Posted by:      "a b"         
      Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:15 pm        (PDT)    


Kita wartawan sering dipuji orang karena dianggap punya antena
skeptisisme dan radar pendeteksi tipu2. Sekarang, orang mungkin
mendikson besar2an semua itu. Tak Barat tak Timur, posting blogger di
bawah ini isyarat kuat betapa banyak media televisi yang jatuh dalam
perangkap Hasbara, mesin propaganda Israel. 

Beberapa saat lepas pembunuhan aktivis dan wartawan di Freedom
Flotilla, Deplu Israel mengeluarkan sebuah video yang mereka sebut
memuat "bukti keberingasan" aktivis di kapal MV Mavi Marmara. Di ambil
dengan menggunakan kamera infrared, video itu memperlihatkan apa yang
israel sebut sebagai aksi sepasukan komando di atas Mavi Marmara dan
perlawan sengit para penumpang kapal itu. Video ini kemudian menghiasi
banyak layar teve dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Media menelan begitu
saja, berikut narasi versi Israel, tanpa skeptisisme sedikitpun.

Sepekan berlalu dan wow. Sekelompok orang2 sipil di dunia maya rupanya
coba memeriksa otensitas video itu dan mereka sampai ke kesimpulan ini:
isi video itu bohong belaka. Kalau klaim mereka ini benar, rasa2nya
korps wartawan telah ditempiling tiga kali dan tidak melawan. 

Tautan berita, gambar dan videonya di sini: 

http://info- 2010/06/10/ video-israel- defense-force- video-of- 
siege-of- %E2%80%98mavi- marmara%E2% 80%99-hoaxed/


------------ --------- --------- --------- ---

Video: Israel Defense Force video of siege of `Mavi Marmara' Hoaxed!

June 10, 2010 by Infowars Ireland 

Three sleuth posters working together at conspiracy forum proved the Israeli Defense Force footage of the attack
on the Mavi Marmara was a deliberate fabrication as seen in this video
originally broadcast by SKY NEWS:

Forum link: http://www.aspsyste forum.php? showmsg=25786

The unraveling of this tall tale on the high seas began on the morning
of Friday, June the 4th when the poster known as Shadow made the
following remark to another forum poster known as JayRodney:

"I had a close look at web pics of the Mavi Marmara and the ship in the
vid that shows the Turks attacking the IDF as they land. I do not
believe it is the same ship. Compare them though, I'd like your opinion
on it."

To which JayRodney responded: "I have to conclude by my initial
observation `Mavi Marmara' should be visible 36-37 seconds into the
video. Octo is getting screen shots and we will make the best
comparison based upon available evidence.

I think it's safe to call shenanigans. It looks suspiciously like
Mossad Productions, I'd say the margin of error is less than 1%. This
is most assuredly propaganda."

Then the proverbial bomb was dropped, irrefutable evidence provided in the form 
of an animated .gif file:

The poster known as Octo said: "ok, the pics are from slightly
different angles, but to the best of my knowledge at approximately the
same place of the ship(s) superimposed: doesn't even look like the same
ship to me."

Proof positive! The boats name should have been visible in at least one
frame of the SKY NEWS video. Not only is the ships designation `Mavi
Marmara' conspicuously absent, but the entire vessel is clearly
different; it's not the same boat!

This IDF footage is clearly fabricated, I wonder how the Israeli government 
will explain this away?

Source: Here


Related posts:

1. Civilians Under Attack by Israel Written by Free Gaza Team (Cyprus, June 1, 

2. Proof emerges IDF audio of radio communication with Mavi Marmara is
fabricated Editors Note: After listening to this audio I cannot...

3. Video: Irish Citizen, ex-US Marine Ken O'Keefe Disarmed Two Israeli
Commandos To Stop Killings On The Mavi Marmara While in Israeli custody
I, along with everyone...

