Israeli navy kills four Palestinians off Gaza coast
Men wearing diving suits were on their way to carry out an attack in Israel, 
claims military spokesman 

Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem and Adam Gabbatt, Monday 7 June 2010 12.11 BST 

 Hamas policemen inspect a boat on the coast of Deir al-Balah, in Gaza. 
Photograph: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images 

At least four Palestinians were killed when Israeli navy commandos opened fire 
on what they said was a squad of militants in diving suits off the coast of 
Gaza today.

The Palestinians "were on their way to carry out an attack in Israel", a 
military spokesman said.

The spokesman declined to give any further details about how the military had 
identified the men or what they had been doing in the sea.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a militant offshoot of Fatah, said the men killed 
were members of its marine unit and had been training. One Palestinian was 
missing, and there were no Israeli casualties.

The attack follows a week in which the Israeli navy has faced international 
criticism for its assault on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship in a flotilla 
carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, in which nine activists were killed.

An anonymous military official told Israel's army radio yesterday: "This will 
be a shot in the arm for the commandos after the hard week they have been 

Today's incident was followed by an air strike on what the military spokesman 
described as "terrorists trying to fire rockets into Israel" from the northern 
Gaza Strip.

He could not confirm casualties, although at least one Palestinian was believed 
to have been seriously injured.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said: "The bloody escalation today 
is a desperate attempt by the occupation government to divert the world 
attention away from the massacre committed against the flotilla."

Israel today released a list of five passengers aboard the Mavi Marmara whom it 
accused of having links with al-Qaida, Hamas and other militant organisations.

A statement from the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) named Ken O'Keefe, who it said 
was a US and British citizen, as a "radical anti-Israel activist and operative 
of the Hamas terror organisation".

"He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando 
unit for the Palestinian terror organisation," the statement said.

The British Foreign Office said O'Keefe did not have UK citizenship, while his 
website says he renounced his US citizenship on 1 March 2001.

O'Keefe, due to be deported to Ireland by Israel after attempting to reach Gaza 
on the Mavi Marmara, rejected the charges as "slanderous".

The IDF said the other passengers with alleged terrorist links were Fatimah 
Mahmadi, a US resident; two Turkish citizens, Hassan Iynasi and Hussein Urosh; 
and a French citizen, Ahmad Ummimon.

According to Israeli media reports, the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has 
held at least half a dozen telephone conversations with world leaders over the 
past few days. He has faced intense pressure to agree to an international 
commission of inquiry into the assault on the aid flotilla.

The Israeli government is keen to deflect an international investigation, 
preferring an internal inquiry, possibly with limited US representation.

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