Havana.  December  28, 2009

      Chávez highlights results of the construction of socialism in Venezuela

      CARACAS, December 27.- Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez today confirmed 
that the country is achieving unprecedented results with respect to the 
construction of socialism and satisfying the basic needs of human beings, 
reported PL.

      We could say that today in Venezuela, without fear of exaggeration, we 
are leaving behind the hell to which we have been subjected by those who 
misused the mandate of our people for 4o long years, stated the president in 
his weekly article "The Lines of Chávez."

      Among the most recent results, the head of state highlighted the 
introduction of Mission Baby Jesus and the creation of the Bicentenario State 
Bank, which has taken over from private banking institutions charged with 
multiple violations.

      "Our goal is to eradicate the use of the damaging weapons with which 
capitalism has inoculated us with since time immemorial and I acknowledge that 
that is no easy task," he affirmed. 

      In his final article of 2009, the statesman called on the Venezuelan 
people to join this crusade and prepare themselves to defend the sovereignty of 
the nation on all terrains. 

      Translated by Granma International 


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