   4. Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet english.aljazeera. net Monday, May 31, 2010 
Israeli forces have attacked...

BOAT!! irish4palestine. blogspot. com...

   6. AlJazeera Video: Israeli troops storm Gaza flotilla AlJazeeraEnglish — 
30 May 2010 — Israeli forces have...

7. Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla
Israeli government press office distributed video link featuring

   8. Mavi Marmara Activist and Member of Knesset Threatened with Death Kurt 
Nimmo June 3, 2010 Can you imagine...

9. Israel to ease blockade in swap for low-key raid probe By Adrian
Blomfield in Jerusalem www.independent. ie Wednesday June 09...

10. Israel: We don't want a confrontation with Gaza-bound ship `Rachel
Corrie' Foreign Ministry issues a statement saying Israel has no...

Filed Under: State Terror



22 Responses to "Video: Israel Defense Force video of siege of `Mavi Marmara' 

1. desso on June 10th, 2010 8:15 PM

Wow! this is crazyÂ…

I did a web search for photos of the shipÂ…

It's true the Israelis faked the whole thingÂ…

Turkey is going to go crazy!

2. NelsonC on June 10th, 2010 9:06 PM

what the f is going on. doesn't truth exist anymore. Everything in the media is 

3. melka on June 10th, 2010 9:13 PM

I'm no hasbara propagandista, but the video released by the IDF was
shot in infrared. I'm not sure the name "Mavi Marmara" could have been
distinguishable in infrared, being painted on the ship and having the
same temperature as the rest of the metal around it. I don't see either
how the boat on the picture is different from the one on the video,
could you explain it a bit more ?

What's bothering me on the video is why they blurred all the
informations, like the time etcÂ… that you usually see on this kind of
footage (just check the Collateral Murder video leaked by WikiLeaks,
infrared footage shot from an helicopter, you can see everything :
time, heading, etcÂ…).

4. imp on June 10th, 2010 10:07 PM

What persuades me that the whole thing is staged is the bad acting and the even 
worse directing. Just ask yourself:

1. Why aren't they shaking or twirling the soldiers off the ropes?

2. Why does it seem like they're swinging the poles in slow motion?

3. Why is it that we don't actually see a soldier being hit hard with a
pole? (ie, the soldiers `fall' onto the deck out of camera view and the
boat people could be swinging at bare deck for all we can tell.)

4. Why is the soldier being carefully lowered over the side onto a lifeboat — 
instead of being tossed into the water?

5. Why are the civilians thoughtfully letting the drifting ropes swing
back to center deck instead of throwing the ends over the side?

The choreography of the fight appears so contrived that it's less like
a pirate film and more like community summer stock pirate theater. The
Mossad has the best schemers and plotters in the world, but apparently
all the good Jewish actors and directors are in Hollywood.

Moreover in Hollywood, they have goyim stunt doubles to make it seem real.

"Avi, don't swing at his legs while he's coming down! You could break
them! Let him come down all the way and then pretend to push him. Let
him fall on his own and roll out of the way before you start swinging.
Got it? Okay, from the top, begin take!"

5. Laura Sen on June 10th, 2010 10:09 PM

Murderers and LiarsÂ….God Bless Furkan Dogan.

6. David Dodge on June 10th, 2010 11:06 PM

It's the TDI Karadeniz , the Mavi Marmara's sister ship. It was
recently sold to a Greek company and renamed "Dream". In the IDF video
you can clearly see the painted over "Turkish Maritime Lines" that was
never on the Mavi Marmara.

http://www.shipspot modules/myalbum/ photo-301663- TDI+KARADENIZ+ 

7. Lenny Hastings on June 11th, 2010 12:49 AM

I was very careful in looking at the bridge of the ship and these were
definitely two different vessels. Take the time to study just the
bridge and it becomes obvious.

8. ic2dcom on June 11th, 2010 12:55 AM

Take a look at the Radar dome on the ship. It's a different shape.

