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Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 11:03:12 PM
Subject: Power to the People, 100% Renewables by 2050
The intended recipient for this message is antonhart...@yahoo.com

Science Society Sustainability

Lecture 30/11/09

Power to the People, 
100% Renewables by 2050

Being 100 percent renewable and green is good, regardless of 
whether you believe in climate change. It solves our energy 
problem, puts people back in control, and gives us a 
cleaner, safer, healthier environment. 

Launch of Green Energies - 100% Renewable by 2050, 25 
November 2009
The presentation can be downloaded 

Power to the people 
in all senses of the word

We are thrilled to have such strong recommendations for our 
report. Alan Simpson, special advisor to Secretary of 
State for Energy and Climate calls it  “a road map for 
survival” and “the get out of jail” card for Britain and 
many other countries for avoiding “climate chaos”. Chee 
Yokeling, Director of Third World Network, says “it is 
just what world governments need to renew their commitment 
to the UN Convention on Climate Change.” That alone tells us 
there is nothing to divide the peoples of the developed and 
developing world as far as renewable energies and saving the 
climate is concerned.

What we need is to restore power to the people in all senses 
of the word ‘power’, through a commitment to 100 percent 
renewable energies by 2050. This is realistic, much more so 
than the non-renewable options favoured by the UK and other 
governments, and much more affordable. 

Renewable energy is inexhaustible energy that does not run 
out. Moreover, it is free; once you install your own 
equipment to capture it, no one can meter it, if you don’t 
want them to, or cut off your supply. It is in principle 
available to all, so there is no need to fight over it. We, 
the people, are in control.

Being renewable is not enough. It has to be green, which 
means also being environmentally friendly, healthy, safe, 
non-polluting, and sustainable. Sustainable needs more 
comment as it has been hi-jacked too often to mean just the 

Being sustainable is to endure for hundreds or thousands of 
years like natural ecosystems, thanks to a circular economy 
of reciprocity and cooperation that renews and regenerates 
the whole (The Rainbow And The Worm). 
It is just the opposite of the dominant neo-liberal economy 
driven by competition and exploitation that has brought the 
planet and its inhabitants to the brink of irreversible 
catastrophe, not to mention the actual financial collapse 
(see Financing Poverty).

Therefore it is important to modify Bruntland’s definition 
of sustainability as follows: to use natural resources 
responsibly and equitably, to meet the needs of all in the 
present without compromising the needs of future generation. 
This makes sense, as truly green and renewable energies are 
freely available to all in any case. 

Unfortunately, our political leaders are overwhelmingly 
blind to these simple facts. They are committed to the neo-
liberal paradigm, and held to ransom by big business. Truly 
green renewable energies that give power to the people do 
not leave enough profit to satisfy greedy big business!

That‘s why the Copenhagen summit is collapsing before it 
begins. Big business and big governments are fighting people 
to prevent them taking power, and fighting one another to 
get a larger slice of the power pie. 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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