Reflection : The answer to the question is simple: "they are con artists!"

Lessons of leadership: Why do our politicians fail?
Anand Khrisna ,  Jakarta   |  Thu, 12/17/2009 8:59 AM  |  Opinion 

In spite of their "purportedly" common vision toward a better and more livable 
world, our politicians have failed. Certainly not all of them were, or, are 

Nevertheless, they have failed to deliver. Today, we live in a more 
comfortable, but not a "better" world. Conflicts and wars are tearing us apart 
- whereas, peace and harmony remain issues for discussion among our elites. 

In his historic speech in Cairo on June 4 this year, President Obama spoke 
about the need to "have the courage to make a new beginning".  

Later, during the UN General Assembly on Sept. 23, he emphasized, "The time has 
come for the world to move in a new direction."

Interestingly, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose speech was 
boycotted by many, also expressed hope for "a global community filled with 
justice, friendship, brotherhood and welfare".

Not long after, speaking at Harvard on Sept. 29, President Yudhoyono proposed 
the reinvention of "a new world". 

More recently, speaking in Egypt on Nov. 9, Chinese Premier Jiabao hoped the 
cooperation between China and the African countries would "contribute to the 
effort of building a harmonious world 
of enduring peace and common prosperity".

I do not doubt their good intentions, but neither can I close my eyes to the 
fact the world envisioned by them is still a far cry from their hopes. 


President Sukarno, one of our founding fathers, found flaws in the way we 
handled our problems. 

Speaking to the 15th UN General Assembly on Oct. 4, 1960, he said: "Any effort 
to solve our problems with violence, threat, or force would not only fail, but 
create problems of a more serious nature."

He cited "equality" as the only solution. To him, equality was the quintessence 
of all human rights. He hoped for certain universally accepted guiding 
principles to usher in a new era of equality among nations. It was on these 
grounds that he wished to "build the world anew".

Sukarno was a man of vision. 

He was a dreamer, but not an unrealistic one. He knew the realization of this 
dream would only be possible if we all let go of our "petty grudges, and ill 
feelings toward each other.

"Eliminate the cause of war, and peace shall reign. Eliminate the cause of 
tension, and life shall be easy.

"It is not only to ensure the survival of this world, we have the task to build 
the world anew!"

Sukarno often cited Neo-Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism as threats to world 
peace and true emancipation. Many of us then, and even now, scoff at him, and 
consider his fears unfounded. 

History, however, has proved otherwise. Neo-Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism are 
not only a living reality, but are also thriving at the cost of our ignorance. 

To make things worse, even our politicians and highly paid diplomats are often 
unaware of this. 

They still relate Neo-Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism with certain western 

They cannot see the tables turning. The imperial powers colonizing us are no 
longer western, but also eastern, and perhaps, our next-door neighbors, and 
darling friends. 

George Bernard Shaw was, perhaps, right in saying that: "He knows nothing; he 
thinks he knows everything - that clearly points to a political career." 

Sukarno offered an indigenous "Indonesian Solution" to face the challenges 
ahead: Pancasila. 
"When I speak of Pancasila, I am actually speaking of our nation's, at least, 
2,000-year-old civilization." 

He was bold enough to challenge the assembly to point out any flaw in what he 
offered; or, anything disputable or irrelevant to the modern age and its 
challenges. The entire assembly, instead, applauded "Sukarno of Indonesia" as 
he was then known.

Alas, we Indonesians have lost our self-pride. We no longer believe in the 
ideals of Pancasila, and in the virtues and values of our age-old civilization. 

Our leaders find it more civilized to connect with much younger and less 
experienced civilizations. They forget that when those civilizations lived by 
raiding caravans, and had to have the divine guidance to divide their booty, we 
were already shipping our spices using our own flag carriers!
Sukarno explained the values imbibed in Pancasila in few simple words: 
Religiosity, Nationalism, Internationalism, Democracy, and Social Justice. 
These are universal values, and no man in his senses would possibly oppose 
these values.

Yet, I say, we have failed. Where have we gone wrong? Let's move from being 
positive thinkers to having a positive and holistic attitude toward life and 
ask of our conscience, "Are we in a better position today than we were at the 
time of our independence?"

Simple mathematics: consider the current value of all the wealth, all the 
natural resources we had on Aug. 17, 1945, when we proclaimed our independence. 

And, consider the remnants we have, add the numerical value of all our 
developments, our reserves, add anything, everything, and consider all the 
loans, all the interests, and all the aid and charity we have received so far. 
You will be ashamed of calling yourself a son of the soil, as I am. 

Once, again, where have we gone wrong?

We are busy planning a new world, building, and reinventing it. Our orientation 
is outside. We want to change the world by changing the conditions outside, and 
by changing others. 

I am reminded of a famous Jacob M. Braude quote: "Consider how hard it is to 
change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to 
change others."

President Mandela says the same thing: "One of the most difficult things is not 
changing society, but to change yourself."

So, what do we do? Let us not despair. "Change your thoughts and you change 
your world," says Norman Vincent Peale. 

And, Mahatma Gandhi resonances, "Be the change in the world you want to see."

As a nation, let us first of all agree that Pancasila is the only sane and 
viable solution to the challenges we face. Moreover, Pancasila connects us to 
the rest of the world, including those who follow different systems of 

Next, let us change our orientation from the outside, to the inside. The change 
must happen within us. For, it is when the individual changes, that society 
changes. And, when society changes, the nation changes. Finally, when nations 
change, the world changes.

Yes, we have to build the world anew, reinvent a new world, make a new 
beginning, move in a new direction, work toward a global community filled with 
justice, friendship, brotherhood and welfare, and a harmonious world of 
enduring peace and common prosperity. Yes, yes, yes, but we must begin with 
ourselves. You and I must change first!

The writer is a spiritual activist and an ambassador for the Parliament of 
World Religions, meeting in Melbourne from Dec. 3 to 9 this year 

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