Turkey: Bringing Together Soap Opera Fans and Religious Figures

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid

Last summer, airplanes traveling to Turkey were filled with young man and women 
who were fans of the Arabic-dubbed Turkish soap opera "Noor." Record number of 
Arab tourists paid a visit to Turkey last summer, holidaying in the land of 

As for this summer, it is preachers, imams, and religious figures who are 
rushing to Turkey, with preachers appearing on television screens calling for 
viewers to support Turkey and spend their summer holidays there. 

Therefore this summer soap opera fans and religious people have - unusually - 
joined in their love of Turkey, which has become a common ground between them 
whereas previously it was a source of dispute between the two groups. This was 
after Imams last year attacked Turkey's "shameless" soap operas, and called for 
the Arab public to boycott them. In contrast, merely mentioning Turkey this 
year elicits praise and support from everybody for the first time since the 
collapse of the Turkish Ottoman Caliphate. 

Is the Arab's unexpected love for the Turks - for conflicting reasons - a 
blessing or a curse? 

The fundamentalist camp believes that their promotion and support of Turkey for 
its stance against Israel annoys the moderate Arab camp, however this is not 
true, and in fact Turkey is a extremely suitable model that should be studied 
and followed [by the Arabs]. Turkey is certainly no Iran, and Edrdogan's 
Islamic-oriented [Justice and Development] party is no Hamas or Muslim 
Brotherhood; the Turks are not Salafist or Shiite extremists, they do not wear 
burqas or turbans. There is a high degree of liberalism in Turkey which is 
ahead of the Arab world by numerous decades. 

Since the extremists are happy with Turkey today, let us hope that maybe they 
can learn something new from the Turks. The extremists are currently forgiving, 
or at least turning a blind eye to, the Turkish spirit of liberalism and the 
Turkish [political] secularism, however we are aware that their position 
towards Turkey is a temporary and selective one. They are raising Turkey's red 
crescent flag because Ankara took up a courageous political position against 
Israel, and these extremists are therefore trying to shame the Arab regimes by 
pointing to Turkey's example. In other words, they do not truly care what is 
happening to Israel so much as they want to embarrass their own governments. 

Our region is in a state of witnessing continual protests, and those who are 
protesting or complaining were obliged to raise images of Hassan Nasrallah, 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Osama Bin Laden, and Ayman al-Zawahiri, until their 
popularity waned because of their failure to confront Israel and the West in 
general. Now, there is support for Turkey, and this is most reassuring, for 
Turkey is one of the most politically moderate, scientifically advanced, and 
liberal, countries in the region. 

The average Arab citizen needs a leader that he can follow and imitate. The 
Arabs are in a continual state of searching for a hero, and we have today 
raised the figure of [Turkish PM] Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This searching for a 
hero is a constant Arab characteristic, but it is also something that everybody 

The Arabs can be excused for their ongoing search for heroes beyond their 
borders, from Iran to Afghanistan to Turkey, because this is something that has 
been enforced upon them due to the sense of defeat that has persisted over the 
previous decades, and particularly with regards to the conflict with Israel. 
There were defeats in 1947, 1948 [Arab - Israeli war], 1956 [Suez Crisis], 1967 
[Six Day War], and 1973 [Yom Kippur War], not to mention the scenes of refugees 
living in refugee camps for half a century and counting, and the daily 
humiliation of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories. The Arabs 
need heroes from abroad, or to resurrect dead heroes from the past, whether 
this is Saddam Hussein or Jamal Abdul-Nasser; forgiving their mistakes, their 
inflammatory rhetoric, and their authoritarianism in the face of their need to 
confront the enemy. 

However I hope that Turkey will now become our role model, not just in 
combating Israel, but also in how to reconcile the past with the past; this is 
due to Turkey's long experience following the collapse of the Ottoman empire 
and the country's transition into the new world. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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