Indonesia Without Sri Mulyani 

Written by Our Correspondent    
Monday, 31 May 2010 
Aigh! Is he back?
Outlook grim, experts say 

Now that Sri Mulyani Indrawati has come and gone as Indonesia's finance 
minister, the question that has to be asked is whether reformasi, the creation 
of a more open and liberal political environment, has been effectively buried 
by the successors to the oligarchs of the New Order period ruled over by the 
late strongman Suharto.

The signs are not good, almost as if, having rejected a foreign organism, the 
body is now sealing itself against other invasions. President Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono, after a successful first term, is emerging as a weak leader with 
little desire for hard choices or tough action. The legislature, having 
promised the passage of 70 pieces of legislature this year, has not passed a 
single bill since October. They have now slashed their goal to 17. The post of 
Central Bank governor has been vacant since Boediono resigned to become 
Yudhoyono's vice president.

Sri Mulyani was regarded as speaking for a new Indonesia, in which business 
would be transacted transparently and cases would be decided hopefully on their 
merits. But almost immediately on her departure, Indonesia's Supreme Court 
ruled that a high-profile tax case involving PT Kaltim Prima Coal, a company 
controlled by the empire of Aburizal Bakrie, be dropped. Three Bakrie group 
companies, including Bumi Resources, are accused of evading a total of Rp 2.1 
trillion (US$227 million) in taxes during the 2007 tax year. 

The odds that the government will ever see any of that money are fast 
disappearing. The Supreme Court's ruling was followed almost immediately by a 
call in the House of Representatives to remove three top officials of the 
Directorate General of Taxation. In short order, Golkar, the political party 
that Bakrie heads, was said to be introducing legislation to abolish the 
directorate altogether.

The question is whether Yudhoyono, who has won international plaudits as a 
reformer, was ever as much a reformer as advertised. As Sri Mulyani told Joe 
Cochrane in an interview with the Jakarta Globe, and reprinted in Asia Sentinel 
on May 27, during the president's first administration, then-Vice President 
Jusuf Kalla made sure that the interests were served of Golkar, a party 
established by Suharto and dominated by the old order of businessmen who 
believed the government and its resources were there to protect them and to 

Bakrie was and is the chief exponent of that philosophy, the 64-year-old 
patriarch of Bakrie Brothers group, Indonesia's biggest corporate entity. On 
two occasions, as the Bakrie telecoms-to-coal mining interests fell on hard 
times, government money was used to bail them out. On the third, during the 
global financial crisis that began in October of 2008 and melted down 
Indonesia's stock market, laying bare a raft of Bakrie stock manipulations, Sri 
Mulyani got in Bakrie's way and refused another bailout. That set off a 
two-year confrontation between the two, which Asia Sentinel first reported in 
October of 2008.

Yudhoyono allowed Sri Mulyani to overhaul two of the most corrupt and 
inefficient institutions in Indonesia; the customs and the tax offices. At the 
customs office, she removed 1,500 staff and replaced them with 800 new 
officers, raising their pay. And while cleaning out the port system appeared 
beyond reach, there is little doubt that she had an impact.

Yudhoyono has insisted that reform will go forward. His appointment of the 
Netherlands-born Agus Martowardojo, CEO of the Bank Mandiri, the country's 
largest bank, to replace her, has drawn cautious endorsement from the 
investment community. But it is clear that Bakrie, having adopted a months-long 
confrontational stance to get rid of Sri Mulyani, has steered Golkar close to 
the president, and he intends to stay there. Whatever Martowardojo's clout, it 
won't be enough to overcome Bakrie's.

What will come of her reforms? As much as her crusade to get rid of corruption, 
Sri Mulyani's more important role was to steer the economy. And on that, she 
got superlative marks from the time she took over from Bakrie, who served in 
the cabinet as Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, and who made a hash 
of his job. He was moved by Yudhoyono to the post of Coordinating Minister for 
Social Welfare. The influential Indonesian-language Koran Tempo editorialized 
that under Bakrie, "the economy staggered to a crawl. Inflation rates soared. 
The rupiah plummeted. All thanks to poor coordination among the economic team 
under Bakrie's command."

A turn back to the Suharto era doesn't mean an economic collapse, and it isn't 
likely to go back that far in any case. Indonesia, with a vast consumer market 
of 230 million people and some of the world's richest natural resources, 
remains a relatively attractive target for foreign investment in spite of the 
uncertainty. Despite looting the public treasury, Suharto brought in a cadre of 
economic professionals once known as the Berkeley Mafia for their study at the 
University of California. They brought inflation under control, privatized 
natural resources, passed labor laws relatively favorable to multinationals, 
divested many - though not all - state-owned companies and solicited funds and 
advice from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

In general, the country's economic progress, if slow, was steady until the 
1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis which exposed the extent of corruption of the 
Suharto family and their cronies. It does not appear now that Yudhoyono will 
become the center of the kind of personality cult that coalesced around 
Suharto. A lively and relatively sophisticated press, both English and 
Indonesian language, has grown up in the 12 years since the strongman was 
ousted. A flock of watchdog non-governmental organizations has come into being 
along with a growing middle class.

But no better metaphor for the government exists than a volcano of stinking mud 
that has been boiling out of the ground for almost exactly three years. It is 
Indonesia's worst manmade environmental disaster and it began on May 29, 2007 
when PT Lapindo Brantas, a Bakrie-owned company drilling for gas in East Java 
allegedly didn't cap the well correctly. Lapindo Brantas claims the rupture was 
caused by a distant earthquake fault. Bakrie has not been held to account for 
the disaster and won't be. Jakarta has assumed responsibility for cleaning up 
the disaster and the Environment Ministry awarded Lapindo Brantas its "Oscar" 
for complying with safety and environmental standards a year ago. Impunity 

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