Jihad Watch

Turks irked: Islamic supremacist Turkish PM says "Israel's behavior should 
definitely, definitely be punished...Today is the beginning of a new age. 
Things will never be the same again."
As Turkey embraces, and attempts to lead, the latest jihad against Israel, 
Turkey's Islamic supremacist Prime Minister fulminates about Israel's acts of 
defense against the Hamas-linked Jihad Flotilla. "Turkey's PM says Israel 
should be punished," by Pinar Aydinli and Tulay Karadeniz for Reuters, June 1:

  ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called Tuesday for 
Israel to be punished for storming a Turkish aid ship and said "nothing would 
ever be the same" in relations between the two allies. 
  Turkey was infuriated by the killing of nine people, including four Turks, 
during the Israeli assault Monday to stop a convoy of six vessels delivering 
aid to the Gaza Strip, and 368 Turks were still being held in Israel.

  "Israel's behavior should definitely, definitely be punished," a spirited 
Erdogan told a meeting of his parliamentary deputies broadcast on live 

  "No one should try to test Turkey's patience," he said.

  "The time has come for the international community to say 'enough'," he said. 
"The United Nations must not stop at its resolution condemning Israel, but 
stand behind its resolution."...

  "Israel should lift the inhumane embargo on Gaza right away. Killing innocent 
people is a wicked recklessness," he said.

  Erdogan has become popular throughout the Islamic world for his trenchant 
criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. With an election due by 
July next year, Erdogan could bolster support for his Islamist-leaning AK 

  "Today is the beginning of a new age. Things will never be the same again," 
he declared. "We will never turn our back on the Palestinians."...

Posted by Robert on June 1, 2010 9:27 AM | 16 Comments 
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