31 December 2009 - 6 January 2010
Issue No. 979
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Iranian forecast
What will Iran look like 10 years from now, asks Mustafa El-Labbad * 

       Click to view caption 
      Reformist challengers to the hardline Iranian theocracy in jubilant mood 
What will Iran be like in 2020? If predicting the future is difficult enough in 
view of the plethora of factors that need to be taken into account, the task is 
all the more difficult when it comes to Iran. 

The Iranians themselves have a custom when they need to make a forecast. They 
consult their famous poet Shamseddin Mohamed Hafez-e Shirazi, known by his 
penname Hafez. The method of doing so is to pick up a volume of Hafez, close 
your eyes, flip open the book and place your finger on the verse at which the 
page falls open. 

The verse your finger has landed on is the key to the forecast. In Persian they 
call this the Faal Hafez -- the Hafez omen. As I am not proficient in this type 
of augury, I will fall back on a more conventional approach to discerning the 
shape of Iran in 2020.

A major regional power, the Iranian geopolitical space has continuously 
intersected with the global political map, both under the former monarchy, 
which was "open" to the international order, and under the Islamic republican 
system, which has locked horns with that order. 

Indeed, such labels as "friendly" or "hostile", as accurate as they may be to 
describe Iranian regimes in certain historical periods, fall by the wayside 
when we take the longer view. Iranian regimes, regardless of their ideological 
outlooks, intersect with the international order for the very simple reason 
that regional ambitions form a constant in Iranian foreign policy. 

As this constant is applied in an area whose petroleum resources have made it 
one of the most strategic parts of the globe, Iran has acquired a unique and 
highly important position in the international order. With a historical and 
civilisational continuum several thousand years old, Iran is an ancient 
centralised state. It possesses enormous human resources, with young people 
nowadays accounting for 65 per cent of the population. 

In spite of restrictions on communications as a result of the heavy 
surveillance of Internet and mobile connections (as has been the case since 
protests erupted following the 2009 presidential elections), Iran has the 
third- largest country ratio of bloggers on the web and the highest rate of 
Internet users in the Middle East. 

Iran's human potential extends far beyond the country's borders. Iranians 
around the world and in the US in particular form a large scientific base that 
transcends ideology, in the sense that it will remain in place regardless of 
changes in the regime. 

In addition to its human resources, Iran possesses vast energy resources. Iran, 
which has the most diversely skilled labour force and the most highly educated 
population in the Middle East, represents only one per cent of the world's 
population. Yet, it possesses 10 per cent of the world's known oil reserves, 
and it is the fourth-largest oil producer in the world. 

It also possesses 16 per cent of the world's known natural gas reserves, making 
it the second-largest natural gas producer in the world after Russia. As 3.6 
million of the 6.2 million barrels of oil it produces daily are consumed 
domestically, Iran has a surplus of 2.6 million barrels per day for export. As 
its known reserves are around 130 billion barrels, Iran could continue to 
maintain the current level of output for at least the next 40 years. In 
addition, with estimated natural gas reserves of 27 trillion cubic metres, Iran 
could also produce 500 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year for the 
next 55 years. 

A country's political future is contingent upon diverse factors, the most 
prominent being the efficacy of its political system and its ability to 
optimise the use of its human and material resources. In the light of the 
above, it follows that Iran theoretically stands an excellent chance of 
ascending further on the regional power ladder in the coming decade. 

Iran's current influence, stretching from its western borders to Lebanon, is 
the strongest and most extensive in its modern history. Since the victory of 
the Islamic Revolution, Iran has locked horns with the US in particular through 
various proxy wars, economic blockades, and innumerable diplomatic standoffs. 
However, Washington has not succeeded in changing the Iranian regime. Nor has 
that regime succeeded in overcoming the US drive to oust it as a regional 

Today, the confrontation between the two sides has entered a critical phase, 
which will determine the state of Iran in 2020. The Iranian nuclear question is 
now on the negotiating table between Iran and the five UN Security Council 
nations plus Germany. Most recently, Iran has turned down an international 
offer to have its uranium enriched abroad. 

This is not the place to enter into the technical and legal details of the 
issue. As consequential as it is in its own right, the Iranian nuclear question 
is the fulcrum of a number of other demands that each side is pressing for. As 
we have seen, negotiations over Iran's uranium enrichment activities have 
served as an avenue for the two sides to explore possibilities of reaching an 
understanding over, for example, guarantees that Iran can keep the regional 
gains it has acquired over the past seven years since the US-led invasion and 
occupation of Iraq. 

These include guarantees that the US can exit safely from Iraq and Afghanistan 
while keeping its regional interests intact, and arrangements that will help 
alleviate the general climate of hostility between the US and a large segment 
of the peoples of the Middle East.

Since concrete interests tend to prevail over ideology in international 
relations, there appears to be a strong likelihood that Tehran and Washington 
will eventually reach an understanding. Given Iran's vast human resource 
potential, energy resources and regional influence, the Obama administration 
could well deem this the right time to propel Iran further up the scale of 
regional power balances.

Therefore, as sound as Persian sayings usually are, I doubt whether the 
following one applies to the relationship between Tehran and Washington: Dusti 
ve doshmani kessan az pedaran be farzandan ba zamand (friendships and enmities 
are passed on from father to son).

At all events, this is not exactly a one-way relationship. Washington may need 
Iran, but not to the extent that it will forge a partnership with Tehran 
without very strict guidelines and conditions. Simultaneously, as strident as 
the Iranian ideological line is, as represented by President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad, who is not even the most powerful official in the land, Tehran 
knows that unless it strikes some form of alliance with the world's foremost 
superpower it stands no chance of gaining recognition as the foremost power in 
the region. 

The operation and development of Iran's gas and oil sectors will require 
billions of dollars of investment over the next 10 years. Otherwise production 
levels will fall off, and Iran will be unable to translate its natural-resource 
potential into cash. Granted, Iran can make deals with China and Russia, but 
they still do not have the technological prowess that the US has in the 
petroleum sector. 

In addition, unless it normalises relations with the US, Tehran cannot 
translate the regional influence it has acquired on many fronts into a 
springboard for leveraging itself to the status of a major regional power in 
the international order. Iran's situation today reminds one of a big-time 
gambler in a casino. This gambler has made quite a few successful bets and has 
raked in several piles of chips, but he cannot change his horde of chips into 
money. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the bipolar world order, the 
US has run the cashier's cage in the Middle East political casino.

The future of Iran a decade from now is thus contingent on the ability of its 
government and diplomatic machine to transform the nuclear question into 
successful negotiations and eventually a form of partnership with the US. Only 
then will Iran secure its status as a regional power, open doors to the 
financial and technological investments it needs for its energy sector, and 
receive the recognition and respect that it seeks. 

On the other hand, if Iran squanders its cards and turns the negotiations into 
an opening for further international pressures and isolation, the country will 
look much grimmer a decade from now. Iran has endured 30 years of rupture with 
Washington, and of course it could probably continue for another 10 years. 
However, the dynamics surrounding the Iranian nuclear question are such as to 
have made it the pivotal determinant of Iran's geo- strategic position. 

It can therefore be said with some confidence that the decisions the Obama 
administration takes with respect to the Iranian nuclear question and the ways 
that Tehran responds will have a profound impact on the shape of Iran in 2020.

* Director of Al-Sharq Centre for Regional and Strategic Studies. 

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