9. desso on June 11th, 2010 6:19 AM

Were the Greeks working with mossad?

They hate the turks, it would explaine alot like refusing to let ships
dock for repaie letting them use the sistership for their cinema etcÂ…

So much for the EU what a joke it is. The Turks don't know how lucky their are 
not to have been let join.

10. desso on June 11th, 2010 6:31 AM

Why the video is a fake.

1. There is no genuine violence shown in the video just a lot of
motion. It doesn't show a single case of anyone actually being hit by
anything at all. We're supposed to assume that it's happening outside
of our vision (like in stage magic). And they even tell us what we are
supposed to imagine seeing with notes on the screen.

2. It's not even the right ship.

      The peace ship has a metal framework support for a shade awning that 
covers nearly the entire outside deck.

      There is no sign of that awning in the IDF video.

The framework can be seen in this video from 1:08 to 1:15. com/watch

3. Fake wave motion.
 Although they tried to fake wave motion
by moving the camera around and rolling it from side to side, there is
zero variation of relative vertical position between the ship being
filmed and the ship from which the film was supposedly made. When the
photographer stops moving the camera the two boats don't have any
relative motion to each other.

      That's impossible at sea.

4. Fake infrared

      The hijacking occurred at night but the video was clearly made in broad 

They have photoshopped in a lot of brightness and contrast trying to
fake Infrared night photography. But the result isn't even close.
Genuine infrared photography has almost zero halftones. Every pixel is
either black or white. The IDF video is full of halftones.

5. The passengers fully knew they would be arrested and that was their stated 

Why in the world would they attack armed assault troops when they
wanted to be arrested as a means of protesting Israel's inhumanity. Why
would they court death and destroy the very reason for their coming in
the first place?

Compare for yourself

      genuine nighttime infrared video versus daylight video bleached out to 
supposedly simulate infrared.

1. genuine infrared video taken from the helicopter.

      (starts after several seconds) com/watch

notice, there are no halftones at all

      everything is either black or white.

2. the faked IDF video, obviously taken in broad daylight and then photo-edited 
to try to fake infrared night video. com/watch

      notice that it's full of halftones


      Watch the real aerial video carefully again and watch for any sigh of the 
supposed violence on the faked IDF video.

I couldn't see any sign whatsoever of passenger violence on the genune
video. The passengers are obviously frightened and they obey orders to
move, stop, and lie down.

11. desso on June 11th, 2010 6:57 AM

God the more I look at it I get crazy for having been so stupid not to have my 
eyes more open.

All the lifeboat hoistes are also missingÂ…

How stupid they think the public isÂ…

Or they just don't give a dam about the publicÂ…

12. nota on June 11th, 2010 9:16 AM

Just want to point out here the OTHER video that IDF finally had to admit it 
was `faked':

      IDF admits doctoring audio of raid on Gaza flotilla

      http://rawstory. com/rs/2010/ 0606/idf- admits-doctoring -audio-gaza- 

But that's not all:

      Nailed Again: IDF Description of Suspicious Photo It Distributed Is 

      http://www.uruknet. de/?s1=1& p=66816&s2= 09


      A Closer Look at Israel's Terror Accusations de/international /world/0, 1518,699509, 00.html


13. droid on June 11th, 2010 10:43 AM

Or that maybe they just moved the banner?

