Iran ex-prosecutor blamed for prison torture deaths
Published Date: January 07, 2010 

TEHRAN: A parliamentary probe has found a former Tehran prosecutor responsible 
for the death by torture of at least three anti-government protesters detained 
in the turmoil following the disputed June elections, a conservative Iranian 
Web site reported yesterday. Saeed Mortazavi was the Tehran city prosecutor who 
was responsible for monitoring Kahrizak prison. After months of denials, Iran's 
judiciary acknowledged last month that three detainees there were beaten to 
death by their jailers.

The Alef Web site, which reported the probe results, is close to conservative 
lawmaker Ahmad Tavakoli. It said Mortazavi personally ordered that detained 
protesters be taken to Kahrizak , a facility on Tehran's outskirts where much 
of the prisoner abuse took place.

Iran's judiciary has charged 12 officials at Kahrizak , three of them with 
murder , but has not identified them. Mortazavi is detested by reformists, who 
have dubbed him the "butcher of the press" and "torturer of Tehran" because he 
was behind the closure of more than 120 newspapers and the imprisonment of 
dozens of journalists and political activists over the past decade.

Anger over the abuse claims, which emerged in August, extended far beyond the 
reformist camp, with influential conservative figures in the clerical hierarchy 
condemning the mistreatment of detainees. The outrage forced Supreme Leader 
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to order the immediate closure of the Kahrizak.

After serving as Tehran prosecutor, Mortazavi was promoted in August to deputy 
state prosecutor. He currently heads a government body tasked with fighting 
smuggling of goods, making him the highest ranking official to be implicated in 
the case so far. However, reformists also accuse President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
of being responsible for the abuses.

The confirmation by the hard-line judiciary of the prisoner deaths confirmed 
one of the opposition's most devastating claims against authorities and the 
elite Revolutionary Guard forces that led the crackdown after the presidential 
vote. The opposition says more than 80 protesters have been killed in the 
postelection crackdown, but the government puts the number of confirmed dead at 
less than 40.

After reports of torture and rape emerged, authorities vowed to punish those 
found guilty to control the damage. The Alef Web site said the probe put "the 
blame on Saeed Mortazavi, the former Tehran Prosecutor who was in charge of 
Kahrizak prison." The feared Mortazavi led interrogations of dozens of 
reformists arrested and put on trial after the June vote, according to 
opposition Web sites and families of the detained activists.

Iran's state radio reported that parliament has concluded its investigation and 
has listed some culprits, but didn't mention Mortazavi by name. Authorities 
initially tried to repel the abuse claims by accusing the opposition of running 
a campaign of lies against the ruling system. Ahmadinejad had even accused 
Iran's enemies of being involved in the crimes, a claim the opposition rejected 
as ridiculous. The unrest broke out after pro-reform candidate Mir Hossein 
Mousavi claimed he was robbed of the presiden
cy through massive fraud in the vote.

Pressure around the abuse claims accelerated in early August. One of the other 
pro-reform candidates defeated in the election, Mahdi Karroubi, said then that 
he had received reports from former military commanders and other senior 
officials that some detainees, male and female, were raped in custody.

One of the detainees who died in custody was the son of Abdolhossein 
Rouhalamini, a top aide to conservative presidential candidate Mohsen Rezaei. 
Rouhalamini's death, two weeks after he was arrested, sparked anger even among 
government supporters.-AP 

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