27 May - 2 June 2010
Issue No. 1000
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

        The PLO's bargain
        Edward Said says that Yasser Arafat has failed to consult sufficiently 
widely, and has struck what looks like a poor bargain for the Palestinians 


        The "historical breakthrough" announced recently by the PLO and the 
Israeli government is basically a joint decision to signal a new phase of 
reconciliation between two enemies; but it also leaves Palestinians very much 
the subordinates, with Israel still in charge of East Jerusalem settlements, 
sovereignty, and the economy. Though I still believe in a two- state solution 
peacefully arrived at, the suddenly proposed peace plan raises many questions.

        The plan is unclear in its details (no one seems fully to grasp all its 
aspects), but plain enough in its broad outlines. Israel and the PLO will 
recognize each other. Israel will allow "limited autonomy" and "early 
empowerment" for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Jericho, a small West Bank 
town 90 kilometers away. Yasser Arafat is reported to be allowed a visit but 
not residence; a few hundred members of the Palestine Liberation Army, at 
present in Jordan, will be permitted to handle internal security, i.e. police 
work. Municipal oversight of health and sanitation, as well as education, 
postal services and tourism, will be covered by Palestinians. The Israeli army 
will re-position itself away from population centres, but will not withdraw for 
a while. Israel will control the land, water, overall security and foreign 
affairs in these "autonomous" areas. For the undefined future, Israel will 
dominate the West Bank, including the corridor between Gaza and Jericho, the 
Allenby bridge to Jordan, and almost all the water and land, a good percentage 
of which it has already taken. The question remains, how much land is Israel in 
fact going to cede for peace?

        There has been much talk of vast sums coming for development. One 
prominent Arab daily reported that Arafat was bringing $2.7 billion to the 
deal. The West Bank is supposed to get an additional $800 million. The 
Scandinavian governments are said to have pledged considerable amounts for West 
Bank and Gaza development; Arab governments and the United States are expected 
to be asked for money, although given the unfulfilled promises of the past, 
Palestinians are justifiably sceptical.

        Clearly the PLO has transformed itself from a national liberation 
government into a kind of small-town government, with the same handful of 
people still in command. PLO offices abroad -- all of them the result of years 
of costly struggle whereby the Palestinian people earned the right to represent 
themselves --are being closed, sold off, deliberately left to neglect. For the 
over 50 per cent of the Palestinian people not resident in the Occupied 
Territories -- 350,000 stateless refugees in Lebanon, twice that number in 
Syria, many more elsewhere -- the plan may be the final dispossession. Their 
national rights as people made refugees in 1948, solemnly confirmed and 
re-confirmed for years by the UN, the PLO, the Arab governments, indeed most of 
the world, now seem to have been annulled.

        All secret deals between a very strong and a very weak partner 
necessarily involve concessions hidden in embarrassment by the latter. Yes, 
there are still lots of details to be negotiated, as there are many 
imponderables to be made clear, and even some hopes either to be fulfilled or 
dashed. Still, the deal before us smacks of the PLO leadership's exhaustion and 
isolation, and of Israel's shrewdness. Many Palestinians are asking themselves 
why, after years of concessions, we should be conceding once again to Israel 
and the United States in return for promises and vague improvements in the 
occupation that won't all occur until "final status" talks three to five years 
hence, and perhaps not even then.

        We have not even had an explicit acknowledgment from Israel (which has 
yet to admit that it is an occupying power) that it will end the occupation, 
with its maze of laws and complicated punitive apparatus. Nothing is said about 
the 13,000 political prisoners who remain in Israeli jails. We must put into 
whatever is going to be signed (no one is sure by whom) that Palestinians have 
a right to freedom and equality and will concede nothing from that right. Can 
the Israeli army march in at will? Who decides and when? After all, limited 
"self-rule" is not something around which to mobilise or give long-term hope to 
people. Above all, Palestinians now must have the widest possible say in their 
future as it is largely about to be settled, perhaps irrevocably and unwisely. 
It is disturbing that the National Council has not been called into session, 
and that the appalling disarray induced by Arafat's recent methods has not been 

        Two weeks ago the only really independent members of the PLO Executive 
Committee, Mahmoud Darwish and Shafiq Al-Hout, resigned in protest; a few more 
are said to be considering the move. Hout said that Arafat became an autocrat 
whose personal handling of Palestinian finances was a disaster and, worse, 
accountable to no one. I count no more than a handful of people including 
Arafat who, with scant legal background, or experience of ordinary civil life, 
holed up in Tunis, have hatched decisions affecting almost 6 million people. 
There has been no consultation with Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. In the 
territories, the occupation has been getting worse, and this after 10 rounds of 
fruitless negotiations. When I was there this summer no one I spoke to failed 
to make the connection, blaming Arafat and the delegation members in equal 
measure. Then in July three leading negotiators resigned, bewailing Arafat's 
undemocratic methods, implying that while they bled themselves dry with the 
Israelis, Arafat had opened up a secret channel for his negotiations. They were 
subsequently brought back into line, leaving their fellow negotiator, the 
respected Gaza leader and delegation head Dr.Haidar Abdel-Shafi, to issue 
statements calling for "reform and democracy".

        With the PLO in decomposition and conditions in the territories 
abysmal, there never was a worse internal crisis for Palestinians than the one 
that began this past summer- that is, until Arafat fled into the Israeli plan, 
which in one stroke propels him onto centre stage again, and rids the Israelis 
of an unwanted insurrectionary problem that Arafat must now work at solving for 
them. I admire those few Palestinian officials who bravely aver that this may 
be the first step toward ending the occupation, but anyone who knows the 
characteristic methods of Yasser Arafat's leadership is better advised to start 
working for a radical improvement in present conditions.

        No political settlement of a long and bloody conflict can ever fit all 
the circumstances, of course. To be recognised at last by Israel and the United 
States may mean personal fulfillment for some, but it doesn't necessarily 
answer Palestinian needs or solve the leadership crisis. Our struggle is about 
freedom and democracy; it is secular and, for a long time- indeed up until the 
last couple of years -- it was fairly democratic. Arafat has cancelled the 
Intifada unilaterally, with possible results in further dislocations, 
disappointments and conflict that bode poorly for both Palestinians and 
Israelis. In recent years Arafat's PLO (which is our only national institution) 
refused to mobilise its various dispersed constituencies to attract its 
people's best talents. Now it plunges into a new phase, having seemed to 
mortgage its future without serious debate, without adequate preparation, 
without telling its people the full and bitter truth. Can it succeed, and still 
represent the Palestinian nation?

        Issue 133 - 9 September 1993

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