Indonesia tells Iran to uphold commitment on nuclear non-proliferation  

      JAKARTA, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia supports Iran's right to develop 
its nuclear program for peaceful purposes but asks the country to uphold its 
commitment to nuclear non-proliferation, the Jakarta Post quoted a minister as 
saying on Saturday.

      "Commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and the right to obtain nuclear 
power for peaceful purposes go hand in hand. You cannot take one and exclude 
the other. They are integrated responsibilities and rights, not one at the 
expense of another," Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa told the daily on the 
sidelines of a function to commemorate the National Day of Iran on Thursday.

      Marty said that Indonesia would seek opportunities to bridge the 
hostilities between the West and Iran.

      "We have a good relation with both Iran and the West. We believe they 
want to establish good relation with each other and Indonesia can help bridge 
communication between them," he said.

      Iran is facing new United Nations' sanctions following a stalemate in 
negotiations with the West over sending uranium to be enriched abroad to 
develop higher grade material for its nuclear reactor.

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