Wednesday 3 February 2010 (18 Safar 1431)

      Jordan blasts HRW report
      Abdul Jalil Mustafa I Arab News 

      AMMAN: The Jordanian government on Tuesday hit back on Human Rights Watch 
(HRW), accusing it of committing "fallacies" in its report about the arbitrary 
withdrawal of nationality from Jordanians descending from Palestinian origin.

      "HRW's report included several fallacies and allegations which have no 
legal or real backing," Minister of State for Media Affairs Nabil Sharif said 
in a statement.

      "The Interior Ministry does not have the legal authority to withdraw the 
nationality of any citizen," he added.

      Sharif was responding to a HRW report released in Amman on Sunday whereby 
the world human rights watchdog called on the Jordanian authorities to stop the 
"arbitrary withdrawal" of nationalities from Palestinian-origin citizens.

      The HRW estimated that Jordan withdrew nationality from at least 2,700 
Palestinian-origin citizens between 2004 and 2008 and said the practice 
continued throughout 2009.

      "Jordan is playing politics with the basic rights of thousands of its 
citizens," said Sarah Leah Whiston, HRW Middle East director.

      Sharif said that the cases of nationality withdrawal were nothing more 
than "a correction of status" dictated by the 1988 decision to sever Jordan's 
legal and administrative ties with the West Bank which was approved before hand 
by Arab leaders in their previous summit conferences.

      "The decision had the aim of preserving the Palestinian identity and 
forcing Palestinians to stick to their land with the avowed aim of derailing 
(Israeli) schemes which seek to empty Palestinian territories of their 
population and consequently Judaizing them," Sharif said.

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