mutilated carcasses. Some lucky ones managed to 
see the objects themselves at the place of crime. 

The most significant events happened at that time in Alaska. Five tourists 
staged a camp near the Yukon river. One of them woke up early in the morning 
and went down to the river to wash his face. While walking, he saw about 20 
hanging "saucers" of orange color. He rushed to tell his friends, but by the 
time they were up the UFOs were gone. 

Having walked half a mile towards the river, the tourists stumbled upon a 
gigantic ring of burnt grass. Inside the ring there were four triangle imprints 
pushed into the ground two to four inches. There were hundreds of dead animals 
lying around. Antlers and legs cut off elks were dumped in separate piles. All 
internal organs were missing. Grizzly carcasses were missing eyes and jaws, 
reign deer were missing skeletons. There was not a single drop of blood, the 
wounds looked clean and neat. A skinned carcass of a whale 14.8 feet long was 
found nearby. 

For the most part, biologists and veterinarians who came across strange events 
had no comments. At times, carcasses of mutilated animals decomposed extremely 
fast. Sometimes they would not spoil even under the sun, as if they were 

Studying the samples under a microscope, veterinarians found three types of 
incisions. They included incisions made with a red-hot scalpel-like tool, 
simple incisions made with a razor, and absolutely unique incisions. They were 
made with a tool that did not cut but rather moved the tissue apart without 
damaging it. Scientists are not able to make such incisions under field 

All attempts to take a picture of mutilators at work failed. In 1995, a farmer 
from Northern Saskatchewan told a UFO investigator that he found a dead 
unmutilated cow 500 yards from his house. The investigator suspected that the 
murderers would come back to take the internal organs. He installed a video 
camera on a tri-pod that transferred a signal to a TV with a video recorder. 
The camera worked well for a few nights, but twice the image would disappear 
for approximately 12 minutes. On both occasions, the carcass was badly 
mutilated and the film was light-struck as if a strong beam of light was 
directed right at the camera. 

Skeptics prefer to comment on easily explainable cases when dead cattle were 
obviously mutilated by vultures and say that all other cases have the same 
explanation. The same explanation was used by Kenneth Rommel in his report 
"Operation Animal Mutilation" who received a grant from the Federal Law 
Enforcement Assistance Administration to investigate mutilation reports in New 
Mexico. It was done to prevent the repetition of Colorado events when farmers 
were shooting at helicopters and "suspicious" vehicles. 

What about Russia? 

Cows, horses, and rabbits without ears 

Now diseased UFO investigator German Kolchin wrote that in Russia, mutilated 
animals missing internal organs were found in Primorsky Krai and the Volgograd 
Region. In 1987, a mutilated carcass of a cow was found at a collective farm 
near the Ural Mountains, and at the same time UFOs were observed in the same 

On May 22, 2002 the Krasnodar city newspaper "Kuban News" published a letter 
describing strange events. The author's grandmother heard her dogs barking at 
night and stepped outside to see what was going on. All her dogs were looking 
at the rabbit barn in the yard. She found three strangled baby rabbits with 
their ears cut off. On the way to her house, the woman saw a light ball flying 
out from under the rabbit cage. 

In 1996, Vladimir Chechurin, a hunter residing in Amga village, Yakutia, lost 
his horse. A few days later the horse was found dead. The horse's bones were 
intact, but his internal organs were a mess and his heart and lungs were 
missing. The hunter remembered that he saw several UFOs in the area a few days 
before the incident. 

The good news is that aliens are not hunting humans after practicing on 

Mikhail Gershtein, 
Tthe UFO Committee of the Russian Geographical Society 

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