Refleksi : Arab Saudia menghukum para pendukung teroris.  Akibat terorisme di 
NKRI puluhan ribu rakyat di Maluku dan Sulawesi melayang  jiwa. Bagaimana 
dengan para petinggi pendukung terorisme di NKRI? Untuk jelasnya silahkan lihat 
video footage ini :

      17 Years for Supporting Terrorism

      By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid 
In an important step on the path toward combating terrorism, a Saudi court 
sentenced a Saudi national convicted of inciting terrorism to seven years in 
prison, and sentenced another to 10 years in prison for financing acts of 
terrorism. Finally, the picture has become clear to everyone after years of 
controversy over responsibility for crimes committed under religious and 
political labels. The punishment for such crimes has now become heavy, and 
individuals are now incarcerated if they deliver speeches or write articles 
inciting terrorism, or alleged jihad, or donate funds to terror organizations. 
In the past, punishment was limited to actual perpetrators and terrorists who 
committed crimes. Most of the militants of Al-Qaeda were in fact victims of 
inciters and financiers while these and the rest of individuals in the chain of 
terror crimes were far from being held to account. 

For over 10 years, we have urged and recommended the eradication of inciters 
and the pursuit of funding organizations and other facades which were active in 
the field and which acted openly under religious, political, and jihadist 
slogans. When the fire reached our cities in 2003 and terrorists targeted 
residential complexes with their explosives, the picture became somewhat 
clearer. And even though fighting terrorism became official policy, the view of 
terrorists remained confused in the minds of the majority of people. The fall 
of many terrorist cells revealed a great deal of information confirming what we 
had been saying. Many of the calls for donations were not innocent. They were 
organized and a link in a long chain of terrorist crimes committed under 
religious and humanitarian disguise. They raised sincere calls and pictures but 
their purposes were far from what appeared to ordinary observers. 

Everyone can now see that the security agencies have succeeded in cornering and 
cleansing the country of terrorists. Terrorism militants have been forced to 
flee abroad and financiers have been forced to go underground. In the past, 
they used to openly collect donations for their secret organizations in the 
name of Muslim orphans, widows, the poor, and the destitute. Although terrorist 
groups fled abroad and financiers and collectors of funds have resorted to 
secrecy, incitement to terror has, regrettably, continued up to this day. The 
frequency of acts of terror has dwindled and the inciters now resort to less 
blunt language. And although they take advantage of times of crisis to incite 
terrorism, regrettably, incitement to terrorism continues to exist up to this 
day in non-conventional media outlets. 

The sentencing of a terrorism-inciter to seven years in prison is a significant 
step, but it is more important to publicize this punishment in order to combat 
terror crimes which have spread in the uncontrolled media outlets and multiple 
forums. The task of monitoring hundreds of websites, mosque pulpits, 
videotapes, and cd's, which incite violence and encourage fighting, is almost 
impossible. However, the fact that these acts are now regarded as crimes, and 
that they are being publicized as such, is at this stage enough to deter 
inciters who believe that terror crimes are only limited to those who carry 
explosives and who are involved in direct killing. 

The Islamic countries have lost tens of thousands of youths who believed the 
propaganda of inciters and joined the fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia 
unaware of the nature of these organizations and their goals. Those who were 
lured by jihadist slogans were victims of this jihadist propaganda. If this 
propaganda is stopped, the large-scale of acts of terrorism we currently 
witness will end. Although terrorism has been defeated, it has not completely 
stopped. The capture of a terrorist in Yanbu last week is a case in point. 
Beyond the Saudi borders and the Yemeni hills are tens of terrorists, if not 
hundreds, are awaiting an opportunity to commit crimes. 

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