From: Barack Obama <>
To: NFN Ikranagara <>


NFN --

I'm writing to you on a great day for America.

This morning, I gathered with members of Congress, my administration, and 
hardworking volunteers from every part of the country to sign comprehensive 
health care reform into law. Thanks to the immeasurable efforts of so 
many, the dream of reform is now a reality.

The bill I just signed puts Americans in charge of our own health care by 
enacting three key changes:

It establishes the toughest patient protections in history.

It guarantees all Americans affordable health insurance options, 
extending coverage to 32 million who are currently uninsured.

And it reduces the cost of care -- cutting over 1 trillion dollars from 
the federal deficit over the next two decades.

To ensure a successful, stable transition, many of these changes will 
phase into full effect over the next several years.

But for millions of Americans, many of the benefits of reform will begin this 
year -- some even taking effect this afternoon. Here are just a 
few examples:

Small businesses will receive significant tax cuts, 
this year, to help them afford health coverage for all their employees.

Seniors will receive a rebate to reduce drug costs not 
yet covered under Medicare.

Young people will be allowed coverage under their 
parents' plan until the age of 26.

Early retirees will receive help to reduce premium 

Children will be protected against discrimination on 
the basis of medical history.

Uninsured Americans with pre-existing 
conditions can join a special high-risk pool to get the coverage 
they need, starting in just 90 days.

Insured Americans will be protected from seeing their 
insurance revoked when they get sick, or facing restrictive annual 
limits on the care they receive.

All Americans will benefit from significant new 
investments to train primary care doctors, nurses, and public health 
professionals, and the 
creation of state-level consumer assistance programs to help all 
patients understand and defend our new rights.

As I've said many times, and as I know to be true, this astounding 
victory could not have been achieved without your tireless efforts.

So as we celebrate this great day, I want to invite you to add your name where 
it belongs: alongside mine as a co-signer of this historic 
legislation. Organizing for America will record the names of co-signers 
as a permanent commemoration of those who came together to make this 
moment possible -- all of you who refused to give up until the dream of 
many generations for affordable, quality care for all Americans was 
finally fulfilled.

So, if you haven't yet, please add your name as a proud health care reform 
co-signer today:

Please accept my thanks for your voice, for your courage, and for your 
indispensable partnership in the great work of creating change.

History, and I, are in your debt.

President Barack 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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