Last update - 23:49 05/02/2010     
      Hamas: We regret harming Israeli civilians in rocket attacks  
      By Reuters  
      Hamas, in an unusual move, has expressed regret for the deaths of Israeli 
civilians in Palestinian rocket attacks during fighting in Gaza a year ago. 

      Israel, where Hamas suicide bombers have killed hundreds of civilians 
over two decades, dismissed any apology for the three non-combatants hit by 
rockets from Gaza in the war as insincere. 

      In a report by a committee set up by Hamas to examine UN allegations of 
war crimes by its fighters, the authors said: "We regret any harm that may have 
befallen any Israeli civilian. 

      "We hope the Israeli civilians understand that their government's 
continued attacks on us were the key issue and the cause," added the report, of 
which Reuters obtained a copy. 

      In response to the report, delivered to the United Nations this week, 
Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said on Friday: "For years Hamas has 
boasted about deliberately targeting civilians, either through suicide 
bombings, by gunfire or by rockets. Who are they trying to fool now?" 

      At least one senior Hamas official, who declined to be named, said the 
movement remained ready to conduct "martyrdom operations" - suicide bombings of 
Israeli buses, cafes and the like, which have not, however, been seen for 
several years. 

      The Hamas report, after listing Palestinian grievances such as the 
Israeli embargo on Gaza, reaffirmed comments by officials of the 22-year-old 
Islamist movement that its improvised rockets were fired purely defensively and 
were aimed at Israeli military targets. They simply lacked the necessary 
accuracy, Hamas said. 

      "It should be noted that the Palestinian not an organized 
army that possesses developed technological weapons," the report said. "It may 
target a military site or a tank position and their fire goes astray...and hit 
a civilian location, despite their efforts to avoid hurting civilians." 

      Israel and independent rights groups say Hamas has broken the laws of war 
by indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets and mortars around Israeli 
towns, notably Sderot, close to the Gaza border, in the years since the group 
won a parliamentary election in 2006 and seized full control in Gaza in 2007. 

      Some 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, were killed in 
a three-week Israeli offensive launched on Dec. 27, 2008. Israel and the 
Palestinians were urged by UN investigator Richard Goldstone in September to 
conduct credible inquiries into possible war crimes committed by their forces. 

      Both sides presented documents to the United Nations in recent days which 
they say showed they had conducted suitable investigations. In a message on 
Thursday to the General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon withheld 
judgment on whether either party had met Goldstone's recommendations. 

      UN member states "will consult on the further course of action," General 
Assembly spokesman Jean Victor Nkolo said. 

      Rights group Amnesty International called Ban's message "deeply 

      "Amnesty International believes that the information [Ban] had received 
was sufficient to show clearly that the steps taken by both sides have been 
completely inadequate," it said in a statement. 

      Israel, which has furiously rejected Goldstone's report as unbalanced, 
says Hamas deliberately puts Palestinian civilians in harm's way in order to 
shield its fighters and to exploit international pressure on Israel over 
civilian deaths. 

      Diaa al-Madhoun, a Palestinian judge who took part in drafting the report 
to the United Nations, told Reuters that the expression of regret conformed to 
what he said was Hamas' "commitment to international humanitarian law." 

      "It is part of our religion not to target civilians, women, children and 
the elderly, who do not take part in the aggression against us," he said, 
echoing language in the Hamas report. 

      More than 500 Israelis were killed in suicide bombings during a 
Palestinian uprising from 2000. Many of those bombers were sent by Hamas, 
pursuing what it calls "martyrdom operations." 

      Asked whether the expression of regret to the United Nations marked a 
change in that strategy, a Hamas official in Gaza told Reuters: "There is no 
change in the movement's policy, and that includes our position on the 
martyrdom operations."  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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