Woman who bore 25 kids is new 'heroine'

Publish Date: Thursday,17 December, 2009, at 12:48 PM Doha Time

Unable to read or write and extremely poor, Santkumari Pariyar seems an 
unlikely heroine. 

But the story of the village woman of uncertain age is making ripples in Nepal 
after a chance encounter led a filmmaker to train his camera on Santkumari and 
her family.  It is a large family. Besides her husband Jitman, the couple have 
eight children. 

The size of the family would have been larger still had all the children 
survived. In her 27 years of marriage, a stoical Santkumari bore her husband 25 
children, only eight of whom have survived.  Though the Pariyars live in 
Dhading district in central Nepal, close to capital Kathmandu, very little of 
the government's benefits have trickled down to them. 

Let alone education, neither husband nor wife knew about planned parenthood and 
safe motherhood though Nepal's government has been spending millions of rupees 
on campaigns to promote family planning as well as mother and child health 
care.  Santkumari blushed and hid her face while watching a film on her own 
life in Kathmandu recently.  "Mother of 25", a documentary by Ramesh Khadka, 
was screened in the capital as part of the five-day Kathmandu International 
Mountain Film Festival that brings to the capital 59 films from 26 countries. 

Santkumari, her husband and their 25th child Ganesh, were brought to Kathmandu 
to watch the film. After the end of the 40-minute documentary, the trio were 
surrounded by filmgoers who wanted to know why they hadn't resorted to family 
"We didn't know," the couple said. "We came to know it was possible to stop the 
birth of children only after a neighbour mocked us and asked us to go for 
family planning." 

Khadka, who stumbled on the couple about a year ago, said he was fascinated by 
their story.  On screen, Santkumari cries several times, saying how difficult 
it was to bring up so many children when there wasn't enough food to go around. 
 "Your body aches, you have to take care of the children, and there isn't 
enough food. What do men care about all that! It's the women who have to bear 
the brunt," she cries out. 

The documentary shows Jitman as remaining lighthearted despite the poverty and 
the neighbours' ridicule. 
Khadka has presented the story of the unusual couple as an example of the 
abysmal poverty and education that still reign in Nepal. 
But Santkumari was not happy to be the cynosure of all eyes. "Now everyone 
knows about our ignorance," she told the Kantipur daily. IANS

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