
Thursday 4 February 2010 (19 Safar 1431)

      Know your rights
      Saad Al-Rifaie | Al-Madinah
      Have you ever been stopped by a security officer without knowing the 
reason? Do you know what you should and should not do in that situation? Have 
you ever been bewildered by a lost job right and did not know the proper 
procedures for reprieve? Have you ever been subjected to financial or 
commercial fraud and did not know where to complain?

      What prompted me to ask these questions was the absence of what could be 
called the "culture of rights." Not many people in our country are fully aware 
of their rights and duties. People only know to go to the police whenever they 
have a problem.

      The citizens grow up respecting the police uniform because policemen 
deserve all the respect as guardians of public safety and national security. 

      But everyone - cops, professionals, officials and citizens - reside 
inside the general culture and are liable to make mistakes because the concept 
of rights and duties is not crystal clear.

      Based on this, I call for organizing an annual awareness day or week 
under the slogan "Know Your Rights" where various activities could be prepared 
to focus on spreading this "culture of rights." Booklets can be printed and 
distributed listing citizens' rights and duties - from traffic law to land and 
financial rights to rights in the workplace. 

      The spreading of this awareness would make partners between citizens and 
the government. When citizens come to realize their rights they also become 
committed to their duties. 

      The spread of this culture of rights would prevent many violations 
committed by a category of people who exploit the ignorance of citizens 
regarding their rights. This would also cut the number of complaints to 
unconcerned departments.

      When citizens are fully aware of their rights, they know where to go 
directly instead of losing time and causing trouble at unconcerned departments.

      The schools can also educate our youth regarding their rights and duties 
so that when they grow up they become citizens armed with this knowledge.

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