Dialectic materialist
Sitaram Yechury
November 29, 2009
First Published: 23:15 IST(29/11/2009)
Last Updated: 23:23 IST(29/11/2009)

Tomorrow is the world Aids Day. The absence of effective cures warrants 
campaigns to prevent the spread of this killer cellular mutative disease. Yet 
another silent mutation, cancer, continues to claim many lives, eluding a 
decisive cure. Could it be possible that these mutations are part of the 
evolutionary process signalling that in a very distant future, life-forms on 
this planet could be those that are completely unrecognisable today?

Such are the questions that arise in the 200th year of Charles Darwin's birth. 
During this preceding week of November 150 years ago Darwin's The Origin of 
Species was published, revolutionising scientific and rational thinking. This, 
for the first time, scientifically established that all living beings 
originated through entirely natural processes. So antagonistic was this to the 
reigning religious and philosophical view of the Divine Creator that Darwin 
himself once jocularly labelled himself as the 'devil's chaplain'. In a 
fascinating biography of The Origin of Species, Janet Browne says that it "in 
many ways [it] is the story of the modern world".

Not surprisingly, since the time of its publication, The Origin continues to be 
at the centre of many controversies. Even those who could not negate the 
irrefutable, scientific foundations of evolution, could not come to terms with 
the fact that it was threatening the existence of theology. From this sprang 
the postulate that the shaping of Earth and its inhabitants is a continuous 
process controlled by laws that god had instituted in the beginning. To this 
came the retort that if this be true, then god must be the most unemployed and 
bored entity since the laws are running their natural course. Such a deep 
churning on matters of theology and morality continue even today despite the 
fact that evolution has been scientifically accepted.

Darwin himself chose not to enter this controversy. Only 12 years later in The 
Descent of Man, he famously said "it has often and confidently been asserted 
that man's origin can never be known; but... it is those who know little and 
not those who know much who so positively assert that this or that problem will 
never be solved by science."

Some of the most brilliant minds of the 19th century took up cudgels on behalf 
of Darwin. The most famous of them all, Thomas Huxley - who incidentally coined 
the term 'agnostic' - cast himself as 'Darwin's bulldog'. He passionately 
defended and propagated the question of ape ancestry and the close anatomical 
relationship between the humans and the primates. This led many for nearly a 
century to search for the 'missing link'. Darwin himself had, however, 
suggested a common ancestry for both humans and primates closest to us like 
gorillas and chimpanzees.

Paying homage to Darwin, the confirmation of this has come, literally from afar 
- the discovery of the fossil remains of Ardipithecus ramidus, 'Ardi' for 
short, a hominid species that lived 4.4 million years ago in the Afar Rift 
region of northeastern Ethiopia. While this was discovered in 1992, it took all 
these years of research by an international scientific team, whose results were 
published in Science in October this year. This now establishes  the fact that 
there is a direct evolutionary genetic link between today's humans and our 
earliest pre-human ancestors. The humans did not evolve from the primates but 
both evolved from a common ancestor which is yet to be found. While our 
ancestors were evolving in a specifically 'human' direction, primate ancestors 
were evolving in a specifically 'chimp' direction.

These exciting discoveries, providing us very deep insights, reassert that 
evolution takes place essentially in the concrete material conditions and the 
needs for that particular life form to survive and develop. The evolution of 
the modern human being, the development of brain as the highest form of matter, 
continues to be shaped by the ceaseless man-nature dialectic.

While such discoveries should have settled the age-old philosophical debate 
between idealism and materialism, an opinion poll in the New York Times in 
November 2004 showed that 55 per cent of the respondents believed that god 
created humans in their present form. Thus, the philosophical debates of human 
and moral consciousness will continue. The majesty of discoveries like Ardi, 
however, reasserts the grandeur of nature as Darwin said in The Origin: "There 
is grandeur in this view of life... whilst this planet has gone cycling on 
according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms 
most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."

As humanity continues with its endeavours to better understand its evolution, 
and on that basis find solutions for diseases like Aids and cancer, the fact 
remains that all this is the unfolding of the man-nature dialectic. Darwin's 
own assessment of his work continues to remain as relevant today as it was when 
he published The Origin. "Man may be excused for feeling some pride at having 
risen, though not through his own exertions, to the very summit of the organic 
scale; and the fact of his having thus risen, instead of having been 
aboriginally placed there, may give him hope for a still higher destiny in the 
distant future."

Sitaram Yechury is CPI(M) Politburo member and Rajya Sabha MP

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