Citing Hazard, New York Says Hold the Salt 
Published: January 10, 2010 

First New York City required restaurants to cut out trans fat. Then it made 
restaurant chains post calorie counts on their menus. Now it wants to protect 
people from another health scourge: salt.

In 2008, New York City began forcing chains like Subway to post calorie counts, 
a requirement that restaurants resisted. 

On Monday, the Bloomberg administration plans to unveil a broad new health 
initiative aimed at encouraging food manufacturers and restaurant chains across 
the country to curtail the amount of salt in their products. 

The plan, for which the city claims support from health agencies in other 
cities and states, sets a goal of reducing the amount of salt in packaged and 
restaurant food by 25 percent over the next five years. 

Public health experts say that would reduce the incidence of high blood 
pressure and should help prevent some of the strokes and heart attacks 
associated with that condition. The plan is voluntary for food companies and 
involves no legislation. It allows companies to cut salt gradually over five 
years so the change is not so noticeable to consumers. 

"We all consume way too much salt, and most of the salt we consume is in the 
food when we buy it," said Dr. Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner, 
whose department is leading the effort. Eighty percent of the salt in 
Americans' diets comes from packaged or restaurant food. Dr. Farley said 
reducing salt from those sources would save lives. 

Since taking office, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who just began his third term, 
has gained a reputation as an advocate for healthy living, initiating prominent 
campaigns against smoking and harmful trans fats. To combat obesity, he has 
campaigned for calorie labeling on restaurant menus and warned consumers about 
sugary soft drinks.

The city's salt campaign is in some ways more ambitious and less certain of 
success than the ones it waged against smoking and obesity. For one thing, the 
changes it prescribes require cooperation on a national scale, city officials 
said, because major food companies cannot be expected to alter their products 
for just the New York market.

And removing salt from many products can be complicated. Salt plays many roles 
in food, enhancing flavor, preventing spoilage and improving shelf life. It 
helps bread to rise and brown.

The city's campaign against salt resembles its push to cut trans fat from 
restaurant foods, which began with a call for voluntary compliance. When that 
did not work, the city passed a law to force restaurants to eliminate trans fat.

But city officials said it would be difficult to legislate sodium reduction.

"There's not an easy regulatory fix," said Geoffrey Cowley, an associate health 
commissioner. "You would have to micromanage so many targets for so many 
different products."

He said officials hoped the campaign would work through public pressure. 
Companies that complied would benefit from good publicity.

The city has been discussing the program with the food industry since late 
2008, yet only a few companies appear ready to jump on board. One of those is 
A.& P., the supermarket chain. 

"We think it's a very realistic set of criteria that our suppliers can adhere 
to," said Douglas A. Palmer, vice president for store brands at A.& P.

He said the company expected to embrace the city's salt reduction goals for the 
hundreds of store brand products it sells under labels like America's Choice 
and Smart Price in 435 supermarkets throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic 
regions. In Manhattan, the chain operates under the name Food Emporium.

Subway, the fast food sandwich chain, also said it expected to commit to the 
city's salt guidelines at its nearly 23,000 stores across the country. 

Lanette R. Kovachi, Subway's corporate dietitian, said the company has reduced 
salt in stores in several other countries, including Britain and Australia, in 
response to government programs there. 

"We view these as achievable goals," she said. 

The company's best-selling item, a six-inch turkey sandwich, is already below 
the city's five-year average target for lunch meat sandwiches in restaurants. 
But the chain also has a six-inch spicy Italian sub whose salt content is well 
above the city's goals.

On Monday, after a year of consultations with industry, the city will release 
preliminary targets for sodium content. After a review, the city will unveil 
final targets in the spring and ask companies to commit to the program. 

The system proposed by the city is complex, with reductions ranging from 10 to 
40 percent for 61 classes of packaged foods and 25 classes of restaurant foods. 

It would measure the average salt content of a company's entire line of a 
particular type of product, like canned vegetables, breakfast cereals or frozen 
dinners, adjusted to give greater weight to products with the highest sales. 
That would allow companies to maintain a range of sodium levels but would 
create incentive to cut back on salt in the most popular items. 

While most food companies say they agree at least with the goal of reducing 
salt, some medical researchers have questioned the scientific basis for the 
initiative, saying insufficient research had been done on possible effects. 
While agreeing that reducing salt is likely to lower average blood pressure, 
they say it can lead to other physiological changes, some of which may be 
associated with heart problems.

An elaborate clinical trial could weigh the pluses and minuses of cutting salt 
in a large group of people. But that would cost millions, and it has not been 

Dr. Michael H. Alderman, a professor at the Albert Einstein College of 
Medicine, said the city's initiative, if successful in reducing salt, would 
amount to an uncontrolled experiment with the public's health.

"I'm always worried about unintended consequences," he said.

The federal government recommends that sodium intake from salt be limited to 
1,500 to 2,300 milligrams a day, with the latter figure equaling about a 
teaspoon. But the average adult in this country consumes about 3,400 milligrams 
a day.

Several major companies, including some that have been leaders in reducing 
salt, said they would not join the city initiative. 

"One of the things we want to bring across to New York City is that sodium 
reduction does not always follow a prescribed time or prescribed progress," 
said Chor-San Khoo, vice president for global nutrition and health at the 
Campbell Soup Company. "There's no one size fits all."

Campbell has already made significant reductions in the amount of salt in many 
of its products, including many canned soups, V8 beverages and Pepperidge Farm 

"We will continue to reduce sodium as long as there's consumer acceptance in 
the marketplace," Ms. Khoo said. 

ConAgra, which makes a wide array of products, including Hunt's canned tomato 
products and Chef Boyardee packaged meals, said it would continue with 
previously announced plans to cut the sodium in its portfolio of products by 20 
percent by 2015. 

"We don't have plans to join other organizations' pledges," the company said.

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