Friday, June 04, 2010 
09:28 Mecca time, 06:28 GMT 

Another aid ship on way to Gaza  
            Nine activists were killed when Israeli military raided an aid ship 
trying to break the Gaza siege [Reuters] 
Malaysia's government has urged Israel not to take any action that could harm 
people aboard a Malaysian-funded Irish aid ship, now heading to Gaza.

The MV Rachel Corrie is carrying 11 activists, including Mairead Corrigan, a 
Nobel Peace laureate, and eight crew members, just days after another aid 
vessel was boarded by Israeli soldiers who killed nine activists.

Anifah Aman, Malaysia's foreign affairs minister, said in a statement issued 
late on Thursday that the Israeli authorities should ensure a safe passage for 
the vessel to Gaza to deliver the humanitarian cargo.

The Rachel Corrie is funded by Perdana Global Peace Organisation, a Malaysian 
non-governmental organisation headed by Mahathir Mohamad, the country's former 
prime minister.

The vessel was 40km away from Port Said in Egypt on Friday morning, and hoped 
to arrive in Gaza on Saturday with a cargo of humanitarian aid.

Safe passage sought

Shamsul Akmar, one of the activists aboard the ship, told Al Jazeera that all 
the people on board are all peace activists.

"We do not know what to expect, but hope that we will be given safe passage to 
get the aid to Gaza," he said.

      IN DEPTH 
Despite fears of an Israeli attack, the peace activists are determined to try 
and break through the blockade.

"If the Israeli army attacks us and tries to board our ship, we will not 
attempt any resistance," Akmar said.

"We will take our boat, as far as possible and if they do come on board 
forcefully, we will not resist."

The ship is named after an American woman who was killed by an Israeli military 
bulldozer in the Gaza Strip in 2003, while trying to protest a house demolition.

Brian Cowen, the Irish prime minister, asked Israel to permit the Irish-owned 
aid ship to dock in Gaza.

Israeli offer

Israel has offered to escort the vessel and deliver the civilian aid for it and 
said Egypt was prepared to do the same.

But the activists said that they were concerned that not all cargo would be 

The ship has medical equipment, school supplies and cement, a material Israel 
has banned from entering Gaza.

      The Rachel Corrie is named for an American killed by an Israeli bulldozer 
in Gaza in 2003
Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister, said that Israel would not 
allow its Gaza blockade to be breached.

"No ship will reach Gaza. The Rachel Corrie will not reach Gaza," he told 
Israel Radio.

Mathias Chang, an activist from the Perdana Global Peace Organisation on board 
the ship, said that they were aware of the risk that the Israelis may intercept 
them, but were still determined to go ahead.

"We have told the whole world, and we have told the Israeli media and 
television, that we are peace activists," Chang said.

"If and when they intercept us, we will be waiting on the top deck of the ship, 
with nothing but the clothes on our backs."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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