Obama Has the Power to Help Papua, the 'Weak Man' Under Indonesian Rule 
Andreas Harsono, Indonesia consultant for Human Rights Watch

Published in: 
The Jakarta Globe
February 21, 2010 
In Jakarta in the late 1960s, a young Barack Obama noticed his stepfather's 
great unease and silence about his one-year military service in New Guinea. 
Lolo Soetoro, his stepfather, did not like to talk about his time there. He did 
tell young Barack about how leeches got into his boots in New Guinea's jungles. 
"They crawled inside your army boots while you're hiking through the swamps. At 
night, when you take off your socks, they're stuck there, fat with blood. You 
sprinkle salt on them and they die, but you still have to dig them out with a 
hot knife." The leeches created a series of indented scars on Lolo's legs. 

In his book "Dreams From My Father," Obama asked Lolo, "Have you ever seen a 
man killed?"

Lolo was surprised by the question.

"Have you?" Obama asked again.


"Was it bloody?"


Obama thought for a moment. "Why was the man killed?"

Lolo answered, "Because he was weak. That's usually enough. Men take advantage 
of weakness in other men. They're just like countries in that way. The strong 
man takes the weak man's land. He makes the weak man work in his field. If the 
weak man's woman is pretty, the strong man will take her." Lolo paused, then 
asked his young stepson, "Which would you rather be?"

Obama didn't answer the question.

Lolo finally remarked, "Better to be strong."

Philosophers around the world could devote volumes to that simple question. But 
as Obama prepares to visit Indonesia in March, some facts are worth pondering.

Fact No. 1: Barack Obama, the little boy who used to live in Jakarta, is one of 
the most powerful men in the world. Obama now lives in the White House, not the 
little house in Menteng. And he is going to revisit the home of his youth to 
sign a "strategic partnership" with Indonesia.

Fact No. 2: New Guinea is now called Papua. Its western part is legally a part 
of Indonesia since the controversial UN-approved Act of Free Choice in 1969, in 
which 1,054 Papuans, hand-picked by Jakarta, voted unanimously to join 
Indonesia. Papua, to use Lolo's words, is still the weak man under Indonesian 

Human rights abuses by Indonesian security forces remain common. Peaceful 
protesters continue to receive long prison sentences. Papua is off-limits to 
most independent outside observers. And it remains poor and underdeveloped, 
despite the fact that it has abundant natural resources, including natural gas, 
minerals and timber. Papua has the worst poverty in Indonesia, with more than 
80 percent of households living below the poverty line. Papua has the biggest 
HIV problem in the country, with infection rates 15 times the national average.

Fact No. 3: Indonesia's president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, also has a close 
connection to Papua. Indonesia's military commander in Papua in the late 1960s 
was Brig. Gen. Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, who had previously led a bloody military 
campaign against Indonesian communists in Java. He would later become the 
father-in-law of a young Army captain named Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

The human rights situation in Papua remains poor. Human Rights Watch has for 
many years urged the Indonesian government to stop prosecuting peaceful Papuan 
protesters. We have asked the government to open Papua to international 
journalists, human rights researchers and other independent observers. If all 
is well in Papua, as the government claims, why do the Indonesian police and 
military require a surat jalan, or "walking permit," for any foreigner visiting 

Since the 1970s, political tensions and abuses by the Indonesian security 
forces have helped create a climate of fear in Papua. This continues to the 
present. Impunity remains a huge problem. For example, in November 2001, the 
Indonesian Army's Special Forces (Kopassus) kidnapped and killed Papuan 
separatist leader Theys Eluay in Jayapura. The then-commander of Kopassus in 
Papua, Lt. Col. Hartomo, denied involvement in the murder. But international 
outrage prompted the Indonesian Military Police to investigate.

In 2003, a court in Surabaya found seven Kopassus soldiers and officers, 
including Lt. Col. Hartomo, guilty of mistreatment and battery leading to 
Eluay's death, but crucially not of murder. Sentences served by the seven 
ranged from two to three and a half years. But Hartomo was not discharged from 
the Army. Instead, he is now Col. Hartomo, the head of Kopassus Group 1 in 
Serang, just a three-hour drive from Jakarta.

More than 130 people are currently imprisoned throughout Indonesia for peaceful 
expression, particularly in Papua and the Moluccas. Some have been sentenced to 
lengthy prison terms, including Papuan activist Filep Karma, who is serving a 
15-year sentence for raising the Papuan Morning Star flag in December 2004 in 
Jayapura. School teacher Johan Teterisa is serving 15 years for raising the 
Southern Moluccas Republic flag in June 2007 in Ambon.

For decades, the Indonesian authorities have treated the raising of the Morning 
Star and Southern Moluccas Republic flags as a crime because they are 
pro-independence symbols. Article 6 of Government Regulation No. 77/2007 
prohibits the display of the Morning Star flag in Papua, as well as the South 
Maluku Republic flag in Ambon, and the Crescent Moon flag in Aceh. But these 
prosecutions and the laws violate internationally protected rights to freedom 
of expression and peaceful assembly codified in the International Covenant on 
Civil and Political Rights, which Indonesia ratified in 2006.

As one who knows Indonesia, the long history of conflict in Papua, which 
impacted his stepfather, and how important basic freedoms are to the struggle 
of a minority for equality and access to political power, President Obama is 
the right man at the right time to ask the Indonesian government to release all 
prisoners who have peacefully exercised their rights to freedom of expression 
and assembly and to repeal laws that criminalize speech. He can explain how 
tolerance of dissent is fundamental to a democracy.

If Obama doesn't act on Papua, perhaps it will be because young Obama grew up 
in Jakarta, not in Papua. If he had, he would likely see the Papuan question 
from the point of view of the "weak man," of a victim. But if Obama does act, 
maybe then in Indonesia there will be a recognition that a strong man is one 
who assists the weak.

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