14. chris on June 11th, 2010 11:20 AM

Israel , Rothchilds, rockafellers , UNIONS!!!! They wanna make us a
union and then Asia a union so they can do this over and over and over
again . China will do it if they are the power center the USA holds
right now. This country will become a playground for all the
attrocities like this to come if we let them turn us into a UNION. All
this is , is an attempt to control Gaza at any cost . 1st thing, lift
GAZA , 2nd support IRAN and other weaker nations. There must be
balance. We all exist together here. Israel is the only nation that
thinks religiously we are all animals ,even USA . Thats why they do
what they do. Before they did all this quietly , now they are making
the bold chess moves to take over those territories and ethnic cleans
them from existence. If they get what they want (take over Palestine) .
DUMB (deep underground bases) will be put in and people are gonna start
disappearing to them to be tortured and murdered. They will do this all
over the planet starting there. Israel is ENEMY to USA, always has been
always will be. They steal our secrets ,steal our money , infect
hollywood ,control our show business, they allow only jews Guns and
Roses song "Welcome to the jungle " should have been called "welcome to
israel " . Noone knows till they get there and see jews everywhere.
Wont meet or even talk to you if you arent jew. Look at the brown
haired ,brown eyed jew actors in american tv, research family lines and
you will be shocked!. Nothing on tv can be trusted . Yet thats all
people have to keep them informed and why they wanna control internet
due to us posting stories like this . We must get rid of israel and let
them try to do this crap on their own and we can all watch them
disappear into oblivion with their pathetic set of beliefs going with
them. As far as Iran , a gorgeous history laden country . The leader
more then fair in his points. Anyone would be provoked hearing g20
assholes are trying to green light USA to air strike Iran. Like Iraq -a
fake war . To distract us from the real issues. They will get war
profiteering out of it and tons of cash, death does not matter , its we
who die so what do they care. Until we take the real problem out , this
will only get worse. The people doing this are so evil that they will
create the revelations if need be.

15. Cheryl in Canada on June 11th, 2010 11:47 AM

This old girl said to her husband on DAY 1 of the IDF video release
that it was a"Wag-the-Dog" production. But when I posted that on
another forum, it was `moderated' and never appeared. The Mavi Marmara
tragedy is a LITMUS TEST of where people really stand. Anyone who has
defended Israel on this needs to be put on a personal list – just so
we never again believe another lying word they way.

16. luckee1 on June 11th, 2010 1:33 PM

I have linked your site here on my upload on the Israeli spoof! Israeli
Callous Spoof: Flotilla Choir presents_ We Con the World 
com/watch? v=URdj8gO0Mpw& feature

Fantastic work guys!! Keep pursuing the truth.

17. Billy on June 11th, 2010 2:23 PM

Doesn't surprise me in the least. In fact its to be expected.

18. ray on June 11th, 2010 4:09 PM


19. IDF Video Faked? « Make A Left Back There on June 11th, 2010 6:25 PM

[...] http://info- 2010/06/10/ video-israel- defense-force- video-of- 
siege-of- %e2%80%98mavi- marmara%e. .. [...]

20. Hans on June 11th, 2010 6:31 PM

@ desso: They think the public IS stupid AND they don´t give a dam
about the public.. because they are the "chosen people" – Jews..

21. Oggi on June 11th, 2010 6:54 PM

Dream (ex-Tdi Karadeniz, IMO 9005871) CALLSIGN 9HCX8

      Sister ship: Mavi Marmara.

Ship Details

      IMO: 9005871

      Ship typ: Passenger Ship

      Tonnage: 4326 tons

      DWT: 524 tons

      Build: 1997

      Flag: Malta

BUILDER Turkiye Gemi Shipbuilding

      OWNER: Loral

      MANAGER:Loral —– http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Loral_Corporatio n


      http://beta. shipspotting. com/ship_ photo/DREAM_ IMO_9005871_ CALLSIGN_ 
9HCX8/258076/ F

      http://media. shipspotting. com/uploads/ photos/rw/ 301663/Ship+ 
Photo+TDI+ KARADENIZ+ and+MAVI+ MARMARA.jpg (ship left)


22. jim on June 12th, 2010 3:51 AM

had a look and i reached the same conclusion a few others have–the
ship is a similar model to the mavi marmara, probably produced by the
same company around the same time. however the ship itself IS NOT the
mavi marmara. the two ships' interiors have completely different
makeups. we must spread the word of this before more fall for the fake



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